You are right. There is also the possibility she being "used" for publicity by the movie producers. Sometime in the movie industry, "unconfirmed" news are announced for a new movie to promote it to get more support from financiers.
There are many possibilites:
a) She was never really considered for the movie but her BIG name used for publicity;
b) She was considered for the movie but contract not signed yet due to some reason like unpaid deposit, etc;
c) She never accept to that movie in the first place;
d) She left the movie on her own;
e) She was really considered for the movie but dropped before production starts.
So the last possible reason is only 20% yet reporters wrote as if that is the only possible truth. Actually it also reflect how inmature is the chinese or asian news industry. In the west, such "uncertain" news will not even be published.
In fact, anyone in his right sound mind can figure that (e) is the least possible because ZZ or her manager never make any announcement that they are involved in that movie.
Just during the last 2 days, she got 3 "news".
1) She has a rendevous with Zhao Wei's husband in Singapore but Zhao Wei told the press yesterday "please don't get anyone not in the movie industry involved". Strange is "IF" ZZ really is involved with Zhao Wei's husband, why should they meet in Singapore when Zhao Wei is residing there now ?
2) She was initially considered to be a "guest of honour" for a certain function but dropped. If it is true, it only showed this organisers has no integrity for announcing it. I hardly heard of such news in the West. It's just like an actor or actress announcing they rejected any roles and passed to others. Any professionals with good ethics will never make such announcements even if they are true. Furhermore such announcement only make the announcer himself or herself stupid because no one may believe them.
3) She was wanted and cast by a director for a leading role in a new movie. Again, ZZ or her manager never mention anything. She could be just "used" again because her name is big.
One thing is sure, all the news of her was mostly written by others and she or her manager NEVER asked for it like some cheap singers/actresses who face reporters to create news on their own.
For this I really respect this lady. It proved she is not cheap or eager for making news. She is confident.