MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > I love how MAGA types are forced off mai...

I love how MAGA types are forced off mainstream social media... :-P

Like, seriously, yall come on here to find like-minded nutjobs who think Trump is Jesus so you don't have to come to terms with the fact that you voted for a complete moron for president (and hope to do so again this November... *facepalm*)... You can't find a better corner of social media to spout your wackjobbery?? :-P
Cognitive Dissonance is a funny thing. Yall MAGAtards keep telling yourself that a failed businessman is the best hope for this country... :-P
"The economy was great with Trump"... Yall realize that it takes at least 3-4 years for economic policy changes to make a noticeable impact on the economy right? The uptick in the economy post-Obama was really just leftover growth from the 2009, Obama-era tax breaks for the 99%... So all those big tax cuts for the rich did was stave off an economic crash pretty much on par with 2008 (we just had better foresight this time around) until AFTER Trump left office... Plus the utter destruction caused by the COVID pandemic knocked out literally all of the economic gains we had under Obama/Trump anyway. We ended up worse off than we were when Obama left office, and yall think that's a success???
Despite Trump Derangement Syndrome being created by MAGAtards, it truly belongs to MAGA supporters, as only a deranged moron would think Trump was a good president.

*waits for all the Trumplodytes to come to Orange Man's defense* :-P


*waits for all the Trumplodytes to come to Orange Man's defense*

Meanwhile, nobody needed to wait for a Dumbocrat to defend Biden. No hypocrisy there at all, calling out someone for NOT doing something YOU already did.


Your reply makes very little sense, FYI. ;-)
Not sure where in my post the name "Biden" appeared... I don't like him either, but on his worst day he's less dangerous for our country than Cheeto Man is. See, all you MAGAtards see only what you want to see... I "support" Biden because the alternative orange lunatic, who already tried to discard election results and have himself installed as a dictator once before, is 100x worse than a president who means well but probably doesn't have enough going on upstairs to be president anymore...

See how you and I are different? I'm willing to acknowledge that the person I am forced to support (since the alternative was and is way worse) is, while in no way shape or form a "strong" leader, at least doesn't deliberately provoke every country on earth into hating us. And yeah, I think at this point the US supporting genocide in Gaza is f*cking insane... But then, even Trump supports that, so it's not like that whole shit show would be any better under Trumpian rule... :-P

Leaders of today are an absolute joke. They're only in it for the money and power. Keeping America strong economically, with a reliable infrastructure, and encouraging cooperation around the world should be their job, but nowadays they just plan their policy for short term growth and long term decline. But when the choice is between an orange dictator and a guy who's more of an ineffective peacemaker that's too damn old to be running our country... I'll take the ineffective guy every time... It's the difference between doing little to nothing and slowly pushing us towards societal collapse and pouring napalm on an already raging disaster. Trump's the napalm guy. That's a hard pass for me.


The irony is that you think I am a Trump supporter, while claiming you are different than me because you aren't a supporter of either of them. Ironically, this makes you exactly the same if your claim of not liking either is true.

Here's a little test. Joe claimed to have reduced unemployment by 15m. According to you, these reductions would be because of Trump's economic policies. So who is right out of you two? Did Trump reduce unemployment by 15m during Biden's term, or did Joe? If it was Trump, as you say it was, you should probably acknowledge it publically here. If it was Biden, you should clarify your talk about policies taking 3 years to fruition is wrong.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

We're waiting...






quite the outburst of excited word salad .
what was the subject ? you were here there everywhere

very little about the actual thread title subject matter though.


Amen! Those MAGA-country agents of chaos should be put in concentration camps. Indoctrination via the Democrat rectum media/education abortion clearly isn’t enough. There are still some slipping through the cracks.

This is why the Democrat actions ending voter input in elections is clearly the best way to protect ourdemocracy®️. Eliminating voter input in Democrat primaries via super delegates was a great move. Rigging vote counting was another gran slam. Implementing mail in voting, vote harvesting, and not requiring ID was genius. After all those were the primary causes of rigged elections as concluded by the bipartisan commission on election integrity in 2005.


Yeah, we know y'all think that silencing half the country and nullifying their vote is a good idea.

We also know that you intellectually vacant imbeciles think you're the smart ones.


Funny how you think the Right doesn't engage in silencing voters as well... :-P


Oh I can't wait for you to explain this one.


You support Trump and you believe that the 2020 election was rigged and you think that makes you smart? One day soon you'll realize that you got conned by your orange master. Until then be sure to send Trump your hard earned money so he can refuel his private jet then return to his resort and shit in a gold toilet. Your stupidity and gullibility continues.


You leftards clearly hate us. Yet you attack us for not supporting YOU.

Do you not grasp that your HATE of us, makes it SMART for us to NOT support you, to support the OTHER GUY, who doesn't HATE us, with a fiery passion?

Ironically, it is really, really STUPID of you to constant express your HATE of us, and then to be shocked that we oppose you.


I did trash them over and over. The fact that I pointed out how you have a choice as to what you watch is me trashing your reasons. You didn't refute it which shows your points did not hold up lol. Step your game up scrub.


What are you even talking about? I think you posted in the wrong thread.


I responded to your point about how you said I didn't trash your points up here because there's was too long. You have a choice on the films you watch. Take responsibility for your choices. No one is forcing you to watch films you don't like. Why should I feel sympathy for your dumbass?


i certainly didn't make any point about you not "Trashing" my points.

MOre likely I pointed out that you failed to address them at all.

Which is standard for leftard troll bois. Like you.

So.... what?


Lol me addressing them and ponying out your choice is me addressing them. No one is forcing you to watch anything the point stands.


you mess with my fandoms, and it's on.

You whine like a fag because I point out the shit work you are doing? That's just you being a fag.


Your choice on what you watch. The point stands. I don't continue tuning into stuff I am a fan of if the quality dips. I take this thing called responsibility and accountability. I realize I'm not being forced to watch it. Something conservatives need to learn.


No. What you are actually doing is trying to argue for giving assholes a pass on asshole behavior, because they are advancing an agenda you agree with.

Everything else is just shit talk.


Nope. I see the value in voting with your wallet. By me not paying money to see those shitty Jurassic world movies it's sending a message. It's sending the message that they aren't entitled to my money. In order for them to get my money they need to earn it. You are too stupid to understand that concept. If you truly want to stop them and make your point you stop giving them support.

Batman Begins came to be because of how bad Batman and Robin flopped. Had Batman and Robin been a roaring success in the box office there would be no Batman Begins. If I wanted to give them a pass I would encourage you to pay money to them and keep supporting them. I offered a solution that will make them course correct. You are too much of an idiot to grasp that concept though. You take the approach of gladly lining their pockets and expecting change. Your money speaks louder than your words.


i clearly understand the "concept", fag.

I DISAGREE with you. Fag.

What a fag you are, pretending to not get that. Fag.

Did I mention that you were a fag? Because, it is important that we remember that. You are a fag. Fag.


If you understood the concept you would apply it. Why is it you think continually paying money is going to change something? I have more grounds to stand in than you. Is your free time really that worthless? You don't value it? I value my free time, which is why I'm selective on what entertainment gets my time or money. You disagreeing doesn't make the concept less valid. It just makes you look foolish when it's a simple solution to your problem.


Mmmm, so you really think that it is impossible for someone to understand your point and not agree with you?

My GOD, what an arrogant FAG you are.

Go suck a room full of dicks.


When it's that obvious yeah. You obviously don't value your time. You waste money and timr on things you hate. That's funny to me. You are a loser with too much time on his hands.


Blah, blah, blah.

Shit talk from a fag to excuse bad behavior from rich assholes.


You got owned. I love owning you. It's too fun.


Except, you are clearly the one talking retarded shit.

I mean, you pretended that since I disagreed, that meant I didn't understand your fag point...

That's RETARDED of you.

You are quite the asshole. And you are a coward.


No reasonable person would see the harm in my logic. My reason makes far more logical sense than yours does. It's rather simple you choose what you watch, and if you don't like something that's done to a property don't give your money to it. No one is forcing you to watch anything.

Your time is obviously worthless though. You would rather waste your time and money on something you hate, then expect sympathy from people. Seriously? At least YouTubers make money that way so I understand it. You don't you are just some dumb incel online who has no life.


I also find it funny that you think telling someone to kill themselves makes you strong.


Cowbell likes to throw the word "fag" around quite a bit.

You know who else uses that word a lot?


Cowbell's been outed.


Yeah I noticed. I think he has got some insecurities.


What you fail to understand is that it has nothing to do with "orange master". It has to do with what we witnessed happening with open eyes for 6yrs. I said this a thousand times, whether it was at the polls or not, the election was rigged. If not by manipulated votes, certainly through years of negative propaganda and lies from the mainstream media. Lies that you clearly believed, because you're incapable of thinking for yourself. We don't have to be told what to think. You obviously do.

For all your obsession with Trump, you still have no idea why people voted for him.


Only very stupid and gullible people like you voted for Trump. Thankfully there were not enough of you morons to reelect Trump in 2020 and he will lose again in November because most Americans hate Trump. Anyway, why are you stalking me here? You are obsessed with me as other Trump supporters here are. 🤣


You intellectually vacant idiots believe all the lies on the evening news and then have balls to call us gullible?


Why do you believe what Trump says, when he's been proven to be a liar his whole life?


Says the people who only hate Trump because he's not the polished liar that most politicians are. That's hilarious. How many democrat lies do you have to believe before you realize you've been lied to. Here's the distinction, WE know that politicians lie. We know that the media has been lying about Trump for 8yrs. Why? Because they lie about US all day long. Just as the bullshit you people repeat on here every day about Trump supporters is false. You're all just puppets and parrots.


So his lies are okay because he's not a 'polished' liar? What lies do you think I believe?

You say that the media has been lying about Trump. What lie have they told about him?


Sounds like the making of a circular argument to me.


"Yall MAGAtards..."


Who is a retard?

Certainly not MAGA patriots.

TRUMP 2024


You are a retard because you worship Trump. I'm sure your family is embarrassed of you.


Half the country supports Trump. Your hate of people based on political differences is you being the weirdo, not US.


Yeah like you are tolerant of liberals. You have no moral high ground.


I am tolerant of liberals. I am not tolerant of troll boi assholes such as yourself.

If you cannot understand that, you cannot understand anything.


Nope I call bullshit. I will always remember you telling someone to kill themselves. You lost your right to preach about Christianity the moment you pulled that bullshit.


Correct. That person was a fucking asshole and deserved to have such disrespect given back to them.

As do you, btw.

But, it was not their political differences that made me loss all sense of human compassion for them, but their shitty asshole beahavior.

Your desire to deny this, is just you wanting to defend troll bois.

No one likes trolls. Except other trolls...


Being an asshole does not make it ok for you to tell someone to kill themselves. I haven't told you that even though I think you are a scumbag. It's ok though your posts got deleted for a reason. That's a violation of the sites rules telling somebody that by the way. Also I don't believe he was being an asshole I think you got your ass handed to you and didn't like it so like a child you lashed out.

No it was that they didn't agree with you. You are an asshole. I don't respect you at all.

You are a troll yourself. Do not speak about Christian values ever again. You lost that right.


I disagree. I think shit talkers like yourselves deserve to be treated with complete contempt.

I am NOT a troll. You are a troll. You are a shit talker.

Mmm, you seem happy that a post got deleted? Is that your little scoring system you use to track your... little troll game?

Don't care. Your justifications for your behavior, are... irrelevant to me or any other normal people. Troll boi.


So talking trash warrants someone telling someone to kill themselves? Not sure the Christian teaching would back you up on that one.

You are a scumbag. Which is worse than a troll.

I am happy. That's disgusting behavior and a violation of the rules of this site.

Don't care about Christian values? Interesting I thought you claimed to be Christian?


Yes. I was very clear on that. How many times will you ask teh same question? The answer is not changing.


Okay then do not sit there and preach. You lost that right. Piss off with the moral high ground you try and claim. You tell someone to kill themselves and want to lecture me about morals? Piss off bud!


I'm don't go looking for YOUR posts to tallk to you. YOu post to talk to me.

If you don't want to engage with me, that's fine with me. I get nothing from your...brainless swill. I will not miss you.


This is a public forum. I will respond to whatever I want. I will also call you out for the fraud and lying piece of filth you are. Remember when you threatened to get in my face also? You realize that's a crime right?


Dude. NINETEEN minutes ago you were whining like a fag, that I "preach" to you,

so, I just pointed out that you are the one that comes looking to respond to my posts, and keep responding.

So, if you don't want to hear what I have to say, stop asking me questions.

That's all. Don't have a hissy fit like the little pussy you are.


Funny then same goes to you. If you don't like woke stuff in movies then don't go see them. No one is forcing you to watch any film. It's on you if you watch it. Rules for thee but not for me is your mentality.


That's a completely different situation for reasons we have discussed at length several times.

Your pretense that you don't already know the counter point to that point your raised, is you being a lying crack whore.


Nope it's the same. No one is forcing your sorry ass to watch anything. You get no sympathy for doing things no one is forcing you to do. You have only yourself to blame. Take responsibility for your decisions and behavior.


A better analogy would be when they produce content that is based upon intellectual properties that have value BECAUSE OF THE PREEXISTING FANBASE, ie me and mine,

that is THEM coming looking for me, the same way YOU do.

They are choosing the interaction. So, they or you whining like fags about it, is something to be looked on, with contempt, as though they (or you) are complete pusssies worthy of nothing but utter contempt.


Nope you don't own those properties scumbag. Those properties will exist after you are gone and many existed before you existed as well. Still doesn't apply because no one is forcing you to watch these films. It's a choice you are making.

Nope not when you have a choice. If they were forcing you to that would be one thing. You are not being forced.

Again your choice. Take responsibility for your choices.


I didn't claim to own them.


Then they are free to do what they want. No one is forcing you to watch anything. It's your choice.


When they choose to do their woke shit to properties I am part of the fan base of,

THEY are the ones choosing to interact with me.

If they don't want to deal with me, and/or others like me, then make up their own stories and fuck with them.


Nope doesn't matter! You still have a choice on what you watch. Take responsibility. No one is forcing you to watch these properties. You get no sympathy for doing things you are not forced to do.


The responsibility in on them, for choosing to fuck with my beloved stories.

THe same way the responsibility is on YOU for resonding to my posts and being a complete cunt as you do so.


Nope it's on you for choosing to go see it. You don't get to blame people for choices you are making. You choose what you watch period. I don't have the same issue you do. If a franchise I love gets bad I simply stop watching it. Problem solved. Something conservatives don't understand is the power of choice.


I disagree for reasons I have explained.


Don't care. The point stands no one is forcing you to watch anything. Deal with it.


I disagree for the reasons I already explained.


Don't care your reasons are trash.


If they were trash, you would "trash" them.

Instead you just constantly reassert your premise, over and over again, as though repetition was the height of your ability to craft a supporting argument.

Exactly "like" that in fact.

Boo-Yah, BITCH.


All the Village Idiots jump in to defend crime boss!


Found another robot!


Off to the ignore list
