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Is the fact that Democrats lost badly in Virginia..

Is the fact that Democrats lost badly in Virginia,a state where apparently Biden won big last year,another confirmation of the fact that Dems cheated in the elections last year? I think it is!


They are still crying salty tears, which is why the Oceans are getting higher.


Oh look, a conspiracy theorist.

Also, "lost badly" The country is divided pretty much 50/50 and swinging back and forth all the time. Your implication of a bigger win than it was is as disingenuous as everything else coming from "conservatives".


And what is disingenuous coming from conservatives? And why do you put the word in quotations?


Pretty much every news story coming from "conservatives" is a spin to feed their narrative, nowadays. That's what I mean. They lie about their own agenda, but even more so when describing their opposition. They quote wrongly, they put words into Democrats mouths and they ignore factchecking like it's some sort of nuisance.

As for why I can not call right wingers "conservatives" anymore: well, I am being generous here, since they have betrayed pretty much all principles of their own movement. I could just call them liars all day, but then they'd get triggered all the time. Here is an article that tries to define a conservative. I can not check any of the boxes looking at right wingers, today:


I used to be on the left all my life and that changed around 5 years ago. The left has become without exaggerating insane. They are literally saying 2+2=5 and they have turned into bigots they themselves claim to despise.


I don't believe you. Please give me an example. Also, 5 years ago, ey? So, you switched parties when Trump came into power? Maybe even voted for him?

And you didn't switch back when he lied 30thousand times in office? When his medical plan never came? His wall was never finished? Not even after he messed up the Covid-response? And the whole Republican party that called him crazy before the nominations all backed him up after he won.

Tell me, what was more important to you to ignore these things?


What you don't believe? I switched when the SJWs showed up with their anti White male bigotry and postmodernism started to kick in the universities with their "there is no objective truth" nonsense. The whole "decolonize science" and "there are 569 genders" lunacy. Trump has a lot of personal flaws he was the only one willing to slow down the degradation of America into a third world country and that was good enough for me. If I was American I would certainly vote for him. Everyone in America should support the wall along the Mexican border, weather you're a right wing or even far left. Just like in Israel where virtually nobody opposes it.


So, you felt threatened in your white privilege and bailed. Understandable. Hey, I'm white, but I don't mind equality.

By the way, there is an objective truth, but Republicans are the ones who ignore it. Did you forget "alternative facts" already? And speaking of Trump as a "flawed" person is quite the understatement.

At least his presidency showed that the US are already a 3rd world country when hundreds of thousands had to die during Covid and the GOP government refused to help them. Right after they gave massive tax cuts to the rich.


On the contrary I don't have any reasons to feel threatened as I don't live in US, but a 100% White country. The anti White bigotry in the US doesn't affect me personally in any way, but I am still against it, because it's morally wrong. And there is no White privilege, there is plenty of Black privilege on the other hand.

If you think there is objective truth then why do you support the nonsense that kinds can change their gender on a daily basis and the idea that there is no such thing as biological sex as some on the left are now starting to say?

If you think America is today a third world country wait a few more generations when it will literally look like Honduras. Majority minority places already look like that.


Well, it took a while but we finally know now: you're not American but identify as Republican and you are a white nationalist. And you feel the need to actually come out in the open to state that?

Well, apart from the fact that NO country is 100% white, I can also pretty clearly see that at least one of your citizens has a black heart.


Its actually 99.3% White and most non Whites live in the capital. There is nothing morally wrong with being a White advocate in face of anti White hysteria on the part of media and academia and being for racial separation. It should be obvious to anyone at this point that racially diverse countries only cause problems. Everybody should be for racial separation, expect people who know are racial leeches and profit from current system.


I did not have to read that far to notice that you are the typical left wing propagandist. No substance, no vision, just blaming the opposition.
You don't even have the courage to post your trash in the Biden board, knowing that this buffoon is not taken serious anymore.


So, you're admitting to skipping any context by reading the first comments and you're proud of that ignorance and accuse me of being antagonistic. Do you see the irony here?


No, not really. I can easily call a movie bad when its first 15 mins are bad. You watch until the end? Do you really wanna watch the Brandon Administration until the end? You are a little pervert, right?


I am always confused when conservatives make accusations against Biden. Like, do you actively chose to ignore more than 20 sexual assault charges against Trump? Or that he cheated on all his wives and wanted to boink his daughter? Or that he signed the checks for hush money to Stormy Daniels while he was in office? Do you willingly look the other way when Matt Gaetz is a sex trafficker waiting for his sentence? Do you brush over Jim Jordan's cover up of sexual assault under his supervision? Are you completely unaware of Newt Gingrich having an affair while his wife was battling cancer? And do you get off the fact that Texans want to give rapists a pass and have their victims carry the rape baby to terms?

Who's the little pervert here, buddy?


20 sexual assault charges against Trump

And he was found guilty for how many of these charges? Say the number...
And no word about Biden pinching girls' nipples? But hey, you're a demonrat, so nothing more to expect than hypocrisy...


Did you say something about lying, misquoting, distorting the truth??
Get a fucking mirror.


Please elaborate.


I dont think the left are "against" the wall as such ,
its just that its an expensive unenforceable pipe dream pulled out of Trump's ass.
A lot on the right seemed to chew it down though.

There are already border fences and walls / patrols etc , before and after trump.


Of course they are against the wall, because in their minds it's the symbol of "racism" and "division". They are for sanctuary cities and are against deportation. They pander to Hispanic voters whoa are a very tribalist/nationalist constituency.


Hey you, non-American who identifies as a white nationalist, yeah you: don't pretend to know what Democrats think.


It's not difficult to know what they think.


Apparently it is, since you're getting it so wrong.


And what is that?


The wall was and still is a very stupid idea from a very stupid person. Also it fell down after it was built a couple of months later.


And what do you suggest instead?


Im not president. So its not my problem. But... i can come up with 100 different things that would work waaaay better.

How about don't waste money on a wall that is built on an erosive surface, that Mexicans will tunnel underneath anyway.


If you're saying that the wall is stupid, than it is your job to explain what would work better and why.


Anything else would be better.


Have you ever seen a wall that stopped a Mexican?


I have seen a wall that stopped Palestinians. I have seen walls that stopped Syrian migrants in Europe. Most Americans supported the idea of border wall before Trump ran for president.


Yeah. But not Mexicans. Which was the original intent.


Mexicans are no different.


Tell that to El Chapo


El Chapo example only proves that something needs to be done.


But a wall is not the answer to a tunnel.


It would make things a bit harder for the illegals and the coyotes, but it's not the entire solution. I would increase the penalty for being caught in the US illegally. Kinda like the laws Mexico itself has.


Penalty for crossing the border or for hiring illegals?




Dang... Who you gonna vote for then? Cause this ain't a package deal.


cheap gas and low inflation and alot of jobs to name a few.


Under Trump, there was the biggest unemployment ever recorded. Why do you lie about that?

Gas wasn't cheap, it was lower than now. There is a difference.

And since when do people care about inflation? If Trump and the GOP had fought for better income, like raising the minimum wage or detaching healthcare from jobs, middle class Americans would have had a much better - and lasting - stand to fight inflation. Instead, there were tax cuts for the mega rich.


The unemployment "under Trump" (in fact it was and still is a world wide situation) was caused by Covid. Why do you lie about the reason for this unemployment? Sure because you are a libtard and without lies you don't have anything to say.


Then why are you angry about the current situation? Do you think Covid is over? If you don't want to count 2020 for Trump then everything you blame Biden for is irrelevant.

Seriously, right wingers wanna pretend that Trump didn't completely fail at the pandemic, but as soon as someone points out that mess that was left behind by him, they dismiss it as a Democrat's fault. This is beyond schizophrenic, this is actually pathological.

You accuse me of lying and don't recognize your own dishonesty. It would be laughable, if it wasn't so sad.


"Despite widely available vaccines and Mr. Biden’s pledge to handle the coronavirus better than his predecessor after taking office Jan. 20, Johns Hopkins’ Coronavirus Research Center reported that, as of Wednesday afternoon, 353,000 Americans had died this year. That surpassed the 352,000 who died from March 2020, when the pandemic started, to December, when the Food and Drug Administration first gave emergency authorization for vaccines."
Source: The Washington Times

Your ignorance is pathological. But hey, you are not to blame for it, you're a libtard and you don't know any better.


Are you kidding me??? Do you honestly believe that if Trump hadn't handled the pandemic so poorly, Biden would have had these numbers? The arrogance and dishonesty displayed here is mind blowing. Absolutely outrages. The guy knew February 7th 2020 about the deadly danger of Covid, yet lied well into the year about it and called it a "hoax" and "like the flu"!

And here is a fun quote for you and your own ignorance: “I believe if we had fully implemented the mask mandates, the reduction in indoor dining, the getting friends and family to understand the risk of gathering in private homes, and we had increased testing, that we probably could have decreased fatalities into the 30 percent less to 40 percent less range,” Dr. Birx testified, according to excerpts provided by the committee.

And by the way, the total number of dead when Trump left office on January 20th had passed 400 thousand. Why do you lie about that? Why do you post a quote that compares years, instead of presidential terms? And why do you ignore the immense opposition by GOP politicians in states like Florida and Texas that prevent the Covid numbers from falling, even now in 2021?

Do you get off for calling people ignorant and pathological, when in fact your ignorance and toxic partisanship is diminishing any credibility you have?


Why do you post a quote that compares years, instead of presidential terms?

Ask The Washington Times, idiot. At least I provided a source. And you? Nothing but hot air.


Oh please, here are my sources:


Your second source deals with Trump quotes from February 2020??? What did the effin' world know in February 2020 about Covid??? Nothing!!!
Maybe you'd like to add some libtard tweets as well?


Are you kidding again?? That's exactly my point! What did the WORLD know about Covid-19 in February 2020? = very little. What did the president of the United States, who has access to top scientists, counsellors and a worldwide network of intelligence know about it? He knew it was deadlier than the flu! Already in February! Your proving my point here. You're displaying ignorance by dismissing facts! I guess it wasn't reported in the center-right-leaning Washington Times that Trump gave an interview in 2020 where he confessed to know how deadly Covid-19 would be.

I don't have to "add some liberal tweets" to prove my point, when Trump - on tape!!! - confessed to his ignorance and when his actions, despite knowing what he knew, were leading the US into the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu.


I am okay when Trump - LIKE EVERY OTHER LEADER OF WESTERN COUNTRIES - did not want to spread panic when nothing was known about the virus. Panic is only spread since Biden became president. And even with the so called vaccine there are more deaths since. Accept the facts instead of spreading propaganda. But wait, you are paid for it, right? I totally understand. But it makes me tired, because you just follow a stupid agenda, unable to reflect, unable to learn.


Unable to reflect and learn? I just told you that Trump dismissed the deadly virus for his fragile ego and you brush that away as "the best he could do was keep people calm"? By lying about it? Instead of doing something? I know that many right wingers don't follow world news, but the rest of the planet was pretty vigilant and didn't downplay the seriousness of the pandemic like Trump did. No one else, besides some dictators, called it "like the flu".

And what "panic" are you even referring to? In 2021? Spread since Biden took office? You mean being honest about a deadly disease that had killed up to 400thousand Americans when Biden took office? Oh, I'm sorry conservatives get a little confused what it means to be lead by a competent government that doesn't wanna inject bleach, or sunlight or horse medicine into it's people. In the same paragraph that you brush off Trump's failure of handling the pandemic ,you point out that more people have died since the vaccine is out. So, are you saying a panic is warranted now, or not? Because if it was bad without the vaccine and is worse now, when is it time to take this seriously? Or are you still fine with so many people dying an unnecessary death. You are contradicting yourself here.

And what about conspiracy theories like me being payed for trying to educate you? Are you kidding? While right wingers, and especially Trump, have doctored news for years, you are accusing me of getting money fro simply pointing out lies? How distorted can your reality actually be?

I know it's tough to face facts and learn news that oppose one's world view. I know it feels weird and uncomfortable to learn that one has been lied to by people that seemed trustworthy at the time. I know we will not get a breakthru case of "oh boy, I listened to right wingers and they totally lied to me" here, but at least take a moment to reflect here and stop defending something/someone that isn't worth defending.


There is nothing you ever contributed to this conversation. You are on par with most libtards, totally useless.


Just like I thought, a typical right winger answer: if you ignore the facts you can stay in your little bubble of fantasy land.


You idiot ignored every fact. You are so boring. And a disgrace for any real left wing movement.
Let's go Brandon, I heard your great leader needs his butt to be wiped. Your turn...


This Pete guy is a moron.


Bloodshot77 is a moron.


How clever. You get help with that one ray?


Its doogiedaddy, same posting style.


I switched from the left to anarchism in 2020


"The left has become without exaggerating insane."

It's true.


Please give an example. And please let us know if you know the difference between "the Left" and actual policies implemented by the Democratic party.


The Dems have too much love of integrity to ever cheat in an election.


" confirmation of the fact that Dems cheated in the elections last year? I think it is!"

its confirmation of your lack of grasp on reality.


Its a proof they cheated or a proof that Virginia regrets voting for Biden last year! One of the two


maybe the second one.
maybe they're happier to vote conservative now that its not a vote for trump


Good ol' Croc grasping at straws.


I think it is more an indicator that the administration is wiping their ass with the wants and needs of Americans. They are fucking tyrants and that is why the new Republicans achieved complete victory in Virginia. The only reason we didn't take the governorship of NJ as well was because they engaged in good old fashioned middle of the night mail-in voter fraud. Ciattarelli won that race and he was fucking cheated in the middle of the night, just like Trump was.

You think they would have learned a lesson and changed course, but nope. The administration doubled down on the tyranny by forcing pretty much all companies to have their employees vaccinated (for a virus that has a 99.92% survival rate) and paved the way for mandates to inject potentially dangerous vaccines into children. CHILDREN! This is despite research showing that the vaccine is far more dangerous for teenage boys (myocarditis) than the virus itself.

and that it will increase the odds of miscarriage in young mothers

Fucking tyrants. I hate them so much.


Ciattarelli won that race and he was fucking cheated in the middle of the night, just like Trump was.

Not enough people are talking about this.


Please, oh wise one, tell us more about this tyranny. And be specific. Surely, it can't be just that you don't want to get the vaccine because you're afraid of needles, can it? Are you frightened like a baby? Or upset like a baby? I guess, my question is, why are you acting like a baby.

Your example of vaccines as a means of tyranny contradict everything scientist and doctors have concluded about their use - mainly that they work to slow down the pandemic and prevent people from dying, like they did when there was no vaccine.


They forced you to stay locked inside your home, wear a mask everywhere you went, threatened your livelihood, refused you medical care and is strong-arming you to get the most dangerous vaccine ever invented all for a virus that has a survival rate over 99.9%.

If that isn't tyranny, I don't know what is. Keep in mind they refuse to acknowledge the very best protection you can get from the virus - natural immunity. They want us all to take the jab. Meanwhile, the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world took place during all of this. The middle class is being crushed and the super-rich are richer than ever. Before this, there was one person worth over 100 billion. Now there are over 10.

I can't spoon feed everyone that doesn't get it, so I am going to try and abstain from these conversations in the future.


Well, since you're basically describing all of Trump's last year, I am happy to see you don't like the Republicans as much as me.

Have fun with your natural immunity - you sure gonna need it.


I think it’s more of a sign that Virginians are sick and tired of Biden’s bullshit and are finally waking up and doing the right thing by voting the DemoKKKrats out of office. Hopefully they stay on the side of morality and virtue.


Most people don't believe in the modern day segregation the left is peddling that is meant to push race relations backwards. Also they seem to think white people can't vote in their own self interest otherwise you are a racist.
