Yeah, I say that. You know, you're the reason Saul Alinsky said this: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." That's number 4 of his rules for radicals. He understood people like you. He understood how to manipulate people like you -- people who would, just as I said, cripple themselves up by holding to rules the enemy feels free to break at will. People who will stick to the Marquess of Queensberry Rules, while their opponents are no-holds-barred gutter fighting.
You have to understand the kind of person you are dealing with: the leftist SJW is an end-justifies-the-means radical revolutionary, who believes that anything that advances the cause is A-okay. Double-standards, hypocrisy, lying, double-dealing, treachery... no problem, if it gets them power, it's justified. These are people who think the only thing scruples are good for is using them against the people who actually have them.
The only way to deal with people like this is to do precisely as Churchill advised the English people to do in opposing Nazi Germany "... we will mete out to them the measure, and more than the measure, that they have meted out to us.”
You just have to deter them by showing them their power games won't work, because you'll play hardball too if you're pushed to it.
Look, I get where the desire not to sink to their level comes from. I really do. We want to have principles and be better. Principles are nice things to have. Healthy societies have them, but ours is not healthy right now. The leftists have poisoned it. And sorry, but we won’t restore it to health by further empowering those who have poisoned it by tying our own hands. Our grandfathers didn't want to bomb German and Japanese civilians to win WWII, but they had to, and they did. And they made a better world by defeating evil, even if it meant getting their hands dirty. We have to be equally willing not to make the perfect become the enemy of the good.
I want to live under the golden rule as much as you do, but when the other guy shows me that he does not, I am quite willing to amend "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," to "do unto others as they have done unto you. And again, that does not make me some kind of hypocrite, just someone who's not a chump.