Love how people compare two complete clowns...
I love the "my President is better than yours" routine on Biden and Trump are virtually the same guy. (I was a guy who thought one side was better than the other, until I realized how both sides, at best, simply maintain the status quo. They're on the same team...two wings on the same bird. They just want us arguing against each other so we don't see who the real crooks are.)
So, let me ask the backer of either side... Did either of your guys get health care done? No? How about stopping the burning of fossil fuels? No? What about legal marijuana? No? But I'm sure one of them did something on cutting aid (our taxpayer dollars) to Saudi Arabia and Israel, right? Oh, no? Hmmm.
What are they both doing equally? Increasing military spending?...Check. Continuing the "war on drugs"?...Check. Keep for-profit prisons? Check.
Yeah, I'm seeing huge differences here in your way of life here between the two!
Lets try some more... Corporate subsidies? Both, check. Kids in cages? Both, check. Asylum seekers deported to Mexico while awaiting case to be heard? Both, check. More US Imperialism? Both...Yep. More off-shore drilling? Both...Yep.
But, wait, one is a racist, right? No. They both are. Look it up.
The one thing that either of them did right the past 6 years is Trump did some much-needed prison reform. But one has to ask: Did Trump do that out of compassion for the prisoners or did he do that to help get more minority/poor votes? I'm guessing the latter. You could maybe add getting out of Afghanistan for Biden, I'll give him that one, but he badly botched the pullout and had no plan for Al-Queda's re-emergence. Either way...Not a huge list of accomplishments here.
Want more? $15/hr living wage? Nope. Student debt relief? Nope. Ended war on labor and/or helped the worker unions? Nope. Help stop the Military Industrial Complex and stopped most foreign intervention? Nope and nope.
To top it off, both of these guys are completely gone mentally. Raking forests, nuking hurricanes and injecting bleach on one side (Trump). Not knowing what day it is on the other side (Biden). But you guys love comparing clown vs clown for some reason. Can't you just say both are clowns and not one is more of a clown than the other?
All in all, I have no idea why these two groups are at odds with each other.