I support President Donald J Trump
Stay strong Mr. Trump, we will defeat Fascism and Joes new Gestapo.
Vote for Trump
Vote for America
Stay strong Mr. Trump, we will defeat Fascism and Joes new Gestapo.
Vote for Trump
Vote for America
I support President Donald J TrumpDJT desperately needs your money. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-tries-to-fleece-his-supporters-for-cash-one-last-time-before-his-indictment-i-m-going-to-be-out-of-commission-for-a-few-hours/ar-AA19t3N0?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=a18f2f54bbb04565919b6e5b97ffb80c&ei=17
posted 15 minutes ago by Bubbathegut (12924)
Stay strong Mr. Trump, we will defeat Fascism and Joes new Gestapo.
Vote for Trump
Vote for America
Grifted again?
shareMr. TheGut is both All Hat, No Cattle and an Empty-Suit. His political support to DJT has been grifted but he aint' parted with a single coin.
The rest of MAGA-Land or MAGA-World (he does have some international support and fans) are keeping his coffers full of their hard-earned shekels. 🤣
We the People are grifted every four years.
shareI support Trump during this politically driven persecution by a weaponised DA. Everyone knows it's purely being done as an obstacle to his 24 run and I hope it blows up spectacularly in their faces.
Good luck from the UK.
Standby, more indictments coming soon.
shareAny idea what for or are they just still throwing everything they can at the wall to see what sticks?
shareDems are literally doing everything they can to prevent Trump from winning in 2024.
sharePossible indictment coming out of Georgia? Possible federal Jan 6th indictment?
shareSo nothing then?
shareSure, possibly…
shareVote for Trump
Vote for America
Trump/Gabbard 2024
Boy, you can really count on Bubba to add substance to a discussion…
shareLol, thats all you guys get now. I gave up on substance years ago. Either my comment is ignored or I get mocked for my opinion. I miss the days on IMDb when you could actually have a conversation with someone about a movie.
shareYou describe all of Trump's detractors.
shareEverything you think you know is a lie.
shareMaybe is too late because already has past 3 hours since you posted your anwser, but are you having a stroke? do you need an ambulance sir?
shareThank God you're just retarded, I tough you were dying
shareBefore calling someone retarded you really should work on improving your grammar skills.
shareNah, im cool, improving and studied before doing is for pussies I will learn on the road
BTW I only count 3 mistakes on my first reply so is not that bad
No I wasn't herded off a cliff by a Disney stooge but thanks for asking!
shareTrump will be your President soon.
shareWrong again.
shareevidence please
shareI am not a resident of the USA.
So the love of your life Trumpy Dumpty who the rest of the planet laughs at cannot be my president.
That is called empirical evidence.
why do you like Trump so much if you are a goat herder?
shareWhy would you think I like Trump?
I don't herd goats. Goat herders write Bible stories that fools think are true accounts of creation.
thank you for voting for Trump.
shareWrong. Again.
I don't give a shit about Trump or Biden.
What a joke that these two old farts are the candidates selected in a country of 330 million people.
And I thought your biggest embarrassment was 40% of Mericans believing the Earth is no more than 6,000 years old.
no one knows how the old the Earth is, people just speculate...
shareI'd agree with that. No one knows 100% how many years ago it was formed.
But I'd suggest 6,000 to 10,000 years ago is a ridiculous assertion.
I read somewhere that a cleric from the middle ages based it on the verses in Genesis with all the begatting and sadly some have come to accept that as what it is, even in this day and age.
God could have created the Universe and everything in it to have aged already 10,000 years ago or the Universe has been around for X number of years.
" With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
I vehemently disagree!
He and his ilk are shitbirds. More specifically, shithawks.
Just curious but do you think Trump is innocent or that we shouldn't prosecute corruption in wealthy politicians?
shareInnocent of what? If you can name the crime he's supposed to have concealed I can tell you whether I think it's bullshit.
shareYou don't know what he's being indicted for?
shareApparently, neither do you.
shareRockAway is still awaiting the latest firmware update on what to answer to such questions.
shareI just don't see the point in talking to someone who doesn't even know what Trump was indicted for. Some people just pick a side and decide to stick their fingers in their ears. I don't like wasting my time. You can respond to me if you want, but I'm out. I've seen you endlessly harass people with ignorance, it's just not my idea of a good time.
shareLots of words to say you don't know what, thanks for playing champ.
shareAre you completely incapable of reading the indictment?
THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses
the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST
DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10
They are all the same thing. lol Just different dates.
I oppose the holding of political prisoners and the violation of civil rights.
shareExplain exactly how Trump is a political prisoner and what rights of his were violated.
shareteh motivation of the lefty prosecutor is clearly POLITICAL, not any concern about the terrible crime committed. That right there is a violation of his civil rights, due to violation of Equal Protection clause.
If he in imprisoned, he will thus be a POLITICAL PRISONER, because the reason he is in prison is POLITICAL, not based on his actual "criminal" actions.
You didn't explain anything. Just more insipid rantings from someone who is stupid enough to support twice impeached disgraced ex-president Trump. You should put the suicide hotline in your speed dial because when Trump fails to be reelected in 2024 you're going to need it.
shareHow do YOU define political prisoner?
shareI don't need to define anything since you are the one who is making these claims. So explain exactly how Trump is a political prisoner and what rights of his were violated.
sharei did. He is being charged and hopefully NOT imprisoned, not because of a crime, but because of his political activities.
That is a violation of the Equal Protection clause, and thus a violation of his right to due process.
Supporting this is supporting tyranny.
So you are not able to explain exactly how Trump is a political prisoner and what rights of his were violated. You obviously don't understand how the judicial system works. It looks like your home schooling has failed you Cletus.
shareI answered both of those. You are insane.
shareAll you've done is state as if you know that it's a fact that the crime is irrelevant (you haven't even argued that he could be innocent, so you don't even seem to care if he's a criminal or not) and the only reason he's being charged is because he's a politician.
Correct. Just like the lefty prosecutor, I don't care about the actual "crime". I care about the prosecutors actual motivatation, which is political.
That makes it a violation of his rights, and an assault of the democratic process and tyranny.
Your completely imaginary scenario is not a violation of rights. It's only a violation if it is, and can be proven, that there is no basis for suspecting or charging the disgraced former president of these crimes. In which case it could be a case malicious prosecution.
But the important thing is that it requires more than just your personal belief, at the expense of the evidence presented to the grand jury, for that to be the case.
Your logic implies that any politician is immune from prosecution for anything because it's possible that people are politically opposed to them. Even just at the back of their minds. That's just an absurd idea.
So you are saying that he didn't commit a crime? Really?
shareI'm saying that if he was just a real estate guy still, that this charge would not be brought.
The ONLY reason this is happening, is becuase he is a strong republican leader.
That means if he is convicted that he will be a political prisoner.
Do you not understand that? It doesn't matter if the paperwork LOOKS good, if the reason it is happening is so that the Left can imprison a political problem, then that makes it political imprisonment.
And clearly that is what is happening.
Why would a real estate agent commit the crimes Trump is charged with if he wasn't running for office? Your argument is demented. It's like saying that a dairy farmer wouldn't be indicted for market manipulation in the trading of currencies.
shareIrrelevant. The point stands. This is not happening because anyone gives a damn about Trump giving some money to a porn star. This is happening because Trump is a politican that some people hate with an insane passion.
So because you feel that is not the reason, Trump should be able to get away with his crimes if he is guilty?
shareYou can talk all the shit you want. As you make a habit of arresting political prisoners, that is will be a great injustice to your victims and a great harm to America.
shareNo if someone breaks the law they need to be held accountable. You want him excused because you believe they want to target him politically. That is irrelevant. The law is the law. So you know for a fact Trump has committed no crime?
shareNo if someone breaks the law they need to be held accountable.
Yep I have no issue with that. All politicians should be in jail who break the law and that includes your precious republicans that do it also. Remember when Trump promised Hilary would be put in jail? I wanted that to happen and he lied to us. We all know if you are rich and powerful the law does not apply to you the same way it does for the common man. This is true across the board no matter who you are.
shareSo when someone tries to do something and is prevented outside their power and control to go through with it, than that makes them a liar?!....seriously, what is wrong with you?.
The DNC, DOJ, FBI, CIA, and all the other agencies from “the left” that make up the Deep State are in “control”, so those names I mentioned will almost certainly never be prosecuted. This is why it is clear and evident that this is nothing more than a political stunt.
What is the definition of a lie? An inaccurate or untrue statement. He said he would get her arrested. It did not happen. Therefore that is a lie.
shareSo you have no common sense since you completely failed to understand the first part of my previous statement…got it.
shareHe is just talking shit to try to distract from the real issue here, ie that the Left is now onboard with arresting and holding political prisoners.
shareNo I just am not going to let you guys excuse law breaking. We will see what happens once this legal case is up. Innocent until proven guilty so we will see if he is guilty.
shareSo you believe that Trump should get away with breaking the law because democrats have gotten away with breaking the law. Well, I understand your frustration, but that's just stupid man.
shareThe prosecutor is breaking the law when he politically targets Trump, based on political reasons.
And that law is far more serious, than some guy paying a hooker to keep her mouth shut.
Using state power, political positions to arrest your political opponents, is classic, real world tryanny.
Not, "stand in a lecture hall talking shit to people that agree with you about people with no ability to talke back" tryanny, but real tyranny, where people go to jail for having being on the losing side of a political battle.
That is a path that leads to ever more tryanny, and oppression and violence.
Have you given ANY thought to how your enemies are going to react to you arresting their leader?
I understood it perfectly. You don't understand the meaning of the word lie. Look that word up in the dictionary it will help you out.
shareBut that's just in your imagination.
Only Trump's supporters who don't want the law to apply to him claim that nobody cares about the law. Convenient. And bullshit.
The fact that he is a habitual liar and evidently law breaker should explain why he's hated by many people.
People hate pedophiles with passion. Does that mean that pedophiles can't be prosecuted?
You ever been audited?
shareGet a life.
shareIt's a serious question. Anyone who has, knows that the way people talk about "THE LAW", like it is something sacred and each and every violation is a SIN, is bullshit.
Indeed, if you have watched any of the congressional reviews by republicans on various FBI or DOJ officals on why certain laws were not enforced against lefty activists or figures, they are happy to discuss how prosecutors have to judge whether a certain case is worth the use of resources based on severity of hte charge, how strong of a case it is, and/or relevant to other competing possible uses of the same resources.
If the reason that this specific choice was made was not based on legitimate reasons but on a desire to arrest a political enemy, than it is tryanny.
And I mean that word, literally. I'm not a shit talker like some people. You arrest and jail a political leader for political reasons, they are then a political prisoner.
That is not me needing to get a life. That is me not playing along with your preetend game that this is not happening.
And understand. Half the country is agreeing with me. We see the shit you people are doing, and we are not happy.
Who was it said "LAW AND ORDER!!!!"
"Nobody who is under investigation is fit for office."
"If you take the fifth amendment, you're guilty"
Not me. The point stands. This prosecutor is breaking the law and violatinng Donald Trump's rights.
Assuming Trump is the republican nominee come 2024, a vote against Trump will be a vote against Civil Rights.
That is the political divide today. Republians pro-civil rights, Democrates anti-civil rights.
Trump said those things.
Quit licking his butt.
How is his opinion on such matters relevant to our discussion?
I've made the point that a politically motivated prosecution is a violation of civil rights and an assault of the democratic process.
Your response is to post some stuff he said that you disagree with, as though that justifies going after him, really hard.
Was that your intent? To justify violating his civil rights? Is your position that he is such a bad man that shit canning civil rights is just a price you are willing to pay?
You sure that is the side of history you want to be on? Cause your starting to sound really, really bad.
Oh that's all you will see Corbell do. Republicans are immune from any crime in his book. Just a warning he is the worst kind of scumbag. Put him in his place he is trash.
shareYou guys are the ones shit canning the very idea of Civil Rights, in order to arrest your political enemeis.
You are the scumbags here.
Keep on worshipping Trump.
shareIt's not about Trump. It is about your side's arresting of political opponents.
If your side had done this to freaking JOHN MCCAIN, my response would have been the same.
No it's political worship. If this was done to Obama or Biden you wouldn't care. You only care when it's republicans.
shareIncorrect. I support due process and civil rights for everyone, including people I consider scum of the earth.
shareI do not believe you. You only care when it is your camp you feel is wronged. I have seen you do this before. You get all bent out of shape when a white character is race swapped but do not care if a black character gets swapped. So no I know your pattern buddy.
shareYou talk a lot of shit, but the facts remain. This is a politically motivated prosecution and thus a violation of Trump's civil rights.
Today, America 2023, when it comes to Civil RIghts, Republican FOR, Democrats AGAINST.
Ditto the very concept of Democratic Process and Peaceful Transfer of Power.
Nope politicians get away with crimes. All of them do whether it's republican or democrat.
If he broke the law this is his own fault. You don't break the law you don't have to worry what the motivation is.
Actually, it is spelled out clearly in teh law, that motivation for prosecution, is relevant.
A prosuction motived by personal or partisan emnity, is a violation of due process, and thus a violation of Civil RIghts.
You libs chant this shit so much, but you have utterly forgotten the actual MEANINGS of the shit you say.
I also don't believe it's politically motivated. You would say this if this was being done to Obama. So I am throwing this right at you. Choke on it. Anytime Trump would be held accountable for a wrongdoing you would claim this. So nope. Keep worshipping the orange man.
shareOnly a complete retard or a liar would claim that this is not politically motivated.
Which are you?
And none of the attacks on Obama were politically motivated? Right...
Sit back and get in line. No one cares what you think scumbag.
Standard lefty two step.
Deny something is happening.
When that fails, move to justifying it.
repeat. Endless, like a brain damaged asshole.
Typical boot licker. Defend corruption. Don't worry it will be ok. You can donate your salary to help out the orange man. I think that will help him out.
shareWow, you're insane.
shareI think he is innocent. If it was a crime then why did they wait until 2023 to indict him? Just so you know, 2016 was 7 years ago. The WDC Deep State is afraid Trump might win so they are doing everything they can to prevent it.
shareI think that if this aggressive level of prosecution were applied evenly, Hillary and Bill Clinton would be in prison, and Biden would be waiting on his sentence. Without a doubt, they'd at least have gone to court.
shareDin't this guy lost the election to Lord Biden aka baby sniffer?