MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Evidence of Donnie's dementia.

Evidence of Donnie's dementia.

It seems likely:

Donnie's handlers screw up and let him play with sharpies and he draws on NWS map.

In a state of confusion, Donnie forgets that no airports existed in the Revolutionary War/War Of 1812 era: “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,”

Donnie rambles incoherently and states that he tested negative for COVID (which actually was not true) "I tested very positively in another sense so — this morning. Yeah. I tested positively toward negative, right. So, I tested perfectly this morning — meaning I tested negative."

Donnie continues to ramble incoherently about COVID on numerous occsions: “I think also in looking at the way that the contagion is so contagious, nobody’s ever seen anything like this where large groups of people all of a sudden have it just by being in the presence of somebody who has it . . .” .

Donnie mumbles on about curing COVID with "disinfectant injections" and some form of sunlight therapy which sounds suspiciously like sunlight enemas:

“The disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. As you see it gets in the lungs!”

“Well...we're hearing tremendous things about light here . . . and if we can get the light inside like rays of sunshine maybe, I think really great things are gonna happen!”

Donnie states that "windmills cause cancer" and that forest fires happen because no one is "out there raking the forests."

And so much more!!


Who can forget this dementia riddled statement about COVID, as Donnie's dementia fogged mind tried to deal with the reality of the situation:

"I always say, even without it, it goes away. But if we had the vaccine - and we will - if we had therapeutic, or cure - one thing sort of blends into the other - it will be a fantastic day."


“I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen, down on 7-Eleven, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I’ve ever seen in action.”

Sure you were, Donnie. Right down there at the seven-eleven store.

Early signs and symptoms of dementia? You be the judge.


Nice try, Kamala

But you can't be unburdened by what has been


I like how his/he/her/she/them's kind try to flip the concerns of Biden against Trump.

It's like making Superman/whoever gay - too lazy to create their own character/concerns.

How about saying his son got a crack whore pregnant and he showered with his 11 year old daughter?


The deflection is saddening. Everything the OP is saying actually happened. I know it hurts that your supreme deity Trump may not be the 156 IQ alpha you dream him to be, but these are facts. And as Ben Shapiro said, facts dont care about your feelings.


Does Ben Shapiro care about the feelings of dead children?


Check with Gym Jordan on that.


Your obsession is unhealthy.


You're just taking what everybody's been saying about Biden and plugging Trump's name in there. Typical unoriginal lib. What a pathetic post. 🥱


Not at all. I am simply directly quoting the demented statements that Donnie made over the last few years as dementia slowly disintegrated what was left of his ailing brain.


Is this the new strategy??

We've all known Biden was suffering from dementia since the last election cycle. The media denied it, so you obediently accepted as true what you knew deep down to be false. The media continued to deny his dementia until it was no longer possible to pretend otherwise, and so did you.

Now you're going to play the game of "No I'm not you are!" and try to paint Trump as suffering from Alzheimer's, despite knowing that he isn't?

Wake up and think for yourself. It's fine if you dislike or disagree with Donald Trump, or any politician, but do so for valid reasons, not because your TV told you so.


Sorry that the direct quotes from Donnie's own dementia infected mouth disturb you. It is what it is, and in Donnie's case it is ALZHEIMER'S!


COFEFE!! We should do what our Army did during the Revolutionary War! TAKE OVER THE AIRPORTS! Windmills cause cancer!! COVFEFE!!!
