Bill Maher: The reason Trump will win in 2024
Bill Maher is a very conflicted Liberal.. On 1 hand, he identifies as the old guard of being Liberal, like back in the day when you could agree to disagree and debate one side or another without all this hostility you see in 2023 Biden Politics, but on the other hand, he's having a hard time finally agreeing that Trump is going to win, but he offers quite the insight why he will.. Liberals here at Movie Chat will obviously disagree, but whatever.. That's on you..
"Maher has warned Democrats that the aging Biden should step aside in 2024 to avoid losing to Trump again. He compared Biden to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, dubbing him “Ruth Bader Biden” for refusing to relinquish power."
Losing to Trump again?? Was this a flub on the part of Bill Maher who deep down, even he doesn't believe Biden won in 2020?? LOL!!!!!!!! Come on.. How could you defend this folks??