MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump now says....

Trump now says....

...he's not a conservative (no surprise there);
and he's for giving money to Ukraine as a no-interest loan that doesn't need to be paid back (essentially).

So he's not a conservative but he is a globalist.

Oh -- and the guy who had such difficulty figuring out how to be pro-life now admits he's pro-abortion.

Basically, he's a Democrat running under false colors. Just as a lot of us tried to tell you.

But his followers won't care. The same ones who think he's Superman also think he's whatever they want him to be.


Look, he's going to be your New Daddy in roughly 8 months and the 47th President of the U.S.. If you keep holding back like this, we're never going to get anywhere


Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead, he's facing 88 felony charges mostly for being a traitor. Explain exactly how Trump will be president again. You are by far one of the stupidist user here.


the majority of Real Americans voted for President Trump


Is Biden your "Daddy"? Of course he isn't. Seriously, what's the matter with you people and this "Daddy" business.

I'm not going to vote for him. You can vote for him. You can think he's your "Daddy." You can fantasize that he's Superman and Spiderman all rolled into one. He ran to the left of DeSantis, he's running away from all the conservative principles he pretended to believe in, and folks are saying he's going to bring on another "former" Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard -- who, once he discovers she really WAS mobbed up with the WEF and that might actually be a bridge too far with you guys with Daddy issues, he'll stab her in the back and toss her to the curb so fast it'll make her head spin. Trump's a closet liberal who's really for Trump first. Wake up. Smell the java.


at least its not Biden.


"Vote for me! At least I'm not Biden!" To which Biden says, "Vote for me! At least I'm not Trump!"

Some of us are sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I voted for Mittens, for pity's sake. I swore that was the last time they gave me the choice between two Democrats and I'd pick the one pretending to be a Republican. Trump's not even pretending very hard anymore.


Mittens lol

So did I, I loved me some mittens! I look forward to voting for someone that isn't old as dirt at some point though.

Now that I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony . . .


Good one!


Trump is America


Then why does Trump hate the military? He's called fallen military members suckers and losers among many other hateful and disgraceful things. He even disrespected gold star families. I am a US Army veteran and Trump disgusts me. Most veterans I know feel the same way. He will never be president again.


according to polls Trump is favorited to win , can you explain why? Trump used to under perform in polls too.


So now you believe in polls? A lot can happen before November. Trump is facing 88 felony charges mostly for being a traitor and that alone will keep Trump being reelected. Since you didn't comment about Trump's disrespect of the military I assume you feel the same way. You are a retard and an embarrassment to everyone who knows you.


You're okay with how Trump treats our veterans?


" suckers and losers"

If I had to put money on it , I'd say thats true . because he's that much of an asshole.
Theres no proof however.


No. America is America. Trump is a rich politician who puts that Stan Laurel smile on and hugs a flag and likely laughs at how you guys lap up all the corn. He gives rambling speeches promising the same things that he promised the first time around.

And now he's unleashed his flying monkeys to attack DeSantis again. That will drive the DeSantis base away from him, so why's he doing it?

For one thing he sees the conservatives continue to vote conservative. He wanted to take over the GOP, but he's seen conservatives breaking away and continuing to vote for DeSantis in larger and larger numbers. Sure, he seems to have the lock on the sheeple, but those conservatives are a thorn in his side. He hates them. So he has his flying monkeys attack them.

And I think someone took him aside and told him that DeSantis will be getting all the headlines if he can organize a Convention of States. With that, he likely can accomplish something more and lasting than Trump will with his flimsy EOs that will be reversed when the next guy like Biden gets in there. DeSantis will be known as the guy who gets things done for the country, not just Florida. And that ruins Trump's dream of setting up a dynasty like the Kennedys, only better, because all of his kids by the various wives are supposed to just follow one after another. DeSantis could wreck that. So he's got his dirty tricks people like Loomer and Stone out there on the attack. Even the Libs of Tik-Tok lady, Chaya, was willing to trash her rep for him.

Trump's worried. Bigly.


Trump went after him again at today's rally. He's pathetic.


I know! He lives rent-free in Trump's head when Trump's really supposed to be concentrated on attacking Biden. Someone's going to say it's 4D chess any second....


Oh the irony of you talking about someone living rent free in someone else's head. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Why are most of your posts about Trump amd conservatives. 🤣🤡🤤


A friend of mine on Twitter just said that "Trump begged him [DeSantis] like a dog and he turned him down. He still can't get over it."

I think she may be onto something. It doesn't make any sense for DeSantis to be Trump's obsession. It's like a jilted lover. He just can't stop. So it could be that's why he's so obsessed with attacking him.

Trump begged Musk like a dog, asking for money. Musk turned him down. Something tells me he's lost the "art of the deal."


Takes up a lot of space, loud, obnoxious, always butting into other people's business, thinks they're the flawless center of the universe, can admit no fault to anything and cant own up to any of its problems...sounds like a great comparison.


You think he will back down from his gun grab agenda?

Watch at 45 minutes.

Trump gun grab.


He's going total Democrat, and his dyed in the wool supporters just can not see it. You get called names for trying to point it out.


The GOP, since 1986, cannot call themselves the pro-gun party.


They're more pro-gun than the other Party, let's put it that way.


That is like saying Pol Pot was more pro-life than Stalin. The Democrats and the GOP treat the 2nd Amendment like it is some sort of humorous punchline


There are still a few Republicans who stand firmly on the 2A.

Dems never compromise, so even when they lose, they inch closer to their goal. Republicans could learn something, if they only would.


Names, or they don't actually exist.

Can you name any politician, in Congress, since the last general election, that stands firm on the 2nd Amendment and has proven it by sponsorship of a bill that would ease restrictions on the possession of firearms in the USA?

I'm not talking about sponsoring a bill and watching it die, but by sponsoring a bill and pushing it hard.


Believe it or not, I tried to find one that fit your criteria (most people don't do any research, they just insult), and I see your point. Massie seems like a good'n, Chip Roy seems solid. But as for meeting all your criteria, no.


I'm disappointed. I did set the bar very very low. :)


YOU look! I honestly couldn't find any. Now, if you want to find people who are pro-NRA, you can find them. But to put forth a bill and fight for it, that's a higher bar than you think -- for anything conservative on the Republican side, come to think of it.


I don't think there are any. But I'm wiling to be convinced if any exist.

The NRA sucks. I tired for years to get them to assist in my efforts to ease restrictions on the ownership of silencers and SBR's in WA, but they wold not give me the time of day.

Passage of bills to ease restrictions from 2009 to 2014 was strictly a local effort without NRA assistance at all. But we did it mostly due to the efforts of bills sponsors like Brian Blake and other state legislators.


thanks for talking about Trump and not that other guy...


Oh, you mean the one who lives rent-free in Trump's head? Dude has some kind of rally going on, and he's spending his time talking about how bad he beat DeSantis. DeSantis must really be a thorn in his side. DeSantis apparently really bugs him, since he keeps going on and on about him.

But he claims he annihilated DeSantis! He "hit him so hard that when he finally announced, no one knew about it!"


The establishment media, of which Fox is now a part, hardly covered DeSantis because DeSantis demands an accounting of what happened during the pandemic, not because Trump "hit him so hard." Neither Trump nor Biden wants the pandemic response looked into. And you don't hear Republican stalwarts on Fox demanding it, either. Why? Well, who buys the most advertising on news programs? Big Pharma. Trump and Biden are both in bed with Big Pharma -- as are all the establishment news channels. DeSantis is the one who isn't.

That could be another reason DeSantis is living rent-free in Trump's head -- how swampy Trump looks in comparison.


lets see, the oldest post on the Trump board is 3 days and its 11 days for that other guy, even though supposedly 81 million people voted for him, yet there are no supporters for that guy nor does anyone post anything positive for that other guy. you said Trump 6 times in your post... why is Trump so much more popular than that other guy?


Tell your Fearful Leader! He's the one going on about DeSantis.

He needs to realize two things: 1) Politics is about addition, not subtraction. Dipstick is actually going around saying he doesn't need our votes, he already has enough. Well, I guess so, since he's now all about splitting the GOP rather than attacking Biden, his real opponent. If he has so many supporters -- and he does have more than DeSantis -- why is he still punching down? Why can't he focus on the real job at hand? He's still running against "that other guy," as you mincingly say. Why can't he get DeSantis out of his head. There he is, still living there rent free, Trump's obsession. Why?

2) Hillary was cocksure in 2016, if you remember, and look what happened to her. And one more for you:

3) This isn't a very big site. Come over to a really big one like Twitter and see the ebb and flow of politics and news in an ocean of views instead of an out of the way little puddle, thinking that represents the universe.


whats cool is that we are talking about Trump and not that other guy. tell me more about Trump...


He wants to be considered the Father of the Vaccine. You know, the clotshot. That vaccine that's disabled and killed people worldwide. The one that turns regular cancers into turbo-cancers. He's proud of it. He wants to be known as its Daddy. Whenever I remind people of how awful the clotshot was, I always make certain to also give him full credit for it. Poor simpleton actually wants it. And the Magadonians all cheer when he talks about it, too.

Even though, for the most part, he ran the country like a 1990's Democrat, he was good for business. He had a great economy. Then he personally wrecked it. He shut the economy down, then turned it over to Fauci, Birx, et al. Gov. Kemp said Trump fought him when he tried to reopen his state. DeSantis said the same thing. Emperor Trump thought it was all up to him. No. The states that opened did well, the states that stayed closed didn't do well.

Trump was so stupid he thought Cuomo was the best Governor. 🤪

Then, just for good measure, he started those stimulus checks, spending you and even your grandchildren into oblivion and starting us down the path to stagflation.

Biden added the mandates. Other than that, all he did was double-down on Trump's insane measures. They were already everything a Democrat could dream of.

Cherry on top? Trump says he has no regrets. He'd do it all again. Just in case you want to know why Captain Fantastic wouldn't debate DeSantis -- DeSantis would have tore him up on that nightmare. As it is, he can get his Magadonian claque to cheer it. And vote for it. Real conservatives won't, but now Trump's bragging he's not a conservative.

He's admitting he's none of the things he told you he was to get elected in the first place. He's not even pro-life. And since you're still cheering for him despite him disavowing who he used to claim to be, it must be that it's not because of his policies or actions. It really IS just a cult of personality.


Trump saved billions of lives. thanks President Trump...


So I guess you took the clotshot? Fully boosted? Agree that Cuomo was the best Governor? Don't mind that Trump now says he's not a conservative? Enjoying the inflation all his stimulus brought us? Or you just hate it when Biden doubles down on Trump's folly. 🙄


you can thank congress and fauci for the inflation. they thought it was a good idea to shut down the global economy for a year and pay people 600 bucks a week not to work. you can also thank congress for passing 7 trillion in stimulus.

Joe said he was going to BBB and its been over 3 years now. when do things get better?


Trump proposed the stimulus. Congress added onto it, and it became the CARES Act. Now, guess who signed it, kitten? It's sort of silly to blame Biden -- and one should blame him -- for higher inflation rates, but NOT blame Trump for starting us down that road. Now Trump's saying he wants to continue funding Ukraine while calling it a loan. Basically both of the people running this time are going to spend us into oblivion. We're already in stagflation, but only a few of us can recognize it from the Carter days.

It's not going to get better. We stood a chance with DeSantis. But we have zero chance, now. We have Wild Spender A, or Wild Spender B. The edge that Trump has is that he'll get us energy independent, and he'll -- while not completely closing the border (little-known fact amongst Trumpers: He didn't close the border the last time, either) -- he will slow down the invasion drastically. I think I heard him say he was going to deport them all, too, which was a dang sight more than he did last time. But with Trump, we always run the risk of him announcing it just "sounded good on the campaign trail." Remember "Lock Her Up"? Now it's "Beautiful Hillary."

There was a time when, if a politician basically announced, "I only said that so you'd vote for me," that politician wouldn't be able to show his face again. That was when the Greatest Generation was still around, and folks knew what real leaders were like. Trump never would have gotten past the first week after he announced. They would have called his character into question. Church leaders who backed a serial adulterer would have been run from their pulpits. This is now a trash culture who gets trash to represent them -- so trashy that when someone has better morals, they call him "DeSanctimonious" or "DeSanctus." And the equally trashy followers laugh and repeat it as if it's an intelligent thing to say. It's a trashy thing to say, but skunks don't know they stink.


again, thanks to Trump, millions if not billions of lives were saved when Trump helped the American people with Operation Warp Speed. the Cares act also helped people when Fauci said it was a good idea to shut down the economy for a year. we were lucky to have President Trump during this radical plandemic.


Take away from that the excess deaths after the pandemic. All the other countries are reporting them, but for some reason America doesn't. And where are you getting your statistics for how many people were saved by the clotshot? If someone DOESN'T die, you think they can be counted? Or are you just posting what you hope to be true?

It's the latter.

The CARES Act started us down the road to double-digit inflation, and now stagflation. Oh -- it also funded Vote-by-Mail. That's right -- Trump signed the very legislation that may have doomed his election chances. He was that thirsty for the hope of buying votes with $2000 of free money, checks with his name on it. Dems know how to use Vote-by-Mail. Just ask any Republican in Oregon.

And which President first tapped Fauci to be the guy to turn the economy over to? Trump also said he, Trump, was the one who got to decide whether states were locked down or not. That's one of the reasons he says Cuomo, a liberal Democrat, was the best Governor in the country. Cuomo did as he was told by the Trump Administration.

Leave us not forget that Trump says he has no regrets about the way he handled Covid. That means he'd do a lockdown again.

Pity we couldn't have had DeSantis as President during this "radical plandemic." His state is in the black. So very much so, that he has a huge surplus. Our country is swimming in red ink. DeSantis is defending his border. DeSantis is promising to send more illegals to Martha's Vineyard. DeSantis has won the culture war in his state, while Trump's still trying to make promises about it. Basically, DeSantis has done everything that Trump promised to do, but didn't. Trump totally mismanaged the pandemic, started us on the shutdowns that destroyed the economy, and started us down the road to the hyper-inflation we have today that has finished off the economy. "Nice economy you got there, Bud. Be a shame if anything happened to it," Trump apparently said into the mirror. And he has no regrets


Dictator Joe made everyone take the clot shot. thats why so many people are dying. Dementia Joe has to go, he is despicable..


Wouldn't it have been wonderful if there had never been an Operation Warp Speed, and they instead allowed doctors to treat patients with Ivermectin? It's very effective. I know. It saved my life, and the life of my husband.

Instead, Trump teamed up with swampy Big Pharma and created an experimental vaccine, then encouraged people to take it, while he'd take all the credit for it. Uncle Joe just doubled down on what Trump did, including the inflationary bail out for the lockdown Trump started that didn't even need to happen. And he has no regrets, so he learned NOTHING.

Yes, Joe has to go. Trump's #1 asset in this race is how awful Biden is. He's now trying to scare people away from Trump because he can't gaslight folks enough that they won't believe their "lying" eyes at the pump or grocery store.

Sadly, Trump doesn't know what to do with an enormous deficit except add to it like a Democrat. So our country is as good as gone. And if you really think he's going to deport all the illegals, ask yourself why he didn't do that the last time. He'll at least get us energy independent, so that's a positive. He'll just spend us into oblivion and maybe lock the country down again if some swamp creature tells him to.


thank goodness Trump started OWS. we were and are lucky to have President Trump as a leader and mentor. I just hope the next election isnt hijacked.


Wow. How many of those shots have you had???

They don't all kill you outright, btw. Have you seen what they did to Mark Steyn? He's in a wheelchair. Some people are left having spasms, unable to even hold a spoon to feed themselves. We don't even know what these experimental vaccines are going to do to people long term. But you're cheering them mindlessly because Trump was the "Father" of them. Unbelievable! 🤦🏼‍♀️


the BBB Kult endorsed the clot shot. and no one has any idea the long term effects of a mRNA vaccine...


Of course they did! It doesn't get any more establishment than the clotshot. And Trump wants you to remember he's the "Father" of it!


yup, the father of OWS.

cant wait for Trump to be President again, unless he loses by chicanery...


Or he offends enough people that they won't vote for him. Or enough smart people realize he killed his own economy. Or that he wants to be known as the Father of the clotshot. I did love that, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" line. He was also the Father of that colossal lie, "Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread," and "Cuomo was the best Governor in the country."

I hope people remember he promised to "Lock her up!" then said it was just something that sounded good on the campaign trail. How can you be sure your favorite promise isn't a lie?

Meanwhile, the intelligent people are trying to move into Florida to make themselves safe from whichever one of the Uniparty gets into office.


There were three versions of the vaccine of which Pfizer/Fauci, public figures and Reps/Dems did not go out their way to inform or convey the public of that information.

1.) Placebo vaccine.

2.) Trump’s vaccine: HCQ, Iver, Azithromycin Doxycycline, Zinc, Vitamins-C, D (Operation Warp Speed).

Trump ordered 63 million HCQ doses which was part of his “operation warp speed” and would serve as the first two doses then the DS/FDA revoked the emergency use for it.
Instead, Big-Pharma rushed their own poison shots to the public.

By the time he realized what happened, he stated that he didn’t support the booster(s) but instead “natural immunity.” If he had spoken out directly against the booster, they would have impeached him immediately.

Trump was lied to just like the rest of the world. He tried to promote Iver and HCQ which was denied to everyone.

Remember when he was telling everyone about HCQ and Iver and the media demonized him.

Dr. Simone, Dr. Stella and other physicians agreed that those medications were effective and safe and Trump met with them and they had press conferences to inform everyone about those medications and they were censored and silenced on social media as well as shunned by the media.

Trumps executive orders explained the vaccine, where it would be made, what it would be called, how it would be dispersed, and "who" would be administering the shots.

He also stated that it was everyone’s choice whether to take the shot.

3.) Deep State vaccine (mRNA): Batch-1: Quick death shots, Batch-2: Slow death shots.

Trump endorsed his version of the vaccine (Operation Warp Speed) and thereby saving everyone from years of lockdowns which would have killed millions or billions which is part of the NWO’s implementation of their great reset.

If Trump had waited five to eight years for the vaccine, it would have been FDA approved and therefore 100% forced and mandatory on everyone, no exceptions. But because it was still experimental, it was not, which he did on purpose. The DS media was hoping that Trump would go full anti-vaxxer.

A list of 26 tweets in with Trump tried to tell humanity that a vaccine was not needed because there are safe and very effective drugs.


3.) Deep State vaccine (mRNA): Batch-1: Quick death shots, Batch-2: Slow death shots.

to date, no scientist knows the long term affects of a mRNA vaccine. and also people are mysteriously dying of heart attacks that started about 2 years ago. coincidence?


CDC Study Confirms COVID Jab Lowers Male Life Expectancy By 24 Years:

When the data is analyzed compared to the number of vaccines, the study shows:

1 shot reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 13 years
2 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 18 years
3 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 20 years
4 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 23 years
5 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 24 years


You should surf the actual internet instead of the stupidnet. Your claims here make you appear to be very stupid. You should stop doing that.

The study in question is not done by CDC, nor is it based on CDC data. It was done by the Cleveland Clinic. This study addresses only the risk of infection, not the risk of mortality. Also, the CDC's all-cause mortality data does not show that vaccinated people die at a higher rate. The all-cause mortality data do not distinguish at all between vaccinated and unvaccinated decedents.


And your fact checker confirms that you are a willful imbecile or a shill.

The study was based on the CDC data.

Btw, Fact Checkers = Misinformation and Disinformation.

Fact Checkers are released to refute and obfuscate the truth.

Fact Checkers are funded by globalists like Gates and Soros.

Gates is one of the guilty elites responsible for pushing the death jab.

You fell for the vaccine lie and you're still in denial. Looks to me like you're on the copium. lol


What CDC data? You imagined the data and are too cowardly to post a link.


What study is that? Post evedince to backup your claims or go fuck. yourself


But Trump's the "Father" of it and proudly says so. Stands by it. It didn't need the usual time testing, because he had it on "Warp Speed."



2.) Trump’s vaccine: HCQ, Iver, Azithromycin Doxycycline, Zinc, Vitamins-C, D (Operation Warp Speed).

Research the following:

Dr. Simone, Dr. Stella and other physicians agreed that those medications were effective and safe and Trump met with them and they had press conferences to inform everyone about those medications and they were censored and silenced on social media as well as shunned by the media.


If he hadn't of had it on "Warp Speed" they would've bagged on him worse, so it was basically damned if he did and damned if he didn't at the time


So rather than worrying about what "they" say, he should have just done the right thing.

We could have had a guy like that. Sadly, the majority of the people who voted thought he didn't have enough "sizzle." Me, I prefer the steak. You can keep the "sizzle."


tvfan (7776) 4 days ago SAID..........

CDC Study Confirms COVID Jab Lowers Male Life Expectancy By 24 Years:

When the data is analyzed compared to the number of vaccines, the study shows:

1 shot reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 13 years
2 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 18 years
3 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 20 years
4 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 23 years
5 shots reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men by 24 years
This is hogwash. This conspiracy theory has been fact checked and debunked.


They didn’t deboonk anything. LMAO

Fact checkers don’t refute, they provide opinions.

Fact Checkers = Misinformation and Disinformation.

Fact Checkers are funded by globalists like Gates and Soros.

Gates is one of the guilty elites responsible for pushing the same vaccine that has killed and injured millions.


On Monday Trump will be completely broke. Why won't you show your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen? It would really help Trump out now.


show your evidence that Russia hijacked the 2016 election. its been 8 years and we are still waiting...


Isn't it odd that Trump called for the lockdowns, kept trotting Fauci and Birx out to us as the authorities, and early on had a rally where he brought out one of the big wigs at Big Pharma to point out what a great job his vaccines had done.

Yes, I will agree that Trump has always tried to play both sides against the middle, but please, don't try to gaslight me. It was called Operation Warp Speed because he got a vaccine -- not a lot of Hydroxy and IVM -- out to the public in record speed, something he's still bragging about.

One of the things I've noticed is that the biggest Trumpers know the least about what he stands for and is currently saying.

You apparently missed him on Gutfeld!, where he said that he was against the mandates, but he disagrees with Gutfeld's wife about his vaccine. He still thinks it's grand stuff.

Anyone who's still a Trumper after he said he wasn't a conservative gets what they deserve. His latest gem is that he's going to continue to jack up inflation with free money to Ukraine -- he's just going to call it a "loan." So same old Democrat policies, just in a different wrapper. Maybe no NEW wars, just the same old ones. I just had a friend over who is counting on Trump lying about some of this stuff. When you have to bet on a politician lying....

Oh, yes, Trump would mumble a few things about HCQ, and such, but he didn't fight for it. He kept shoving Fauci out to give us the governmental version. Then he gave Fauci a medal on his way out the door. No pardons for all those people who believed in him who moseyed through the Capitol on J6, but he promises that will be one of the first things he'll do when he's elected. He could have pardoned them on the way out the door, but you know how it is.


Your TDS is persistent, severe and never ending like the NPCs that still believe that the vax is "safe and effective."

You expect wonders and miracles from Trump because you lack discernment.

don't try to gaslight me. -- not a lot of Hydroxy and IVM

You confuse me with the typical leftists ... Everything I stated can be researched, verified and confirmed.
Even the "where is the evidence?" leftoid Brit on the politics board was able to find sources for what I stated.

Trump spared everyone from years of lockdowns because of "Operation Warpspeed" and the DeepState would still have forced the vaccines on everyone.

Once again, Trump is not a doctor or a virologist.

And don't forget that many people still support the vaccine. Many will never accept the truth until MSM tells them.

Trump offered HCQ & other preventive treatments, ensuring we had "emergency use authorization", but he was vilified.

Oh, yes, Trump would mumble a few things about HCQ, and such, but he didn't fight for it.

They tried to impeach him over a phone call.
They fought him on everything else and they would still have pushed their poison jab on everyone, regardless.

- Yes, he fought for it when he told everyone repeatedly about alternative methods including natural immunity.
- Yes, he fought for it when he used "Operation Warpspeed" to end lockdowns as quickly as possible instead of years.

Once again, he only had a couple of weeks left in his term and there was nothing to pardon.
For the umpteenth time, the DS is in control regardless of who is president.


Sorry, kid. I lived though it. Trump shut up about HCQ and IVM when he was dragged by social media and the liberal press. Operation Warp Speed was only about getting the clotshots to the public in record time. Hence, "Warp Speed." If he'd fought for Ivermectin, there wouldn't have been need for vaccines. Vaccines aren't considered necessary if there are effective treatments, and Ivermectin is an absolute miracle when it comes to Covid. I know. I used it.

I've run into these confused arguments of yours on other sites. Apparently you get the info at Truth Social, or is there some other place this misinformation is being spread? How you couldn't know what Operation Warp Speed was, or what it did, is beyond me. The rest of it is sort of hash, too. You forget that Trump promised to drain the swamp and defeat the deep state. Looks like, according to you, it defeated him.


How you couldn't know what Operation Warp Speed was, or what it did, is beyond me.

Apparently, you are the one that lacks discernment and knowledge about what OWS was.
Warp Speed had nothing to do with the vaccines; it was to end the lockdowns as quickly as possible.

If he'd fought for Ivermectin, there wouldn't have been need for vaccines.

Sorry, but which part did you not understand that they tried to impeach him over a simple phone call?!

If he had “fought for it” as you claimed, he would have been impeached and removed; and they would still have proceeded with the lockdowns and their mRNA vaccines.

Sorry, kid. I lived though it.

If you had actually lived through it like you claimed, you would have noticed the many businesses that those lockdowns destroyed and the millions they killed with those lockdowns.

Because of Trump’s “Warp Speed”, that lockdown didn’t last 5-12 years and then the vaccine would have been unconditionally forced on everyone and billions would have been killed.

So yes, he saved billions of lives because of “Warp Speed” as he claimed.

Once again, the MSM, social media, the establishment and all the other globalists and scientist shills including the 99% of the “DC Swamp” shut him down about HCQ/IVM.

You obviously didn’t research the info I already stated twice about the meeting that Trump had with those physicians and how they were ostracized, shunned and demonized by the media and everyone else for suggesting alternate methods/solutions.

Vaccines aren't considered necessary if there are effective treatments, and Ivermectin is an absolute miracle when it comes to Covid. I know. I used it.

Than you should be grateful that Trump suggested that and “natural immunity” as alternatives to their mRNA vaccines.
Here we are, three years later and we are just now starting to see some small but gradual revelations of how damaging that fake pandemic was and how much damage that vaccine has done.

Trump promised to drain the swamp and defeat the deep state.

If he had at least eight years to do it, yes, but they were powerful enough to create a plandemic and rig the election.

Once again, you expect wonders and miracles according to your time frame and by your methods.




of course he is you idiot. they all are.

left vs right is a scam. they are all friends of each other behind the scenes. that includes. youtubers,news anchors, whatever it be alex jones or TYT or tim pool, or sam sander and all the other clowns. they are all working together to divide you.

and you have the same formula in any country. they want populations as divided as possible because if they were united against them its over for them.


So he is now asking his acolytes to contribute (again) because he failed to secure a bond to cover a $454 million judgment in a civil fraud case.
Not the gift that keeps on giving, apart from the comedy aspect of this campaign.
In reality the parasite that keeps on taking.
You can't make this stuff up.


But in the end, like it or not, he's still winning in November, so better get used to it Lib


I don't have to get used to it. I'm just an observer.


He's got plenty of friends and family who are multimillionaires. And yet he wants granny's money. There's something wrong with this picture.

Trump's barred from raising money from banks that do business in NYC, but his KIDS aren't. His FRIENDS aren't. Sean Hannity could take out a mortgage on that monster home of his and probably pay for the whole thing. Mark Levin was complaining that there were no Republican BILLIONAIRES coming to his aid -- since Levin is a multimillionaire, he's making sure he's not pointing at himself or his friends. None of the people with real money, not even the daughter and son-in-law worth a cool billion are interested in loaning dear old Dad some dosh. So one of his multimillionaire friends, and multimillionaire, Don, Jr., are on social media begging for money. Junior even made a commercial that's playing on Twitter. Why doesn't he peel off a few bills? This is ridiculous. They all have more money than we do.

Of course Letitia and Co. are simply trying to knock him out of the race, but if they simply pick the next in line, it was DeSantis. They're really not going to like him. He's a real conservative who gets things done.
