

Hi doogie! Did you reboot your router finally?


The establishment wanted the presidency,there is no need to cheat in a local election,regardless from who wins.


Welcome back RandallGraves. Good post. This will keep them off your scent.


Not enough f word for gay people in that post


False Equivalence on your part. The two elections had completely different circumstances.

Although I should have asked you the same question in 2020. For 4 straight years the DemoKKKrats did nothing but bitch and moan about how Russia somehow hacked our election (which was proven to be false) then in 2020 all of a sudden if you dared to question the election results you were branded a domestic terrorist or whatever. I swear you people and your moral standards fluctuate based on what benefits you politically.




theres a difference to suspecting Russia helped the campaign with some advertising bots on the net

... to totally throwing your toys out of the cot and rolling on the floor like a crybaby screaming fake news! stolen election ! all lies! I won ! and then continuing the moronic pretence indefinatley because you massive ego will not allow you to concede that you might have been wrong , let alone that you lost the election.


no proof that Trump lost, there has been no federal investigation into the chicanery and cheating and colluding.


Yes that’s exactly what the Demokkkrats did for 4 straight years they bitched and moaned and even started a coup because they didn’t like the election results. All President Trump did was ask for an independent investigation into an obviously suspicious election but the Demokkkrats don’t want to because they are afraid of what we might find, instead they spend all of their time moaning and complaining about a couple of idiots walking into a building they weren’t supposed to be in, it’s preposterous


Exactly. Bunch of hypocrites


No one is being a hypocrite except the DemoKKKrats, not to mention the entire premise of this OP is based on false equivalences which is a logical fallacy.


Blah blah blah. Hi Republikkkan


I see you can’t defend your position, I am closing your case and accepting your concession.


Sure. If it makes you happy.


Your logical fallacies are dismissed and your concession remains noted.


logical fallacies does not equal opinion.

I do not think you know what you are saying...


Your logical fallacies are still dismissed and your concession remains noted.

Also I never said there was any connection between logical fallacies and my opinion, I guess we can add a strawman to the list of logical fallacies that your premise is based on.


You are saying my opinion is a logical fallacy. God you people are insufferable


And that is a strawman because I didn’t say that. You drew a false equivalence between the two elections, it is an objective fact that the circumstances around the two elections are as different as they could possibly get.


How So? I mailed my ballot each time and one was won one was lost. How are they different from my perspective? Anything else is hearsay.


I’m Virginia there was a clear cut winner. In 2020 there were multiple cases where dead people voted, votes were counted twice and in the middle of the night Trump was winning but then they all of a sudden stopped counting for reasons such as an overflowing toilet. Then in the morning they magically discovered hundreds of thousands of votes all for Joe Biden. They are nothing like each other


Those are all conspiracy theories copy and pasted from Faux News. They are not even considered real news


No these are objective facts, it's dishonest of you to dismiss anything that makes you look bad as a "conspiracy theory", if you want to talk about conspiracy theories maybe you should start with the lies that your cult spread about the 2016 election for 4 straight years.


Do you realize how implausible and ridiculous you sound with election fraud?


Far more rational than you did from 2016-2020


Non of that was proven true, infact more than 60 cases were dismissed in the courts! So far there has been one account of voter fraud in Texas: by a Republican!


There was voter fraud, what wasn't proven was whether it affected the election results which it most probably did. But you don't want to have a common sense, independent committee to look into the election results because you know you have something to hide.


There have been court cases and committees all over this. There even was a drawn out "audit" which found that Biden won again. There is Rudy Giuliani's testimony that he did not check ANY sources over his fraud claims and his lawyer friend Powell admitted she did not have any evidence at all to back up her bogus claims.

The only voter fraud that resulted in some news was in Texas - where they had to pay a finders fee to a Democrat after proving a Republican tried to vote twice for Trump.


Clearly you don’t know how to read, they Didn’t find the fraud changed the results, there was definite fraud and they never proved it didn’t change the results even though we all know it did and if the Demokkkrats were so confident they wouldn’t be so opposed to common sense voter integrity laws and they would welcome an independent investigation into it. Your cult leader is an illegitimate president


Your mental gymnastics wont save you from that one, buddy.

They didn't find fraud? Or did they? Honestly, I can't make out what gibberish you're writing here. As I said, even after the audit and court cases, they couldn't find any fraud in favor of the Democrats - instead all they found was a Republican who tried voting for Trump twice.


There was fraud numb nuts and I have posted evidence of this multiple times. The Demokkkrats don’t want an investigation because they are afraid of what we might find. Also not finding evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, you asserted a negative so you have to prove a negative. Don’t blame me this is all your premise numb nuts


Ey dickface, you haven't posted any evidence, because there was no evidence, as proven by more than 60 court cases and numerous investigations, including a million dollar audit that only proved Biden got more votes.


I have posited it multiple times, you being too stupid to read is your own fault, multiple dead people voted for Biden and voted for him twice , get your head out of your ass and get out of your cult, it is cutting you off from reality


As I said, the only proof of someone voting twice came from a Democrat who caught a Republican voting 2x Trump. And the Democrat got a reward of 25k from the Texas government (who tried to find the opposite but was left with nothing)


More lies and conspiracy theories from your cult, there were multiple instances of hundreds of thousands of votes all of a sudden discover after they stopped counting for the night and 100 percent were all for Joe Biden. There were multiple cases of dead people voting for your cult leader and him receiving multiple votes from the same person. Your cult is lying to you and I think you enjoy it, libtards would rather be told comforting lies than inconvenient truths.


Okay, I am beginning to think you are a professional troll - since no one can be this dumb and just repeat the lies spouted by Tucker Carlson and the rest of the right wing propaganda machine.


Oh believe me, I concluded along time ago that you were either: A) a pathetic little troll boy living in Mommy’s basement who spends his days spanking it and trolling movie chat or B) an indoctrinated libtard DemoKKKrat cultist. I wouldn’t be surprised if both A and B were correct.


You're not worth responding to, anymore. Go suck a dick, you imbecile.


Go get an education you homophobic indoctrinated libtard DemoKKKrat.


No, the elections are still totally unsecure. And will remain so as long as the Democrats can corrupt them with mail in ballots, dead people voting, and vote harvesting.

As was confirmed by the 2004 bipartisan congressional study on secure elections.


And DemoKKKrats wants them to be unsecure, that’s why they are so opposed to common sense election integrity laws and even go as far as to engage in disgusting rhetoric such as “they are Jim Crow 2.0”. It’s disgraceful.


What's disgraceful is your right wing rhetoric to keep faith in election low, so more people can rant about "crooked politicians from both sides" when we al know too well that there is only one side that's crooked to the core: Republicans.


Go educate yourself on a secure election process. It’s already been determined by a bipartisan commission in 2004. That means both parties. It was even lead by Democrat Jimmy Carter.

Everything they recommended:
- Voter ID
- no vote harvesting
- no mail in voting
- no dead people voting

Is opposed by the Democrat media/party. Why do you think that is?

Stop embarrassing yourself. Get educated. You will someday, might as well do it sooner than later.

BTW: I live in California, we know all about gerrymandering 1st hand. Democrats mastered it lead by Grey Davis in 2000. You’re way above your pay grade lemming.


Election fraud on a scale that you are suggesting is absolutely ridiculously implausible and impossible. Stop it. Just stop. You're not fooling anyone with a brain.


DemoKKKrats were bitching and moaning about election results long before 2020 so get over it.


Oh, you mean when Trump got elected because Comey made a public statement about Hillary but forgot to mention they were also investigating Trump? Or that Trump's campaign manager was in contact with Russian hackers to exchange sensitive information on thousands of Facebook accounts? You know, the stuff that was looked into by the Mueller report - which concluded that it could NOT exonerate Trump (but was bound by some "rule" that was a thinly veiled excuse not to touch Trump).


Ummm you do realize that Clinton bought a fake dossier from a foreign power, any “evidence” that Russia hacked the election has been proven to be a lie bought and paid for by the demokkkrats. Even your cult has stopped peddling this bull shit, apparently someone forgot to give you the memo

Can it with your lies and conspiracy theories, you are undermining democracy and you are a domestic terrorist


Ummm, you realize the dossier was initiated by the Republicans, don't you? Steel dossier wasn't fake, but who gives a crap about that anyway? It's only a GOP talking point by now.

Unlike the proof of Russia helping Trump to win. So stop your lies about the left and start admitting about the crooked Trumpster:





It has been prove that the dossier was bought and paid for by the Demokkkrats, the entire thing was a lie designed to overthrow our government and assault our democracy. There is no proof at all that Russia hacked our election somehow and even your cult has moved away from this talking point. Also posting non fact checked “fact checkers” from libtard media sources isn’t evidence of anything. You need a refresher in logic

Your lies and your conspiracy theories are a threat to our democracy , you are literally a domestic terrorist and you should be locked up with the rest of your cult.


You poor right wing idiot. You think I am dumb enough to fall for your projections?

It is right wingers, spear headed by Trump, who can not accept the loss of 2020 and do everything they can to undermine the trust in elections. And it is right wingers who go out of their way to defend domestic terrorist. Guess The Proud Boys are already forgotten? White militia in Boston? How about the plot to abduct Michigan Governor Whitmer? How about Kenosha which was filled with armed white men of a militia? I guess you also think Rittenhouse hunting down protestors was a freaking hero, don't you?


Stupid libtard, we shouldn’t accept the results of the 2020 election because there was definite voter fraud , this isn’t up for debate it happened and we can’t be sure the results are factual , and the left is on the side of domestic terrorists as they actually encouraged BLM and Antifa terrorists to burn government buildings and kill cops. You are some sick and twisted people


Keep gaslighting asshat. The Hilary Clinton campaign bought the steel dossier which everyone knew was fake from the start. The Democrats in the DOJ pushed the Trump/Russia collusion investigation despite there never being any evidence and there still is zero evidence. Hence why there was no further investigation.

What’s next, Hillary’s email server in her basement was really Trumps?


Gaslighting? Coming from the guys who actually believed Trump's "totally exonerated" after the Mueller report specifically stated that they "could NOT exonerate the president".

You are a joke.


So you are basing your 2020 election points on a study from 2005? How does that make sense?

But just to amuse you, I know that right wingers wanna forget that Trump failed at the biggest pandemic since the Spanish flu and hundreds of thousands died because of him, but a lot of adjustments to the election in 2020 were made because of that. And even though Trump tried to subvert mail-in-ballots for instance, by installing a loyal conservative post master general who tried to slow down, and downright sabotage, the postal services, independent sources, and even partisan sources, confirmed the most transparent and fair election in history.

As for dead people voting - that was debunked long ago and was debunked right after 2020 again.

Vote harvesting is not a thing - just because right wingers made it up, doesn't make it a thing.

Funny, how you all forget about voter suppression, intimidation, gerrymandering and so on, when it benefits the Republican party.


Go educate yourself on a secure election process. It’s already been determined by a bipartisan commission in 2004. That means both parties. It was even lead by Democrat Jimmy Carter.

Everything they recommended:
- Voter ID
- no vote harvesting
- no mail in voting
- no dead people voting

Is opposed by the Democrat media/party. Why do you think that is?

Stop embarrassing yourself. Get educated. You will someday, might as well do it sooner than later.


It seems YOU need a little education here. The 2020 election was the most secure ever. Plus, there are no dead people voting, vote harvesting is regulated or even illegal in certain states and Jimmy Carter reversed some of his concerns, as quoted here:


"Jimmy Carter has become the first former president to publicly support making mail-in voting a nationwide option this year.

His endorsement is important not only because he's among the few American elder statesmen with significant respect from voters of both parties. Carter has also spent much of the past three decades monitoring elections in other countries for signs of corruption. And he co-chaired a bipartisan commission that in 2005 labeled absentee ballots the easiest way to commit election fraud.

Republicans have frequently pointed to that conclusion in explaining their opposition to a widespread expansion of voting from home. But Carter on Wednesday said a wave of safeguards adopted in the past 15 years have changed his mind — and that the coronavirus pandemic makes a quick embrace imperative.

"I urge political leaders across the country to take immediate steps to expand vote-by-mail and other measures that can help protect the core of American democracy – the right of our citizens to vote," the 95-year-old Democrat said in a statement from the Carter Center, the global humanitarian and peacemaking nonprofit he created in 1982, a year after his single term in the White House ended."


"This election cycle was the most secure ever, despite a surge in mail-invoting prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.

A joint statement issued on Thursday by the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating executive committees said this year’s election marked “the most secure in American history.”


“The most secure election ever” hahahahahahaha, this shit for brains isn’t even being serious, he’s just ripping off milseys gimmick.


as long as the Democrats can corrupt them with mail in ballots, dead people voting, and vote harvesting.

surely those options are open to both sides?


Then go back further and say the same thing about Biden himself. In 2007 he campaigned on how unsafe digital voting machines were and how they needed complete reform because they were highly corruptible. Nothing changed, but when he won the last election, they acted like it was crazy to suggest there could be issues.


Gee, you'd think in a whole decade of the 21st century there'd be some new developments in the digital field. Just a thought...


There have been no policies put in place between now and then that change how we use and monitor digital voting machines and their results, which was specifically Bidens concern. The amount of time that's passed is irrelevant if everything stays the same. If it was a problem with Biden then, and everything is the same as it was, why doesn't Biden have a problem with them now?


Audit it then. Has anyone raised an objection to an audit?


It's been audited multiple times.


Already? I find that hard to believe.
