MovieChat Forums > Neil Young Discussion > Neil Young Demands Spotify Remove His Mu...

Neil Young Demands Spotify Remove His Music Over ‘False Information About Vaccines’


Remember when Neil Young was super against streaming and itunes and what not, and he teamed up with some developer to make his own version of an ipod, which was like this huge triangle brick thing, and he was adamant that you would only be able to get his music digitally through that device? Well I sure remember. I was shocked to learn his music was on spotify at all. What a hoser.


Young is a tool. Nobody cares if he's on Spotify or not.


I’m sure Neil knows a lot more about mRNA than the…inventor…of…mRNA? 🙄 I’d love for Neil to actually point out the “false” parts and allow a rebuttal. He’d be made an utter fool of. Why are boomers just so awful?


he's not a credible expert though! We shouldn't even give these experts who are criticizing the Covid response a listen because they'll mislead us with misinformation.

Their definition of not credible being anyone who's criticizing them or Fauci or the Covid response here.


Not a credible expert?? Robert Malone is about as credible as you're going to get with mRNA. He's no more or less credible than Fauci! Fauci is all over the map. Malone has actually been fully vaccinated but now regrets it. How do *you* know he's "misleading us with information"? Why are you so confident? What is your expertise to question Malone?

By your logic *anyone* who criticizes the vaccine is not credible and that's just silly. There are two sides to every story and you're just choosing to believe what you want to believe. Just read about the Swine Flu vaccine for starters. Read about Gates failed polio vaccine that actually *gave* 1000's of kids polio instead. We'd be morons to *not* ask questions or at least be hesitant about a clearly rushed vaccine (Under TRUMP of all people). It's *still* not FDA approved. And even still, every lawsuit ad you see on TV about a medicine that hurt someone was FDA approved. Pfizer has been sued multiple times for lying, lobbying, and falsifying data. Pfizer also has the largest fine ever in history against them but can still give you this drug with impunity! If you get myocarditis or a blood clot that smokes you while you're asleep? Tough shit! There is a litany of failed drugs that didn't reveal their danger until many years later.

So yeah, anyone who wants to hear all sides of the story I think is intelligent and doing their due diligence. Anyone who just falls in lockstep with the govt. and thinks all they want to do is "help" needs to take a step back and re-evaluate their reality. And why in the heck would they attempt to MANDATE a therapeutic on the population? That's the real issue. You can vaccinate your brains out for all I care. But the efficacy of this therapeutic coupled with the mortality rate of COVID hardly warrants a mandate. I've listened to Fauci. I've listened to Malone. I've listened to Israel, Europe, etc. I listen to a lot of opinions and there's no way in heck this therapeutic should be mandated.


I've noticed people the people who really want Rogan cancelled also think the vaccine stops Covid from spreading (I admit I don't know everything young believes, but I'd love to hear him opine on specifics when it comes to Rogan's misinformation) even though Fauci himself has admitted that everyone will get it, vaccinated or unvaccinated. I also saw a poll that people on the left tend to vastly overestimate the risk of being hospitalized if you get Covid.

They also tend to think that Rogan said horse dewormer or Ivermectin cured his Covid or that he's telling people the vaccines don't work. I haven't watched every minute of his show, but he's always said that he didn't know whether Ivermectin even helped him get better. He tried it because other countries were trying it. The media likes to claim that the medical community is agreement on the Covid response, but doctors in other countries are doing some things differently.

It's funny hearing people who believe these things telling you you're a gullible idiot for listening to Rogan at all and the are trusting media outlets telling them these things.


My guess is all this publicity made more people go listen to Joe Rogan just to see what his podcasts are all about.


Exactly. All this bashing by them of ANYBODY who leans right of center or questions even slightly the MSM narrative is just going to turn people against them.


The hippies have become EXACTLY what they were against in the 60's/70's.....

Oh, the irony......!
