MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Was the COVID pandemic an attack on Dona...

Was the COVID pandemic an attack on Donald Trump to prevent him from getting re-elected?

That's what some of my Trump supporting buddies seem to think.


Democrats - "Never let a good crisis go to waste"

Whether it was intentional or not we'll never know but what we do know is democrats seized their chance to cheat by allowing mail in and ballot drop off locations that were counted way past normal time when Trump was leading until those ballots were counted


Funny how 90% of the comments I'm seeing say the same thing I do, that it was planned and these comments were from 2 Years ago, but pose this Question in 2023 and Liberals will say you're a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist


OP: In a word: ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY! This isn’t a “Pandemic”, it’s a PLANDEMIC. In the beginning of February, 2020, could President Trump have been beaten in an election? No way! President Trump didn’t want to scare anyone with “Covid”. He was trying to keep everything low key to avoid……well, you see what the Democrats have turned this country into. We didn’t bat an eye during H1N1 but, then again the HNIC Obama was in the White House but, since the Democrats HATE Trump they created MASS HYSTERIA. Where did “Covid” originate? China! The same country that the Bidens are up to their eyeballs in bed with and particularly Wuhan, where the Obama administration funded testing on diseases.

The icing on the cake was January 6th. The Democrats and RINOs knew they couldn’t get rid of the 75+ Million Trump voters, so they took one last swipe at him…..and missed because they had bullshit! January 6th was government backed.


What conspiracy theory site did you get that rubbish from?


I've mentioned this so many times in the past only to be met with laughter from liberals over it, but it is true.. If the Left can, they'll find a way to steal an another election in 7 months


It was one of the targets of the corona-show,yes,but not the only one. There were other targets the elites had: destroying Europe's economy,and maybe China's one too (altough sometimes i think they actually wanted China to be on top,so i dont know about that),making the European countries more connected to each other with the European Recovery Fund (another step towards the creation of The United States of Europe),making the pharmaceutical industries get a lot,a lot,and a lot of money. Also,creating a instrument of control of the people with all these Green Pass and similars. There were a lot of targets with this corona-show.


Derailing Trump was a major goal, but overall it was a much larger global power-grab coordinated by China and Leftist politicians worldwide, foremost of whom were the American DNC.


Covid 19 Plandemic:

Trump gone - check
Big Pharma getting rich - check
Authoritarian policies granted - check
Small businesses closed down, mega corps profiting - check.

The global 1% are sitting back with their crack and hookers having the time of their lives.


The one problem I have with President Trump is that he should have told us EVERYTHING about the vaccine, “Covid”, the 2020 Election and EVERYTHING else the fucking liberals and RINOs are using to take our freedoms away.


Short answer:YES


I think so, considering the FBI and dept of energy both say the leak was intentional

DOE and FBI Say Wuhan Lab Origin of COVID Is 'Most Likely' — But Won't Say Why
