MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Isn't it hilarious how Trump supporters ...

Isn't it hilarious how Trump supporters are now all of a sudden in favour of cancel culture?

They go crazy whenever a comedian is canceled for making a joke about trans people, yet they can't handle anyone making a joke about Trump, such as Tenacious D.


MAGA nation--hypocrisy starts here! LOL!


Yup. Trump supporters are some of the biggest fucking spineless crybabies around.

Just look at what happened with Bud Light for example. Trump supporters got so triggered over Bud Light collaborating with a trans woman that they tried their best to cancel them. Kid Rock got so triggered by it that he filmed a video of himself shooting a Bud Light box with a gun and then (here's the best part) he was caught drinking a can of Bud Light a month or two later LOL.


How’s Biden’s ass taste?





That is hilarious.
But reliable sources indicate that Dementia Donnie's care givers use those medicated/moistened baby wipes to clean Donnie up after he shits himself.


How's Trump's ass taste?



That controversy was a joke. Who the hell cares who is on the Bud Light can and what their lifestyle choice is? Honestly.







I actually have no idea how he managed to achieve a negative post count, but I'm certain it has something to do with Satan.

Anyone else have any input on the negative post count?



You just noticed this? It's a feature for them, not a bug. Same goes for the left of being 'tolerant'.


Typical false equivalence from the evil Left.

Cancel culture is wrecking people’s lives for completely innocuous things like stating truths, supporting non-regime candidates or objecting to child abuse, it in no way compares to Leftists celebrating the attempted murder of the President and wishing more killers to take a shot.

Nice try but, of course, fail.


I’d argue Jack Black and Kyle Gass’s lives have been at least temporarily wrecked. And how many comedians have jokingly celebrated much worse things, like 9/11 or the holocaust? All jokes are innocuous. Nothing should be off limits in comedy. You don’t have to find it funny, but being happy they’re being punished for it is insanely hypocritical.


It wasn’t a joke, Leftists believe this stuff, they’ve had their brains raped by CNN, MSNBC, John Oliver et etc teaching them to see Trump as ‘Hitler’ and ‘the end of democracy’, of course they want to kill him.


It wasn’t a joke, Leftists believe this stuff

Exactly! They're disappointed that Trump isn't dead. They use their so-called jokes to try to masquerade their hate.


So you're a mind reader?


No, Cathy Newman, just an observer.


Leftists are losing their jobs due to their blood lust when it comes to Trump. I'm not certain if you're being honest here or if you're just refusing to accept facts, but there is a good deal of proof to support Melton's claims.


Making jokes about it isn't "blood lust". How many comedians have made jokes about much worse things, like the holocaust? Do you think those comedians want another holocaust?


It wasn’t a joke, remember?


Unless you can read minds, it's impossible to know whether or not he actually meant it. It was presented as a joke, so that makes it a joke. Innocent until proven guilty.


But, that's not how things have been done for years.

People say the wrong thing, in the wrong place and BOOM, they get fired, they lose endorsements, they get events cancelled, they get their channels banned, they get their business destroyed, they get sued into obivion, ect. ect. ect.

No "innocent until proven guilty", but the full weight of the mob falling on them like the wrath of god.


And I'm very much against that. My point is the left and right are just as bad.


When it comes to politicians yes, not when it comes to individuals.


It's nice that you personally are against it.

The real question is, are you ok with a double standard where leftard mobs virtually lynch anyone they want, while lefties get a pass?


No, I'm not. But the right does that too.


Name a double standard that the right has or enforces.


I literally did in my title and OP.


Except we are NOT trying to enforce a double standard.

We are expecting that the same standard be applied to the lefties that has been applied to us, by the media and big tech and social media and the virtual mob.

By NOT cancelling these leftie radicals, we would be supporting the double standard.

Or at least allowing it.


So you're basically saying "we only want them to be cancelled to them to give them a taste of their own medicine"? Well that's a pretty bad mindset. If the left is so bad, and the right is so good, shouldn't they want to prove it by showing that they're better than them, instead of stooping to their level? I don't even think that's always true though, I think a lot of right wingers genuinely are offended over things like the Tenacious D joke, and really do want them to be cancelled simply for saying the wrong thing.


Do you understand how double standards poison our society?


I do, and if you do, you shouldn't want either side to enforce them.


Imagine how a conservative feels seeing conservatives and even just regular joes, getting cancelled for...nothing, absolutely nothing,

and then leftard assholes saying ACTUALLY BAD SHIT, and NOT getting cancelled.

That's what you are standing for right now.


Jokes are never bad in that way. They're not always funny, but they're always harmless. And Tenacious D definitely has been cancelled for it. And I'm not standing for that, I don't want anyone on either side to be cancelled.


Remember this the next time someone starts talking shit about

"why conservatives so mad bro".

Your support of double standards is your little part, to make that happen.


I do not personally support double standards. You seem to be assuming I'm a liberal. I have no idea whether I'd be considered a liberal or conservative or left wing or right wing or whatever. I've never taken a political compass test, and I have beliefs that would anger both sides. I often say both sides are just as bad in many ways, and this is an example. If you're angry about double standards and cancel culture, you should try to stop it from happening to anyone. Letting it happen to the left out of revenge will do no good for anyone.


The way to stop a double standard is not to prevent the equal application of the standard, but to have the PRIVILEGED side stop playing their power games.

If you were sincere in your opposition to the double standard we are talking about, the time to speak out about it, is not NOW, when the cons are pushing back a bit,

but when the lib mob is in full tilt, cancelling people.

What you are doing, is actually the "no good for anyone".


No, it wasn’t a joke, Leftists believe this stuff, they’ve had their brains raped by CNN, MSNBC, John Oliver et etc teaching them to see Trump as ‘Hitler’ and ‘the end of democracy’, of course they want to kill him.


In context it is, and I while I agree that comedy should not be reigned in artificially I still believe in consequences.


I believe bad things should have consequences, I don't believe jokes are bad.


Belief is like an opinion- everyone has one and most stink.


Nothing should be off limits in comedy.

You'd sing a different tune if Kid Rock cracked a joke about an assassination attempt on Biden.

RiGht-WiNgErS aRe FuLl oF hAtE aNd DiViSiOn!!! MaGa ScUm!!!!!

Over the last few months, I've lost count of the number of lefties who have had meltdowns because someone online cracked a joke about the inept window licker in the White House. If Stephen Colbert or Seth Myers had the balls to crack one joke at the expense of another Biden pratfall, your head would probably explode in rage. 


Um, how do you know? I love dark humour, I'd be making jokes about it myself. I agree the left often gets triggered over harmless jokes, but let's get real, we all know the right does too.


I love dark humor, and everyone is open to get roasted in my book….but that shouldn’t suggest that there is a malicious intent involved.

Personally, I simply form an opinion on who the good guys are, and who bad guys are. The guy that only helps the rich simply doesn’t work in my interests- simple.

Does he help the poor, or middle class? Maybe by accident in small districts, but it wasn’t the intent. His intent was to financially help wealthy people that will never devote any time in these forums.

I simply don’t get the “strong figure” opinion of Trump, because he doesn’t have the resume to back it up. He’s simply an entertainer that acts that way, but his actual resume is a mountain of failure. Just a rich kid with a silver spoon that squanderd everything he inherited….and like a pop star, tried to make his name a brand.


Well unless you can read minds, you can't know whether or not there's malicious intent.


"Typical false equivalence from the evil Left."

It's all they have...


So much for free speech...


Everyone has free speech, and always has. What you're not free from, however, and what you've never been free from, are the social consequences of saying deeply offensive and malicious things. What you're trying to defend here is not freedom of speech, but license.

The first amendment protects you from having the government come after you for your opinions. But if you say something publicly that reveals you as a truly awful person, everyone else is free to turn their backs on you, employers, sponsors, advertisers, etc. are free to drop you, because they don't want to be associated with such an awful person, or have others think they share such an awful person's views. That's free speech as well. That's people saying "whoa, I don't agree with that, and I want nothing more to do with this asshole."

Well, guess what, celebrating, promoting, encouraging, approving, or wishing for the murder of a political candidate, just because he's someone whose policies, character, or ideology you don't like is one of those things that reveals you as an awful person. Someone of low character, vile, malicious, and full of hatred. If you can smile at the thought of a politician you hate being murdered, you're one step closer to becoming the kind of thug who can put on the jackboots and start herding people into cattle cars. You've revealed that you think coercion, violence, and even murder are perfectly acceptable means to obtain your goals.

There should be negative consequences for revealing yourself to be such a person.


Uh huh.

lf you've ever protested that cancel culture is nothing but a weapon of the left then you don't believe any of that except when it's convenient to you. Which is the same as not believing it.


You are not just wrong, but completely wrong, and on two fronts.

First, there is the distinction you seem to be refusing to see: canceling people for having opinions you don't approve of, or because they told a joke you found offensive, or other things we've seen the left cancel people for, is one thing. Shunning people because they are showing that they approve of murder as a solution to political problems, is something else. Sorry, there is a valid distinction there. It's a perfectly acceptable value judgment.

Second, I hate cancel culture, but you know what? If the left is going to do it, I'll fight fire with fire, and that does not make me some kind of hypocrite.

There are basically 3 options on the table right now.

1) We all live freely and say what we wish and no one gets canceled (except as noted above).

2) Conservatives get canceled, but liberals get canceled too.

3) Conservatives get canceled, but liberals never get canceled.

I'd very much prefer option 1; this seems by far the best arrangement, and until recently, it seemed to be the one our society worked under. But if we can’t have option 1, then I'll take 2: mutually assured destruction. Not what I want, but it's certainly preferable to option 3: liberals do whatever they want and we get unpersoned. Sorry, that is flat out unacceptable. You're not going to cripple me up, holding me to rules you refuse to follow yourself. So if we're going to get canceled, so are you -- and maybe after you've gotten a taste of your own medicine, you'll realize we were all a lot happier under option 1, and maybe then you'll also consider the wisdom of going back to that.


Perfectly said.


Agreed. This expectation that leftards have, where they feel entitled to have double standards to benefit them?

I'm done playing that game.


You tell me I'm wrong, and then you say this....

S If the left is going to do it, I'll fight fire with fire, and that does not make me some kind of hypocrite.


YOu seem to not understand the definition of hypocrisy.

What he is saying makes complete sense. He realizes and admits that the situation that exists is not good, but he is not the one making the rules.

The alternative is to just take it like a bitch when the left does it, and to take it like a bitch when the left gives itself a pass and then to lose, like a bitch.

I know that is what you want us to do, but, you have not explained why we SHOULD do that. Or certainly why it would be a "Good" thing.


Jack Black, uncoerced, cancelled his own gigs and so far nobody who might agree with whatever they think Jack Black might believe is protesting about being the suppression of those as yet undefined and hypothetical shared opinions.

So yeah. The people lumping this in with so called "cancel culture" are full of shit. And their desire to do so exposes their profession for the first amendment and "cancel culture" in the first place has always been full of shit.

Accusing me of false equivalency when you're reliant on it being a false equivalency in order to claim not to be hypocritical? That takes the cake.


1. As others have repeatedly pointed out, there is a real difference between getting negative feedback for actual bad behavior, ie celebrating an assasination attempt and getting cancelled for the type of nonsense that the left has been cancelling people for.

2. SELF CENSORSHIP is the goal of authortarian types. THey want people to be so afraid that they are afraid to even THINK "wrong think", let alone say it out load, so the fact that Black did this himself, is not a reason to not consider it part of this.

3. To be hypocritcal in this case, a conservative would have to be seriously presenting that the cancel culture is a GOOD thing as they use it against their enemies. Admitting that it is a bad thing, but just wanting it equally applied, is not hypocrisy. It is a valid response to the situation.


Christ. What a brainful.


I know, I think so deep. Very smart. And wise. Also a good dancer. Someday you should ask me about my Taco Meatloaf.


Yeah, I say that. You know, you're the reason Saul Alinsky said this: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." That's number 4 of his rules for radicals. He understood people like you. He understood how to manipulate people like you -- people who would, just as I said, cripple themselves up by holding to rules the enemy feels free to break at will. People who will stick to the Marquess of Queensberry Rules, while their opponents are no-holds-barred gutter fighting.

You have to understand the kind of person you are dealing with: the leftist SJW is an end-justifies-the-means radical revolutionary, who believes that anything that advances the cause is A-okay. Double-standards, hypocrisy, lying, double-dealing, treachery... no problem, if it gets them power, it's justified. These are people who think the only thing scruples are good for is using them against the people who actually have them.

The only way to deal with people like this is to do precisely as Churchill advised the English people to do in opposing Nazi Germany "... we will mete out to them the measure, and more than the measure, that they have meted out to us.”

You just have to deter them by showing them their power games won't work, because you'll play hardball too if you're pushed to it.

Look, I get where the desire not to sink to their level comes from. I really do. We want to have principles and be better. Principles are nice things to have. Healthy societies have them, but ours is not healthy right now. The leftists have poisoned it. And sorry, but we won’t restore it to health by further empowering those who have poisoned it by tying our own hands. Our grandfathers didn't want to bomb German and Japanese civilians to win WWII, but they had to, and they did. And they made a better world by defeating evil, even if it meant getting their hands dirty. We have to be equally willing not to make the perfect become the enemy of the good.

I want to live under the golden rule as much as you do, but when the other guy shows me that he does not, I am quite willing to amend "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," to "do unto others as they have done unto you. And again, that does not make me some kind of hypocrite, just someone who's not a chump.


Free speech does have limits. For example if Trump were thrown in jail for inciting an insurrection you would be against that right? Because that would be a crime prosecuted based on speech alone.



lf you've ever protested that cancel culture is nothing but a weapon of the left then you don't believe any of that except when it's convenient to you. Which is the same as not believing it


Ok cool as long as you’re consistent in your beliefs. Legally though there are some limits, such as yelling fire in a crowded room, or bomb on an airplane.

On topic though, I don’t believe Tenacious D is being cancelled. This isn’t from right wingers contacting venues and advertisers to shut down shows, it’s from Jack Black pulling out to distance himself from the comments.


I'm not arguing any of that. I know what free speech means.

I'm saying that people who are describing Jack Black's decision as him experiencing consequences same as all those people "cancelled" in the past are revealing that they never believed in "cancel" culture in the first place. They were just pissed that reactionary big mouth jack asses they approved of suffered from consequences, and attributed it to the opinions (that they share, of course) rather than the behaviour.


Where are these people? I've yet to meet one. I hear people on the right saying that they believe that sane people think it's wrong to celebrate someone's death, or wish death on someone, and it's reasonable to expect people to be held accountable for the words and actions. I don't hear anyone saying a person should be canceled simply for expressing an opinion contrary to what a given political faction believes.

You're comparing apples to oranges.


It’s not wrong to celebrate someone’s death or wish death on someone if it’s clearly just a joke. Nothing should be off limits in comedy. Lots of people do appear happy they’re being punished for it.


We aren't talking about comedy, we're talking about people openly stating they wish Trump had been murdered. I don't think it's at all unreasonable to call those people out for their behavior. If a comedian wants to make a joke about, that's up to him, and if his audience enjoys it great, if they don't and he loses his audience, that's also great. But when people, especially people in positions of power or influence, come out and say they wish he'd been assassinated, it is 100% fair to let their friends and employers know they expressed such a thing. At that point, it's up to those people to decide how to react. This is baseline common sense behavior for keeping society civil, and preventing violence and murder from becoming accepted norms.


OK, well I agree it's wrong celebrate someone’s death or wish death on someone if it's not a joke. But many Trump supporters are highly offended over Kyle Gass saying it as a joke, and are glad he's being cancelled. They're also offended over jokes about it that aren't even celebrating it, like this:


The right tried to plead with the left to not follow this strategy but they did not listen. The rules were changed and only an idiot would not change with them. For example: if boxing suddenly allowed firearms, one fighter chooses to use one and his opponent decides not to- who do you think will win? What you're attempting here is to make good sense look foolish, which is in itself a foolish endeavor. Also with what is on the line (the murder of a future and past POTUS, the future of the country etc) individuals will have to make a decision between impressing leftists with their methods or saving their president and their country. My guess is that they feel they have made the correct decision.


Blah blah blah . . . another one of Donnie's cultists who don't know anything at all about what they are typing on and on about but have sworn to their pagan god to uphold the "hypocritic" oath.


I am not a fan of Trump actually, and my position was a detached one- objectivity is still a thing, just not in your neck of the woods.


You made a valid point and very close to how I would have.

Vlad needs to pretend you did NOT, because he needs to have MAGA being the bad guy.


The Art Of The Squeal.


Isn't it hilarious how you Trump critics now believe in cancel culture after insisting there is no such thing? You soon change your tune when one of your own is on the receiving end. Then, all of a sudden, you DO think cancel culture is real, blubbering into your face masks that it's gone too far.

People on the right have had their lives and careers destroyed for doing and saying far less than Kyle Gass. Words have consequences, something you lefties are finally realising after having free rein to say whatever you want. Suck it up.

There has to be some consistency to the cancel culture. It can’t only work in one direction. It’s a political weapon if not either equally applied or not applied at all.


This. They deny it until its flipped back on them. A taste of their own feces.


You're making incorrect assumptions about my political beliefs. I'm not a Trump or Biden supporter, I don't like either of them. I have no idea whether I'd be considered left wing or right wing, I've never taken a political compass test, I have beliefs that would anger both sides. I often say both sides are just as bad in many ways, one example is the fact that both sides can't take a joke and support cancel culture. I have never wanted anyone on either side to be cancelled, and I do think cancel culture is real, although often is exaggerated, but both sides often support it. Jokes should never have consequences.


[–] AzureSeb (488) 2 days ago

Isn't it hilarious how you Trump critics now believe in cancel culture after insisting there is no such thing? You soon change your tune when one of your own is on the receiving end. Then, all of a sudden, you DO think cancel culture is real, blubbering into your face masks that it's gone too far.

People on the right have had their lives and careers destroyed for doing and saying far less than Kyle Gass. Words have consequences, something you lefties are finally realising after having free rein to say whatever you want. Suck it up.

There has to be some consistency to the cancel culture. It can’t only work in one direction. It’s a political weapon if not either equally applied or not applied at all."

