How you couldn't know what Operation Warp Speed was, or what it did, is beyond me.
Apparently, you are the one that lacks discernment and knowledge about what OWS was.
Warp Speed had nothing to do with the vaccines; it was to end the lockdowns as quickly as possible.
If he'd fought for Ivermectin, there wouldn't have been need for vaccines.
Sorry, but which part did you not understand that they tried to impeach him over a simple phone call?!
If he had “fought for it” as you claimed, he would have been impeached and removed; and they would still have proceeded with the lockdowns and their mRNA vaccines.
Sorry, kid. I lived though it.
If you had actually lived through it like you claimed, you would have noticed the many businesses that those lockdowns destroyed and the millions they killed with those lockdowns.
Because of Trump’s “Warp Speed”, that lockdown didn’t last 5-12 years and then the vaccine would have been unconditionally forced on everyone and billions would have been killed.
So yes, he saved billions of lives because of “Warp Speed” as he claimed.
Once again, the MSM, social media, the establishment and all the other globalists and scientist shills including the 99% of the “DC Swamp” shut him down about HCQ/IVM.
You obviously didn’t research the info I already stated twice about the meeting that Trump had with those physicians and how they were ostracized, shunned and demonized by the media and everyone else for suggesting alternate methods/solutions.
Vaccines aren't considered necessary if there are effective treatments, and Ivermectin is an absolute miracle when it comes to Covid. I know. I used it.
Than you should be grateful that Trump suggested that and “natural immunity” as alternatives to their mRNA vaccines.
Here we are, three years later and we are just now starting to see some small but gradual revelations of how damaging that fake pandemic was and how much damage that vaccine has done.
Trump promised to drain the swamp and defeat the deep state.
If he had at least
eight years to do it, yes, but they were powerful enough to create a plandemic and rig the election.
Once again, you expect wonders and miracles according to your time frame and by your methods.