I'm not a fan of Lost Girl(I have nothing against it, it's just not my thing), but I am a huge fan of Ksenia. Unfortunately for fans of Lost Girl, if the rumors about Ksenia being the female lead for the new Star Wars trilogy are true(and it's starting to look like they are), I really doubt she'll be coming back. If she does, it'll only be as a guest star.
Season five of Lost Girl and Star Wars Episode VII both begin filming right around the same time. I'm not sure how long principal photography takes for a season of Lost Girl, but Episode VII is scheduled to film for six months(and it films in the U.K.). On top of that, if she is in the new Star Wars films, she's going to be in all of them. That means very little free time to do any television shows.
If she's not going to be in Star Wars, then yeah, she'll probably be back.