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DeTrumpification: Continues...(Special Counsel Edition)

Looks like this is going to be more difficult than anyone (to DJT's apparent delight) could have ever imagined.

Sure, DJT is a victim!

The lies by DJT keep on coming out of his mouth. I mean of course, he even lies about lying. 🤣

It has been over a year, Democracy and Justice moves slowly, but some progress is indeed happening.



anything to say about that other guy?


Uh, this is a Detrumpification thread. It appears you are a Trumpist and are an acolyte and devotee of Trumpism so are sorely welcome.

Yes, the election of President Biden was a beginning step to DeTrumpifying the USA by kicking out Covid-45.

The Jan 6th hearing is going a long way in exposing just a few of the misdeeds around the Transfer of Power which was a formal DeTrumpification ceremony.

Baby steps but progress nonetheless.


Covid-45, lol

as they say, The Trump shall rise again!

and you cant keep a good Trump down.


I wouldn't dream of hoping that a good Trump or a bad Trump be kept down. He entertains you and the more he talks the sooner accountability will catch up with him.

Like say, the state of Georgia where De-Trump-ification is actively progressing. We will see if Lindsey Graham is back on or off the Trump Fawn train USA tour. 🤣


"[–] JoWilli (7365) 25 days ago
Covid-45, lol

as they say, The Trump shall rise again!

and you cant keep a good Trump down."
You said a "Good" Trump? So far DJT has demonstrated himself as NOT "Good" by any stretch of your fervid imagination.


I will take a good Trump over an rtard biden any day.


What was DJT doing for 187 minutes that was "Good" for you personally on Jan 6th?


he was fighting against tyranny and a hostile take over of the us government.


"The irony is ironic." But I would like to hear from jowilli2 on this.


He was fighting an internal battle against himself??

Wow, just wow!!


Grifters keep on grifting.


And the "irony" never ends from jowilli. Or jowilli2, for that matter.


we are getting grifted by a dementia patient that is jailing any opposition.


[–] JoWilli (7975) 13 hours ago
we are getting grifted by a dementia patient that is jailing any opposition.
Dude. You've got a lot of rehabilitation and atonement to do for stating something as Untruthful as the above.

Bearing False Witness The phrase bearing false witness is commonly described as lying. However, it is more specifically referred to giving false testimony as a witness (1). In other words, it is the act of telling a falsehood about something or someone to others in a legal context.

I know you think you are being cute, playful, and or maybe provocative. Tsk, tsk, tsk


Trump won and you left. how embarrassing. lol


Why are you embarrassed? I haven't gone anywhere. 🤣


Has reality sunk in yet? How's life in the 4B movement currently?


Aw only the 1 visit in 2 months? I think someone is still a bit upset about the election lol


posted 20 days ago in Donald Trump
posted 2 months ago in Donald Trump
posted 3 months ago in Donald Trump
posted 3 months ago in Donald Trump

The dates of NorrinRad's last 4 posts, you's a little ho NorrinRad LMAO you talked all that shit now look at you!
At least Ranb is still here entertaining everyone daily with mental illness but you tucked tail and ran like a little bitch!


I don't know how NorrinRad will ever be able to show their face here ever again after this!


What makes you think Trump won't do that if HE gets back in the White House?


Who knew that a rape defamation case would cause DJT so much personal drama?!


[–] JoWilli (14267) 2 years ago
I will take a good Trump over an rtard biden any day.
How did Biden's latest SOTU speech go over?

WoW!! Just WOW!!



Whoa, whoa, whoa there Twitchy, (I only say that because you typed that like you were on edge), that is a bit TOO provocative.



Yeah, I'll delete that comment now, it certainly is risque, too much and almost certainly against common decency and likely against the rules of this forum. I'm surprised no-one's responded until now.


Has pantshitter cured Covid yet? Oh that’s right now he killed more people than Trump. Killed the economy too.

And dumbasses like you keep your mouths glued to his ass.


"Has pantshitter cured Covid yet?"

Yes, Dementia Donnie has had COVID, and it almost killed the fat POS.


DJ Trump didn't want to follow the science just inject yourself with bleach to cleanse any infection! 🤪


[–] JoWilli (11328) a year ago

anything to say about that other guy?
Do you mean these guys in the Indictment?
Team (Trump) Crazy

Co-Conspirator-1 Rudy Guiliana
Co-Conspirator-2 John Eastman
Co-Conspirator-3 Sidney Powell (Release The Kraken!!!) 😂
Co-Conspirator-4 Jeffrey Clark
Co-Conspirator-5 Kenneth Cheseboro
Co-Conspirator-6 Political Consultant (Methinks it is Peter Navarro)


Yeah because, Biden is doing such a great job...... "Yes we can fuck up America while feigning dementia!"-Brandon


Does he get indicted in Georgia (State) or Washington, DC (Federal) first? Will it happen before the General election election?

Will he be convicted in either State or Federal prosecutions?

My bet is that the State conviction will stick but he will get a "Warning" or written notice to NOT try that again.

DJT will appeal though. He ALWAYS appeals.

His lawsuit against Hilary Clinton will get dismissed and or withdrawn for being baseless.


[–] onemanarmy82 (1765) 2 months ago
Yeah because, Biden is doing such a great job...... "Yes we can fuck up America while feigning dementia!"-Brandon
It sure looks like DJT tried to say F**K America and then F**cked himself down at Mar-A-Lago.


[–] onemanarmy82 (1764) a year ago
Yeah because, Biden is doing such a great job...... "Yes we can fuck up America while feigning dementia!"-Brandon
DJT handling Covid, in his own words. Enjoy!! 👍


The courts are still working on erasing Trump's anti-gun legacy.


Thats pretty important , cos you can only get , what , 400 rpm out of a semi auto eh?
what goods that for freedum and the American Dream?


Yeah it’s called populism. You know, representatives that actually represent their constituents.


Talking populism and representing populism based on a vocal minority is an interesting phenomenon, isn't it? A Democracy is basically an experiment in populism, until you try to overthrow the will of the people by Demagoguery. Populism sets up confrontations and divisions between classes; the commoners, and the elites.

You believe DJT to be a populist representative of the working class?


Hell no. He just wants every tax loophole available to big business and then get his kickbacks for doing it!


Yes, the Grifter-In-Chief and Ex-President is always looking for a way to take money from the poorly educated. 🤣



Because democrats don't believe in guns?


because then he'd be a martyr ,

and the brainwashed would never snap out of it and see the emporer had no clothes .


Trump 2024

Vote for Trump
Vote for America


Do you think Steve Bannon will go to jail for ignoring a congressional subpoena?

The De-Trumpfication continues with Steve Bannon posturing to testify possibly as a way to negotiate his upcoming federal trials?


Probably not, and I guess you are getting closer to Communism. Congrats I guess?


Your segue makes no sense to me, isn't about me, and has nothing to do with me.

Now, how about Steve Bannon testifying? Why don't you think he will?

My take is that Trump needs someone to advocate for him, under oath, and to attempt to counter other testimony.


Today another session of the J-6th hearing will be at 1:00 pm.

It will be fascinating to see the information revealed about alleged linkages between "extremist" groups of Trumpists and the Trump administration.


Another nothing burger. Maybe they will investigate the Afghanistan kerfuffle? Joe Tards new war seems to be going well too. How long are we going to finance that?


Not sure who Joe Tards is. Is that a nickname of disrespect by you?

Do Trumpers and Trumpists not like financing wars?


Joe Tard is your failed president. Not sure what a Trumper or Trumpist is.


You still dont't know what a Trumper or Trumpist is??


Steve Bannon will never "Snitch" on DJT even to keep himself out of jail.

Or would he?


We shall see if the Trump crime family stand in solidarity against the Civil suit in New York. Methinks they all go down together.


[–] Bubbathegut (15696) a year ago
Joe Tard is your failed president. Not sure what a Trumper or Trumpist is.
Do you mean these guys in the Indictment?
Team (Trump) Crazy

Co-Conspirator-1 Rudy Guiliana
Co-Conspirator-2 John Eastman
Co-Conspirator-3 Sidney Powell (Release The Kraken!!!) 😂🗽
Co-Conspirator-4 Jeffrey Clark
Co-Conspirator-5 Kenneth Cheseboro 👍🗽
Co-Conspirator-6 Political Consultant (Methinks it is Peter Navarro) Convicted 🗽👍

Jack Smith has YET to move on these guys and they are already getting caught up in the legal system!


I am assuming AMJF asked a question along the lines of "if those docs were so important and such a drastic threat to national security then why wasn't the old tried and true method of 'eliminating the problem' used?", in which case I would have to agree with you.


I am assuming AMJF asked a question along the lines of "if those docs were so important and such a drastic threat to national security then why wasn't the old tried and true method of 'eliminating the problem' used?", in which case I would have to agree with you.
...and more documents get leaked into the public domain.

Whistleblower, or Terrorist, or Grifter, or Useful idiot ?
