I wouldn’t let the Michael Jordan of Snipers attempt that shot on me, let alone some random kid.
But this is a former cia analyst. The type of the person that operates based off facts and data. I’m sure they wouldn’t just throw out a conspiracy theory with no evidence. So go ahead and link Trump to this kid.
There are 10,000 cameras on Trump at this Rally along with social media that can see EVERYTHING since the chances of Trump concocting a hoax and risking his life to do so is absurd. Admit the deep state hired this fat kid who couldn't shoot worth a fuck and as a result, handed Trump the win in November
You have to know absolutely NOTHING about firearms or ballistics and be a complete and utter moron to even entertain such a theory.
Helt is obviously a bigger dumbass than you are to think a 20yr old loser with a cheap AR wearing a red dot could intentionally hit someone's ear at 150yds while their head is moving. All while police are nipping at his heels.
And not only that, but there's also 10,000 cameras on this man along with social media covering it and no way could this have been concocted and they're just bent out of shape over Trump fist pumping it and the shooter failing to knock him off
That's some Matrix-level bullet dodging. If Trump can actually do that he's even more bad-ass than even his most ardent supporters believe him today. He might even be able to catch a bullet with his teeth.
Watching you fucks scream and cry and try so hard to get Obama kicked out of the White House via his birth certificate was some hilarious shit. And then when you turds try to gaslight us that it never happened, it only makes it even more hilarious. So keep it up, bozo! 🤡
Spare me. Obama was a president who promulgated objectively bad policies. And he hasn't come in for nearly the kind of insane fearmongering and vitriol that has been directed at Trump. People who were "birthers" who doubted Obama's citizenship, were a fringe group that mainstream conservatives never took seriously, and were embarrassed by because they made other conservatives look bad by association. Nobody ever made Hitler comparisons to Obama. People are so maniacally unhinged about Trump, a third of the Democrat electorate believes the assassination attempt was staged.
And Trump drove some people so far around the bend that a number of prominent conservatives -- Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, David Frum, David French, Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, and many more, have essentially repudiated conservatism, with some whoring themselves out to leftist media outlets, continually publicly renouncing everything they once claimed to stand for because they don’t like the guy who actually accomplished a lot of it. Obama had no such similar effect on anyone among the Democrats.
What actually brought Trump about was that a simmering discontent among ordinary people finally boiled over. Our ruling class is made up of an educated elite that went to a handful of exclusive universities, which exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. Even the supposed conservatives, once they got to Washington, often abandoned the promises voters sent them to Washington to keep, and worked to fit in with this ruling elite, becoming "RINO's" who never closed the border, never balanced the budget, never reduced government spending, and so on. And this same ruling elite arrogantly mocked these voters as "bitter clingers," "deplorables," or hicks from "flyover country."
We got Trump because voters finally had enough, and turned to an outsider who promised to "drain the swamp." The arrogant, and frankly incompetent ruling elite made someone like Trump inevitable.
You got Dementia Donnie because the EC is set up to allow thousands and thousands of miles of empty prairie to select the POTUS, against the will of millions and millions of actual voters. That shouldn't be too complicated for even you to understand.
> "People who were "birthers" who doubted Obama's citizenship, were a fringe group that mainstream conservatives never took seriously, and were embarrassed by because they made other conservatives look bad by association."
Trump was the KING of the birther movement, he wouldn't stfu about it from 2011 to 2016. It's literally how he became head of the GOP. The type of conservatives who were embarrassed by it are the same type who have gotten run out of the GOP on a rail by MAGA freaks for the last decade.
There are shit tons more links I could post if I wanted to keep wasting time on you, all I had to do was google "obama hitler sign" and there were dozens upon dozens of them.
Those pictures of Obama with the Hitler mustache... look at the name on the bottom of those posters: it's Lyndon LaRouche's outfit. Lyndon LaRouche is a known nutjob, whose following has always been limited to a tiny fringe of whack-a-loons, whose only influence on American culture and politics has been to amaze everyone else in society at how batshit crazy they are. The LaRouche people are basically a cult.
So I stand corrected: I was in error saying nobody ever made Hitler comparisons with Obama; I should have said, nobody that everyone else didn't understand was certifiably insane ever made Hitler comparisons with Obama.
Oh please, it doesn't matter who originally made them. What matters is that brainless right wing morons copied, posted and shared jpegs of them constantly for years, that's the only reason I was aware they existed. Out of all the idiots who posted them, I'll bet less than 2% even knew the name Lyndon LaRouche.
Oh horseshit. You found them because you did a Google search. Those posters circulated among a tiny fringe of far-right nutjobs, that no one else in mainstream conservative circles has ever taken seriously. These nuts maintain enough websites, and use enough servers to keep the images alive online, and so you found them. Enter the search terms "Obama Hitler" and you'll turn them up in about five seconds. They are not mainstream and never were. Bushitler, McCain/Hitler, Romney/Hitler, and Trump/Hitler comparisons are orders of magnitude more common.
You know, sixty odd years ago, William F. Buckley recognized the danger that far-right extremists posed to the right-leaning moderates and conservatives. So he made a concerted effort to purge the John Birch Society and other radical groups from conservative circles, and make it understood by everyone else that these people did not represent mainstream conservatism, and that mainstream conservatives repudiated them, and wanted nothing to do with their radical ideas. There never has been a similar housecleaning on the political left. And so, Marxist organizations like BLM and Antifa, and even outright terrorist organizations, like the Weather Underground, have always been made welcome on the left. I do believe this is why leftists are so much more comfortable with histrionic and hyperbolic comparisons to Hitler with literally any popular conservative figure who begins to amass a following.
Of course I had to google them, what was I supposed to do, memorize their url links from 10 years ago? I googled them knowing damn well I'd find them, because I saw them all the time when Obama was in office. You think I ever went to lyndonlarouche.com or whatever other random website you're thinking of? I never saw them at the source, I only saw them on message boards where Obama Derangement Syndrome victims were posting them all the time. Duh. Enough with the gaslighting.
Yeah, okay, you saw signs from a tiny fringe group every day, wherever you went. Right. Suuuuuure you did.
Look dude, I don't know how old you are, but I'm in my mid-fifties. I've been seeing the LaRouche people since the eighties -- but literally only ever at one place. They were always camped out at the DMV, because they knew there would be a steady stream of people who had literally nowhere else to go for that service (because it was a government operation -- no competition). That was literally the only place you encountered them, unless you actively sought them out. They were a group of fringe radicals, and their reach didn't go far at all.
So when you say you saw this stuff all the time... yeah, I don't believe you. I don't believe you did. And if you say you did, I'm straight up calling you a liar. You might have seen this crap once in a blue moon, but everywhere? All the time? No. No you did not. And certainly not anywhere near the frequency of Hitler comparisons we've seen with conservative politicians. You. Did. Not.
Yeah, I turned 55 this year myself. I remember Al Franken doing a LaRouche impression, probably on SNL.
And I don't give a fuck what you believe about what I saw. I saw what I saw and nothing you have to say about it means jack shit. You accusing me of lying is incredibly edifying, thank you. Nothing feels better than when you present your opponent with a flat out true fact, and all they can do is literally deny the existence of reality.
Still, I get it. It's so hard to believe a political sign could be photographed and turned into a jpeg file and then shared on the internet to the point where it goes viral. I mean, that simply never ever happens.
Now log in to your sock puppet account and cheerlead yourself some more. You need it.
EDIT: I'm done with this pointless conversation and won't reply again. You accusing me of lying is incredibly edifying, thank you. Nothing feels better than when you present your opponent with a flat out true fact, and all they can do is literally deny the existence of reality.
He’s not taking his meds on schedule. After the village picked up their idiot for not taking his meds he pleaded for another chance. He’s on probation.
Now now emori, it’s time to take your meds. The village released you when you promised to take your daily meds on schedule. You are aware all of the people in the bandstand could see every move Trump made. Have you tried cutting yourself? It’s a scary thought isn’t it?