Impeachment won't be necessary because Trump is showing obvious signs of dementia and it's just getting worse. When 2020 rolls around his brain will be mush. He's going to have problems campaigning. Problem solved.
So which one of that clown car of Democrat candidates do you think has a chance to win? When it comes to the government now, as the Mueller report showed, it's the people around him who are really running things. Mueller said he tried to obstruct, but others in the government just ignored his orders. And for all that "I like him! He fights!" nonsense you hear from the folks who think he plays 4D chess, Trump could have fired Mueller himself, but didn't. He likes to have others do his dirty work.
Actually, the Dem's investigation where they recently subpoenaed his financial records stands the best chance of getting him. But unless they can really tie the can to his tail, showing that he's been easy on Russia then showing he owes millions to Russian banks, probably won't do anything but blacken his eyes. But if it does enough damage, Pence is still out of that. Trump's fan club would probably jump for Pence.
And even folks who aren't in Trump's fan club. What most Dems don't understand is that the majority in this country just isn't as radical as the Democrats have become. The most middle of the road guy you've got is a gay guy who thinks he's following the Bible. Just the word "Bible" turns off most Democrats, and for those who've actually read it, they know he's not following it. If he'd lie about that, he'd lie about other things. They want another liar in the White House?
So you've left America with the choice of radical leftists or the Republican ticket. Or as we say, "All they have to do is not be crazy...."
Trump is showing obvious signs of dementia. Just look at his speach patterns and behavior. You know it's true you just won't admit it. I'm not outraged but I am concerned because it's getting worse.
Do you breathe without having to tell yourself to do so? When the sun flashes in your face, do you flinch? Do you think ice is cold? When a terrorist kills innocent people, do you find that terrorist crazy? When a mass shooter opens fire in a school, does it bother you? When you see a person babble incoherently do you wonder why?
Why am I asking you all these questions? Because I'm wondering if you have these basic senses/reactions. If you did, there's no chance you can honestly look at the behavior of Donald Trump and see a mentally sound person.
PS: What wheel of bullshit are you talking about? You make it sound like we're all in here, making sh!t up about Trump. Do you read the news? Do you see Trump on TV? Have you see his tweets? The guy GIVES us that wheel of bullshit and happily spins it himself.
So you think Trump won't run in 2020? I hope. His brain is already mush. He is illiterate, mumbles and repeats himself again and again when he talks. Maybe he'll be gone before 2020, hopefully.
You're right. Never underestimate a delusional, insane, corrupt narcissist no matter HOW much their brains have turned to mush. Doing so would be a mistake.
According to Cohen it was a giant marketing exercise he was hoping to springboard into his next private venture. Depending on who you ask that was either Trump Tower Moscow or Trump TV, or some combination of both.
Any prosecutors who indict Trump after he’s out of office would be working with a 5-year statute of limitations on obstruction cases. That means the president could only be exposed for any behavior during his first term if he doesn’t win re-election.