MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Skipping the debate for an interview wit...

Skipping the debate for an interview with Tucker at the same hour to compete with FOX

I honestly don't see how this move helps Republicans since it just makes Trump look cowardly and like he is acting as if he is entitled to the nomination. Trump will hand the Democrats another 4 years thanks to his antics.


He wants to brag tmrw how he got higher ratings than the other bozos.
It’ll make him feel better whilst getting arrested


What a pussy!


Biden refuses to live debate Trump.

What a pussy!


Why would Biden debate Trump since he isn't the Republican nominee? Your blind worship of Trump has made you stupid.


Your blind worship for a dementia patient is scary to say the least.


Yes but Biden is their pussy so it's automatically OK don't you see? It's not a bad thing when it's their guy.


Just more evidence that if the left didn't employ double standards they'd have zero standards at all!


Biden refuses to live debate Trump.

Says who?


this didnt age very



Why do worship Trump? You're not an American.


This is a twofer, stick it to FOX and Ronna and her RNC at the same time.

And this tells me something else, Trump is not about to cave in to the RNC. He's running as a Republican, not an establishment Republican..


Trump was always just using the Republican ticket because the Democrats are a hivemind monolith of corrupt psychos. The Republican party is the only place where free thinkers can go. It's why they are so weak. They actually allow different opinions because it's not about towing the party line for fund raisers and lobbyists to some.

If the RINOs and their corporate masters want to put a stop to those speaking their minds and exposing the lies, why should Trump help them with ratings?


That’s pretty insane thinking


The move of kings! Very strong. Going against the Ashkenazi controlled media. Bold, very bold!



Currently sitting at 130.6million views the morning after. How many people do you think watched the debates?


154.8million views now.


199.1million views.


"Skipping the debate for an interview with Tucker"

Its worse than that, it was prerecorded so airing it at that time is just a deliberate and typically childlike Trump move to shit on his fellow republican nominees.

He didnt turn up to yell over the moderator and talk shit to get his way , so he just did this instead.


But here you are talking about Trump and not your dementia patient.


did you see the thread title at the top?


"since it just makes Trump look cowardly"

Trump all day everyday. I would rather talk about Trump than the other guy anyways. No one talks about the dementia patient.


"No one talks about Biden"

Meanwhile, pretty much every single post on the front page of his board is by a Trumptwat!

See for yourself...


Because you guys wont talk about him and all the stupid stuff he says and does. No one whined about Obama after he left office.

He compared losing his Vette and cat to the fires in Maui. This is what your president says, yet it will never make the mainstream news. I get better news from MC than from the lamestream media.


During this first Republican debate, what an absolute pleasure it was not to hear that rhetoric Trump uses constantly......."It's a witch hunt".
