MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Keeps Lying that 'everybody' wanted Roe ...

Keeps Lying that 'everybody' wanted Roe Vs. Wade overturned

Even Democrats. According to numerous polls. Democratic support for Roe exceeded 80% in many polls and 90% in some polls.

He also said that “every legal scholar” wanted Roe overturned.

He just gets away with telling the most absurd, easily debunked lies.


But he’s the greatest president in the history of the United States, in the world, in the universe!

And he’s smarter than any other President in history, than any other person in the US, in the world, in the universe!


@Ziggy......You think Trump is smart? Seriously? The man is a moron. He has no smarts to speak of. I don't think you would know "smart" if it bit you in the ass.

EDIT: I just realized that you probably were just making a joke.


I really was joking (lol). He is an absolute moron, and it horrifies me that anyone takes him seriously.


Please provide something showing us that Skamala is smarter. I am absolutely sure you can't...


Wow! You put a “S” in front of her name. How childish and petty.

Kamala graduated from law school.

Kamala knows the difference between Springfield and Akron.

Kamala knows that her constituents are too smart to fall for ignorant comments like, “Hannibal Lecter … what a guy.”


You failed to use the word "holistical" at least 4 times like your idiot candidate would do...


She also flunked the bar exam and required repeat tries.

Ms Clinton is on this list also.


It usually does take two or three tries to pass the bar. That exam is no joke.


Is this supposed to denote that she’s not intelligent? Have you taken the bar exam? Do you know what is involved and why so many people have to take it multiple times to pass?

Maybe you should investigate that before using this as an example of low intelligence.


Please provide something showing us that Skamala is smarter.

Given that Trump has shown us for decades that he's a total imbecile I would say he is the one case where proof is not required. It goes without saying that any given person is smarter than Trump until someone proves they are as stupid as Trump.

Trump is so fucking stupid he thinks if he says a lie enough times it comes true , like a magic fairy wish.
he thinks if he puts "i heard" at the start or "everybody says so" at the end this makes it true


And yet you failed to provide ONE simple thing showing us that Skamala is smarter... All I see is your TDS...


Yes, that was the point of my post - to illustrate that that is not necessary .

A question like "Is a monkey smarter than a snail?" does not need an answer , but , if you really want one :
off the top of my head:

"KH has never claimed that wind turbines give people cancer."


Trump is still the most popular President in the past 200 years. More people talk about Trump than those other people.


@Bubba..........Trump surely does get a lot of people talking about him but not in a good way. The man is a convicted felon, incited an insurrection on the US Capitol and has lied about a stolen election for that past four years. Trump has finally admitted that he lost the 2020 election. How is that for discussion starters? LOL.


More people talk about Hitler than any other dictator, he's pretty popular too. Assholes get spoken about.

That has nothing to do with the topic here now does it?


What was the topic here? Demonstration of TDS?


Looks like it was the overturning of Roe vs wade. Do you often have trouble understanding or identifying the topic of conversation?


Yes, it started when I watched a Kamala interview 😂🤣


You had the entire internet at, "He Keeps Lying!



Other politicians tell believable lies, the lies Trump tells are so laughably stupid.


Wait, you mean transgender illegal aliens aren't eating our cats? Whew! Princess Fluffikins will be so relieved...


Only the BLACK transgender illegal aliens are, they already ate Lord Tubbington with a side of collard greens and a sweet potato pie!

Because you know how black and brown people are, we won't be safe until they are all in camps.

Heil Trump!


This is pure BS. Trump in incapable of lying. He's the only person in the universe that doesn't have that flaw! It's like God set him out on this mission as President.
