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Fox News Poll: More think Trump has mental soundness than Biden

Gee?? Imagine that?? And water is wet.. Biden's day's as Faux Commander in Chief basically are numbered because the American people have had just about enough of this Administration, and it shows.. And MarcellusWallace to comment on this in 3 2 1.. LOL!!


Yeah... This is from the news network that got fined over $800 million for telling lies. So now you believe in polls? What happened in 2020 when polls showed Trump losing and you called the polls fake? The fact you believe this story is true is because you are stupid and gullible. Every single one of your posts prove this.


So if CNN had posted this, it would be Ok, right?? Come on. You're trying to hard


If CNN posted this I would read the story then go to other news sources to verify the story. You on the other hand are so stupid you think Fox News is accurate and you look no further. Why do you believe in polls from Fox News yet you claim other polls are fake?


Because clearly, the other news networks hate Trump with a passion and they're willing to post Polls, even fake one's in an effort to keep pushing their narrative and defending Biden who simply sucks at the job and America has spoken over it, much like YOU in trying to convince America that Trump would be bad for a 2nd Term and that's just bogus if I've ever seen it but as always, Trump Derangement Syndrome falls heavily on you like every other liberal.


I wish I could see your face the moment you realize that Trump is a grifter and a traitor. It's coming soon you total retard. I would put the suicide hotline on speed dial if I were you because you're going to need it.


Nah, I don't have TDS like you and the rest of the liberal herd nervous as hell this man is going to beat old yeller in 2024 in Joe Biden and you should be and why?? Cause your narrative will crumble. Simple as that!! And to be fair about this Robocat893, it doesn't even have to be Trump, it could be any of the GOP nominees I'll vote for in doing my civic duty to get this clown Administration out of the White House, but should Trump be the chosen one to do it, he's got my vote.. No 2 ways about it.. I'd prefer a new candidate, but it doesn't look like Trump's going to be denied being the Nominee and if they try to do this and throw him under a bus, even this far ahead of the other candidates in rhe Polls and go with someone else instead out of spite?? Then you're looking at a vindictive Trump who'll run as an Independent 3rd Party causing Biden to win and that's exactly what will happen if the GOP gets stupid about this..


Holy shit! Just a wall of words from you I didn't read. Are you so stupid you don't know to use paragraphs?


That's basically how I sum up your posts: Just a bunch of liberal bullshit that proves 0 other than your obsession with me, so pound sand Lib??


Your stupidity and gullibility is astounding. I bet your parents are embarrassed of you.


Considering both are dead, I doubt it unlike your parents who wonder why you're obsessed with a poster in me and insist on staying up all night sparring with me in trying to convince people Biden is better and of more sound mind than Trump and the more you defend Biden?? The more it makes you look like a liberal fool, but to each's own I suppose?? Trump wins in 2024 and the next photo will show you screaming at the sky like this liberal did in 2016 when Trump won:


Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead, he's facing dozens of felony charges for being a traitor and the GOP wants nothing to do with him. Explain exactly how Trump will be president again? Your stupidity continues.


Explain how you think Biden will win?? How about it?? You can't possibly be this naive in trying to defend this man??


I don't care if Biden wins or not as long as Trump will never see the inside of the White House ever again. Just so you know I voted against Trump not for Biden. It must be uncomfortable for you to see Trump going down.


Just out of curiosity, but what will you do should Trump pull it off and win in 2024?? Be honest?? Will you storm the Capitol out of anger, accept it and move on with your life?? What??


Just like in 2016 and 2020 I accepted the election results. If Trump wins in 2024 I would accept those results too. I wouldn't pitch a fit like the Jan. 6 insurrectionists did or cry about it like you do.


And yet, somehow, I don't believe 1 thing you just posted and deep down, neither do you?? LOL


I don't care if you believe me or not. It doesn't matter. I don't get upset by some insignificant anonymous user on a public message board like you do. Do you think you won something here? You must live a miserable life to think so.


Well?? Come on, another website posted this other than FOX.. You going to dismiss this too?? LOL!!!


I don't know why they keep putting him in these situations. He doesn't have to make speeches or whatever the fuck that was.


I love how so many Trump fans scream liberal media and think it's just so unfair that other news sources say bad things about Trump.

I love how so many Trump fans scream election fraud because Trump didn't win.

Funny thing, it never dawns on them that many more news outlets criticize Trump because there are just so many things about him and things that he has done and is doing that are worthy of extreme criticism!

Funny thing, it never dawns on them that Biden got more votes simply because more people voted for Biden.

Funny thing, the most logical answer simply is the actual answer?


Look, you can go 1 day to the next in believing that Joe Biden who sat on his bed for 9 months without campaigning garnered 81 Million votes, but deep down, even Obama laughs at that, so give it a rest..


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.


Whenever Liberals say this very same thing you just said right here, it shows deep down, you don't have a leg to stand on and no amount of credible evidence no matter what would be accepted and you know it


I'm not a liberal you stupid fucktard.


You sure as shit act like it??


I get it. Anyone who disagrees with you is a liberal. Your stupidity continues.


Well?? I'm not wrong


You are not wrong. Your stupidity continues.


Unfortunately, people voted anti-trump instead of for who would be a better president.


The fact you believe this story is true is because you are stupid and gullible.
Why so defensive ? immediately dismissing something vaguely anti-your-stance as bullshit?
Without even reading it?
Thats a MAGA move . (Fake News!)

Its sounds perfectly legit to me . Why would you not believe that Fox News audience think that?

plus if you actually read the the story and look at the results its far more believable.
Those surveyed do not think Trump is fit for office. (as well as Biden)


Joe's up to it again, this time claiming he taught Political Theory at the University of Pennsylvania and gets called on it.. LOL!! Oh, and before you claim it's FOX News as usual, so don't believe it, others are posting it as well.. Good luck defending this man.. LOL!!


it was verified already... Trump is our best choice.


Biden is old and senile. I'm surprised some people don't know that. I thought everyone did. Just look at his speaches. Maybe he has a brain tumor or something, I don't know.


Biden gets caught lying to Military families.. Unreal


Trump tells the truth!!! Trump does not like POW's. Trump is scum.

We are better off with both of these clowns retired from politics.


waddya think the result is gonna be if Faux News asks its 100% right wing Trumpite audience that question ????

That fact that they also discovered :
"The latest Fox News national survey also finds that while 46% think Donald Trump has the cognitive capability necessary to be president, over half, 52%, do not." very telling. Even Republican loyalty factor cant get Trump a thumbs up in that poll

Basically your headline should be
"Fox News Poll: people surveyed think neither Biden nor Trump are fit for office"

theres barely any difference in the margins they both failed by too!


Sorry, but I don't have any problem to understand what Trump says. Biden? Does anyone even try to understand what he's talking about? "My butt's been wiped"? Does anyone care?

There IS a difference...


Its not a question of "understanding" what they say.
Its the content and meaning of what they are saying that matters.


Of course politicians have to COMMUNICATE their politics. When you don't understand that old fart, the content is irrelevant.


It hardly matters if a person is more mentally sounds than a mumbler like Biden if they think wealth is an excuse for rape and that the 2nd Amendment is an optional civil right.


Actually, they are both puppets, but to different puppet masters.


Trump is the only leader to not be chosen or selected by the establishment….his four years in office proved that.
Those that disagree or can't see that are mind-controlled brainwashed idiots incapable of common sense and deductive reasoning.


He was controlled by his rich donors, just like any other rich politician, except maybe Bernie Sanders who was only backed by small donators.


Americans love Trump, this is a fact.


Americans who love Trump are either rich assholes like him or poor idiots who think he will make them rich, that's another fact.


I checked the internet and that is not a fact. its a fact that dementia Joe has dementia...


Dementia Joe definitely has dementia.
But we are not talking about him, we are talking about Donnie Fartko who thinks Biden is going to start World War II again.


no doubt dementia Joe has dementia which is why he might accidentally start WWII.


It’s also a fact that Pantshitter Joe is a pantshitter.


Extremely Outdated Poll


Outdated when it doesn't support your Narrative, right?? When it shows your guy losing, it's outdated??
