MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > We, the American people, will have a con...

We, the American people, will have a convicted felon in the White House

Isn't THAT special?


On top of that, we'll have a creepy sexual predator who lies constantly, each lie being swallowed whole by the MAGA bunch as if it were gospel.


We just had 4 years of one, I think you’ll survive


@KingBob......Biden is NOT a convicted felon. Did you not know that?


I know , because the justice system is systematically designed to favor liberals. In a fair system the son of a bitch would have been thrown in federal prison a long time ago.


It's certainly historic. And it probably pisses him off to no end.


And the corrupt Biden crime family is still free.


@NukeDude.......there is zero evidence of Joe Biden wrong doing. Care to show us the evidence? Thanking you in advance. Mind you, I'm no Joe Biden cheerleader. In fact I DID NOT vote for him or Trump in the 2020 election. So there is that.


Now the appeals process can gut it completely and expose it for the political witch hunt it really is (was).


Nothing will happen except more lies, grifts and some two handed double jerk dances!
Oh, and lots of golf!


Hahahahahha 8 months ago you people were so confident he was going to jail. That so didn’t age well.

Quit being so negative and learn your place.


Yup, it will be overturned on appeal.

Trump gave them the opportunity to do the right thing and the SCOTUS justices exposed themselves in the process.

Merchan wasn't even an actual judge, he was an "acting judge" selected specifically to weaponize the law against Trump while violating several laws in the process.


@tvfan.......Thank you for your conspiracy theories. I'll bet you've got LOTS of them.


You can't afford to be this naive.


But only you, the American lunatics, care about that "conviction".
Proud that Hunter get away with everything? Well, that's telling...


@Pete314.......I honestly don't give a shit what Hunter did or will do. He was never my President. Get over it and STOP deflecting when Trump is the subject of this thread.


So you don’t care about Hunter Bidens taken payments from foreign shell companies in places like China and Russia, and making monthly payments to his father, the president.

But you care about Trump fucking a porn star years before he became president and paying her to sign an NDA. That is what is really important.


The subject of this thread is your TDS. Find some help...


Here's a breakdown of the manufactured case against Trump.

You and Ranb and other idiots who have severe TDS can suck it.


So Armstrong questions a "yes man" in Congress and it is supposed to mean something, why? Who was this guy he was questioning and was he being truthful?
