How has Putin invading Ukraine given people MORE TDS?
Libs are using this invasion as an excuse to cry about Donald more. It boggles the mind.
shareLibs are using this invasion as an excuse to cry about Donald more. It boggles the mind.
shareThe GOP is "crying" about Trump's irresponsible behavior too. Pence had some things to say about Trump in a speech in New Orleans.
The fact is that Trump has fractured the GOP. Trump will even go to bat against the GOP if a candidate does not please him.
It seems like Trump is working for the Democrats in some cases.
Ducey is out and Kelly is the front runner in the next election. Trump even had nasty things to say about other GOP like Mark Brnovich.
Trump likes to call other GOP RINO's, but wants us to forget that Trump himself is an anti-gun RINO who gabbed bump stocks without compensation and pushed for red flag laws without due process. VP Pence wanted typical red flag laws with due process like those seen at the state level, but Trump thought that was too much due process for the American little guy.
a bump stock is NOT a gun...
shareThe BATFE says bump stocks are guns. Trump says that bump stocks are guns. Why are you calling Trump a liar?
The Department of Justice is
amending the regulations of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives (ATF) to clarify that bump-
stock-type devices—meaning ‘‘bump
fire’’ stocks, slide-fire devices, and
devices with certain similar
characteristics—are ‘‘machineguns’’ as
defined by the National Firearms Act of
1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968
What part of "bumps stock are machine guns" do you not understand?
is a scope a gun? no.
shareA scope would be a gun if the feds designated as so. Bump stocks are guns because the feds (and Trump) say so.
If the Biden administration classified bump stocks as guns, would you agree with it and say it was one more example of Biden's anti-gun agenda?
no, because a bump stock isnt a gun. all my guns function just fine without them...
shareSo your gun receiver is not a firearm all by itself? Federal law says it is. What other laws and regulations do you dismiss just because you don't like them.
Why are you calling Trump a liar?
a gun receiver is what fires the bullet, a bump stock does not. that law had to be passed after 58 people were murdered. I am ok with the ban, it doesnt impact me at all as I have no need for a fully automatic weapon.
shareA receiver is just one of many parts that have to be combined to allow a gun to shot anything.
There is no bump stock ban law. Trump used the authority of the executive branch to amend a regulation to classify them as machine guns. But machine guns are legal in the USA. So the only reason bump stock are now contraband is that Reagan outlawed new registration of machine guns for civilians.
The bump stock ban was enacted after a single mass shooting. Will you say that all semi-auto firearms have to be banned after hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries?
It could be done. All Trump has to do if re-elected, is to direct the ATF to write a similar order like 2018R-22F to classify any firearm that can be bump fired as a machine gun. Will you be okay with that ban? Probably.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The people who bent over for Trump's bump stock grab will get on their knees for his next gun grab. I bet you will the first in line.
You sound like the typical anti-gun nut when you say "I am ok with the ban, it doesnt impact me at all as I have no need for a fully automatic weapon.". What will you say if Trump or Biden classifies our semi-autos as machine guns?
like I said before, I have no need to have a fully automatic weapon. join the military if you want to shoot one.
shareWhat does that have to do with your delusion that you define what a firearm is and not the federal government?
shareit doesnt matter at all to me, I am ok with the current laws. if it prevents 58 people from getting murdered then I am ok with that. for leet deer hunters though, you only need one shot. I have never had a deer run more than 25 yards.
shareThe law says bump stocks are firearms. But you repeatedly claimed that bump stocks are not firearms.
If you really are okay with current laws, then why do you say Trump and the feds are wrong when they say bump stocks are firearms?
it might say its a gun, but its not. they had to do that after 58 people were murdered with a bump stock. banning bump stocks does not infringe on anyone's 2 amendment rights.
shareYou need to study the Constitution more. Bumps stocks are legally firearms; so they are protected by the 2nd Amendment. The laws/regs signed/enacted by Reagan and Trump have ensured that you will get a ten year prison sentence for possessing one.
So if Trump is re-elected and decides that all semi-automatic firearms capable of bump fire with or without a bump stock are machine guns, you will be okay with this?
When there is another mass shooting involving a semi-auto rifle, will you be the first to get on your knees for the subsequent gun grab? I think you will if Trump is re-elected.
its more likely a dem would ban guns than a republican. and a bump stock is not a gun, its an accessory to a gun. not even the great and powerful Obama banned semi-auto guns during his failed tenure.
prob wont be a gun grab anytime soon, but dems will just pass more red flag laws so they can legally take your guns. but this will only happen in democrat states first. luckily I live in a red state and am safe for now.
Why do you persist in denying what federal law says?
Do you think Biden will favor red flag laws with due process? Or do you think he will want Trump style red flags laws without due process?
Guess again, there are red states with red flag laws. This includes Florida and Indiana,
I am not, I am just being logical. a bump is not a gun, despite what the law says.
If the Government said that bananas were classified as meat, would you accept that?
Florida Yes Law enforcement
Indiana Yes Law enforcement
Can only be imposed by law enforcement.
California Yes Family, household members, and law enforcement
Can be imposed by anyone.
With Biden and the democrats you never know what crazy law they will pass, but there were no Trump style red flags laws.
The law is the law, even the stupid ones. I can work to get the law changed. I've done that before.
Unless Trump is re-elected. This is how they grab your guns; they just say you can't be trusted.
You already think this way when you claim that no one needs a machine gun. You're an anti-gun gun owner; the worst kind.
Laws dont determine my reality, a banana is not meat and a bump stock is not a gun. We really need Trump back to put an end to the madness. Yes, no civilian needs one. there is no use for it other than having fun shooting at targets.
shareTrump is one of the sources of the "bump stocks are guns" madness. Why do you approve of Trump's insanity when it it is dressed up as a violation of our civil rights?
shareits not a violation and if 58 people hadnt been murdered they would still be legal. Trump did what he had to, to save lives. its a small price to pay.
shareReally? Why do you believe that the bump stock ban could have saved any lives at all even if Bush had taken them all away in 2006?
Paddock had the means to buy legal machine guns. He could have bump fired without the bump stocks or simply modified his ar-15's to shoot full auto illegally.
The only reason Trump staged his bump stock ban as a gun grab was so that he could take credit for his very own gun grab and deprive law abiding Americans of compensation for their property.
Even Trump isn't stupid enough to believe that banning bump stocks would save any lives.
he was going to kill no matter what, he just happened to have a bump stock. Trump didnt have much choice really. and it wasnt a gun grab, as a bump stock is not a gun.
shareTrump was the president. It was his choice to ban bump stocks or not ban them.
Why are Trump supporters always trying to depict him as a person who was powerless to stop an infringement upon our 2nd Amendment rights?
If Trump is a spineless worm, then he should not be president.
if 58 people hadnt been murdered with a bump stock, they still would be legal. its a simple as that.
shareI got shot by a bumpstock, Funny, the doctor couldn't find the bullet.
shareYeah yeah, very funny. The ATF says up to 520,000 bump stocks were banned by Trump. Do you think the former owners are laughing?
shareNo and I don't support the ban. I'm just saying bump stops aren't guns and AR15s aren't "assault rifles".
shareTrump and the federal government say bump stocks are guns. You think they're lying?
Here is the CFR that says they are guns.
They can say a chainsaw is a giraffe or Ellen Page is a man. I don't care. Bumpstocks aren't guns.
shareTrump did not care if bump stocks are guns or not when he classified them as such. He did it to deprive Americans of their property without compensation. That is the kind of commie crap we do not need in this country.
Anyone who supports Trump, supports the ban.
Nonsense. Thinking people know that those they support will never do EVERYTHING they agree with.
shareIt's you people who have TDS. Everyone can see this clown is a charlatan and self-promoter, a big-mouth cheat with no character. How he's managed to create this cult of sycophants is extremely disturbing.
shareThe "I know you are so what am I?" defence LOL 🤣
shareShut up, leftist. You don't speak for "everyone".
shareYou speak as if liberals/democrats have the brain power to understand that President Trump hasn't graced the White House in over a year.
shareits been off the charts for the past year, they cant stop talking about the Trump...
shareThe sun rising in the morning gives them TDS.
shareIts been 15 month and liberals still cant stop talking about Trump.
Trump Wants Children's Book Defending 'King Donald' In 'Every School In America'
posted 13 hours ago by robocat893 (5595)
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