The President of Peace
He is the only one who can stop the war in Ukraine,and who can avoid World War 3.
shareHe is the only one who can stop the war in Ukraine,and who can avoid World War 3.
shareyup, ended a 20 year war and there were no new wars under the leadership of President Trump.
sharePeople keep on repeating this stupid claim. There were several conflicts raging the entire time Trump was in office; some of them started during his administration. Look here;
sharerussia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Trump came to office in 2016. russia-Ukraine was active during his whole presidency. And he was kissing putins butt whole time. Like a coward he is
sharethat was Crimea in 2014, know your history. Obama let Russia invade a country and Quitter Joe let Russia invade a country. Quitter Joe also let Hamas invade Israel. so now we have 2 active wars going on.
sharerussia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Trump came to office in 2016. russia-Ukraine was active during his whole presidency.
sharerussia invaded crimea in 2014 and Ukraine in 2022.
The current conflict in Ukraine began on 24 February 2022 when Russian military forces entered the country from Belarus, Russia and Crimea.
You are an idiot.
why did Obama let Russia invade Ukraine?
so basically, Obama let Russia invade Ukraine in 2014 and Joe let Russia invade Ukraine again in 2022. Joe said that Putin was skeered of him, why did Putin risk the wrath of Joe?
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to! It's all part of Barack HUSSEIN Obama's evil master plan to take back the presidency via Joe and Kamala...
shareI wouldnt doubt it honestly, Joe is too old and stupid to walk and wave at the same time. the sad part is that Kamelatoe is a worse option than Joe!
shareCrimea is Ukraine. Did you skip geography in school?
It's like saying: "russia invaded Alaska in 2026. And then invaded USA in 2027".
russia not only invaded Crimea in 2014. But also 2 more Ukraine regions - Donetsk and Luhansk oblast. Ukraine worked well with the small resources they had. And was closing on russian+separatist forces. And was on the edge of kicking them out from Donetsk and Luhansk oblast. That's when russia invaded with their soldiers and attacked Ukraine forces. To which Ukraine army could not fight back since army was in bad state in Ukraine. And "minsk agreements" happened where russia and Ukraine agreed to stop at where everyone were. So called "peace agreement". Still russian forces attacked Ukrainian daily on the line. Then 8 years later russia broke peace agreement and invaded again with full force.
In short - The current russia-Ukraine war began in 2014 when russia invaded and occupied different parts of Ukraine.
I guess they don't teach that in "trump school for traitors".
why did Obama let Russia invade Ukraine? was there a military response from the US and NATO?
so basically, Russia invaded Ukraine twice and Trump wasnt President at the time.
It's funny and sad how trumpists think that everything in the world revolves around America and that terrorists and dictators ask American presidents permission when they wan't to commint some terror act. Bless their empty heads. It's almost adorable.
Everything is so simple in the world of trumpists. They have mindset of 12 years old children.
I keep and keep hearing this "This and this happened. Trump wasn't President at the time".
Too bad Trump wasn't president in 1939. That way Hitler would totally get scared of his wig and mumbling and wold not start WW2. LOL. Can you imagine? All of WW2 could be averted only if that obese clown would be president.
Talking with trumpists is like talking with 7-years children and trying to explain them how the world works. And that lady who sells icecream can't just take that ice cream and eat it all day. It's not hers. It's her job. She doesn't want it.
It's no wonder that russain propaganda fooled them so easily and made them their loyal bitches.
How would he stop the war in Ukraine?
shareBy paying attention to BOTH side's interests? Not only those of Blackrock and Vanguard...
shareHow would stop the war? We know what Putin wants.
shareYou have been told by the usual liars what you should think Putin wants. I can at least say that I don't know it for sure. The least thing he wants are the consequences he has to face when he attacks a REAL Nato member. So forget the idiotic thesis that he will only stop in Portugal... 😏
shareHow would listening to Putin's side of things stop the war?
shareListening is part of the process of negotiations.
Trump's stated policy goal is a negotiated peace to end the war in the Ukraine.
That doesn't answer the question.
Trump's stated policy goal is a negotiated peace to end the war in the Ukraine.
Nobody cares about Trump anymore and he will lose in November. Harris is leading Trump in most polls even in the polls you like. But keep sniveling. The next few months are going to be very uncomfortable for you especially when you realize that you support a candidate who is way too old to be president with his dementia is getting worse by the day.
You stupid MAGAs should have picked a younger, smarter and educated candidate for president. If you morons would have supported Haley you probably would have won but now you're stuck with Trump. Enjoy watching Trump disintegrate right before your eyes. I know I will. 🤣
Jinx asked the question, so I think that he does care.
I answered.
What part of that upsets you?
Nothing upsets me because unlike you I'm not a crybaby. Try again, dumbass. The MAGA party is dead and your orange master will never be president again. 🤣🖕🏻I hope you'll be okay when your dementia patient loses by a landslide in November. Harris is already destroying Trump in the polls. You know, the polls you used to believe in when Trump was leading.
shareSo, nothing about the topic from you, you are just here to spout your... partisan rant?
In response to someone asking a question and getting it answered....
Yes, it does seem like you are upset.
I'm a she and you know that you didn't answer the question. Typing it in all caps and playing dumb doesn't help.
Putin has made himself clear on what he wants on multiple occasions. Neither side is willing to negotiate when Putin refuses to back down from taking Ukraine. So now what?
The longer Putin drags this out, the more their weapons are getting depleted and that's a good thing for everyone.
You LISTEN to hear what he is willing to settle for, to end the dying.
Are you really against that so strongly?
He's not willing to settle!
You need to read what's going on:
Considering how badly his invasion is going and how horrifically expensive in money and russian lives it is,
I doubt that that is true.
It is certainly worth a try.
If you had read the link you'd see that we HAVE been trying, constantly!
As well as Putin's response to every attempt that's been made, the most recent was last month where he said that Russia wouldn't negotiate.
You can doubt all you want to or you can educate yourself in what is actually going on.
I have seen
1. Too much gloating from our side, about how bad this conflict is hurting Russia, to be confident that our leadership gave it a good faith effort.
2. And I have seen too many people talking like their war goal in russia is regime change. Is that what YOU want?
1. Putin won't back down unless he gets at least massive chunks of the Ukraine. Surprise, surprise they are the parts that contain the resources that Russia can use for nuclear weapons. Do you think we should allow him to have those parts of Ukraine and do you think he would stop there?
2. A regime change would be good for the Russian people but how would that even happen?
1. I think it is likely that PUtin would be up for a face saving end to the war, that involves Russia getting some of the russian majority border areas and recognition of their control of the crimea. Nuclear weapons? First I heard that one. Seems like a pro-war rationalization.
2. It really can't without a lot of risk and a lot more dying. But I think it is what our nation's policy goal is. What is it that YOU want?
And once he depletes those weapons, time to move on to nuclear.
What I find terrifying is Biden admitting he will not speak with Putin. Any idea how dangerous that is?
That is one of the reasons that Putin wants Ukraine and why we are fighting so hard for him not to have it.
Ukraine has a lot of the resources that Putin would use to make nuclear weapons.
What is the point of speaking with Putin if he refuses to budge? I'm not defending Biden, I just don't know what there is to do in that case.
Russia has enough nuclear arms already to kill us 1000 times. over. This isn’t about stopping Ruskies from building more bomb on top of the ridiculous number of nukes they already have.
shareoh thats easy , here's how Trump himself explains how he would do it .
At a CNN town hall in May 2023, Trump said: “They’re dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I’ll have that done — I’ll have that done in 24 hours.” He said that would happen after he met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin. And he keeps repeating the claim on the campaign trail.
And?? Sounds like more of a plan than Kamala Harris has offered which is 0, both in sit down interviews and afraid to debate Trump for 3 debates and barely commits to one debate. I personally can't wait for Sept 10th for Trump to bury this woman and I don't care if it's on Liberal ABC with George Slapodolpholus or not and I don't care if they say he's beating up on a woman or call him Racist for it either
shareIn his traitor brain he believes that he will order USA to stop giving any help and weapons to Ukraine. And that will make Ukraine lose and go russian occupation. And this is how "war will end".
He basically plans to surrender to russia. because he is traitor and russia owns him
Then Americans will wonder why one day russia invades Alaska.
Simple. Revisit the peace deal both sides agreed to 1 month after it started.
Democrats blocked the deal and the blood of 250k people is on their hands.
But hey that was some damn fine money laundering worth billions so what’s a few hundred thousand deaths.
Remember diplomacy?
shareDo you have a link to this deal and why it was blocked? I'd like to educate myself.
shareHard to find articles from 2022 and now it’s all revisionism but this is what’s on wiki.,Early%20negotiations%20(24%20February%20to%207%20April%202022),Ukraine%20would%20not%20join%20NATO.
Have you read this?
shareNo. What’s in it?
shareA LOT of things but I'm not seeing anywhere that Democrats blocked a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. Why can't I find that and where did you hear that it occurred?
shareZelensky answers to the US. The Democrats currently being in charge. They fund his existence. In exchange they use him to launder hundreds of billions of dollars.
If Trumps elected this war ends.
I'm just looking for evidence of what you are saying. First you said that Democrats blocked a peace deal, now you are saying that they are using Zelensky to launder money. I'm not saying that this isn't the case . . . I would just like evidence that it's happening and where you are getting this information from.
If Trump is elected, how would he end the war?
It’s pretty simple. He’d restart something called diplomatic relations between Russia and Ukraine. Incentivize a peace deal by cutting off the funding to Ukraine. And push Putin to agree to the deal. It’s time to move on from this war. Should’ve ended in 2022 with the original peace deal.
If you had read the link that you sent to me you would realize that Russia is not interested in diplomatic relations, if we stop supporting the Ukraine that is an invitation for them to invade and take over.
We'd all love for this to be over but it's not going to end because Trump is in office, he's given NO reasons why it would yet you still believe him.
Since you didn't respond to my main question, let me ask again: (I'm just looking for evidence of what you are saying. First you said that Democrats blocked a peace deal, now you are saying that they are using Zelensky to launder money. I'm not saying that this isn't the case . . . I would just like evidence that it's happening and where you are getting this information from.)
How will Trump stop the war in Ukraine? Send American soldiers to Ukraine to fight along side the Russians? Send our bombers to Ukraine to bomb Ukraine soldiers? The war is in Russia now too. Ukraine is now on the offensive.
Trump will not be elected in 2024 anyway.
He will convince Zelensky and Putin to go to negotiate.How will he do that? Stopping to giving money to Zelensky,and threatening Putin.
shareBy negotiate you mean let Putin have entirely his own way. Aiding Ukraine is the only thing preventing Putin from doing as he pleases.
Trump supporters don't give a shit about peace in Russia / Ukraine. They are simping for their cult leader's ego. And Ukraine resisting Putin makes Donnie's sucking up to Vlad look bad.
Trump cult followers are only concerned about their daddy's choice of friends (a tyrant who threatens to end democracy in his country, what a coincidence) looking like losers.
If we aren't giving defense to Ukraine what is the motive for Putin to negotiate instead of just using that as an opportunity to take over?
sharethreatening Putin? LOL. Putin will laugh and his dementia ass and ignore.
shareWhats to stop Putin negotiating now?
The President of surrender. russia and china owns this bitch.
He will put his hands up and surrender USA to them. Why republicans can't see that is beyond me. He is screaming from the rooftop that he will stay in his knees and bow to putin and china leader.
"President Coward".
When russia will invade Alaska he will just give it to them
Do you know that a big chunk of Putin's political base approve him because they pine for the old totalitarian communist state that he promises them?
Can you imagine if any other politician was so desperate to be liked by a guy who wants to reform the Soviet Union in his image and under his dictatorship?
It just shows how much of a cult of sycophants and subservient creeps his support are that they endorse this guy. It explains all the BS "Stalinist" jibes that MAGA runts throw at Trump's opposition and the legislative and judiciary apparatus in the USA. Their basic MO is, "Lie. No matter how ridiculously big the lie is. Just lie that your enemy is doing the thing that you are actually doing or want to do."
E'll be like the police on 9/11. E'll just open the door and invite 'em in. Very peaceful 'e is.
shareCan’t wait for Trump to bring back peace. For the children.
shareTrump needs to be our next President or our country is doomed.