MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Best president ever and sorry if this of...

Best president ever and sorry if this offends you.

Well, actually, I'm not.

But it is about time the US had a president who looked after the American people. Other countries could take note (coughs- UK).

Oh btw, I am a citizen of the UK and US and have heard quite A LOT of people here in the UK support President Trump.


He's not the best, not the worst. If you objectively look at it, he's done a lot of great things for the economy and trade. He's gotten the US out of bad deals and is trying to bring peace to the Korean peninsula. More people would like him if he stayed off Twitter and didn't make the White House look like a circus. His first term has been a B- grade so far and he has a real shot at being re-elected.


What 'bad deals' has he gotten the US out of?

You understand right, his renegotiation of NAFTA isn't official until it gets through congress where it's currently languishing. He waited too long to get it done. He could have had the Republican majorities last session pass it with flying colors if he hadn't waited until December 18th to submit it in the waning days of a dying session.

Now he's at the mercy of Pelosi bringing it to a floor vote.

FYI, every president prior to Trump also tried to negotiate a peace agreement on the Korean peninsula. It's just that Trump is the first one to make such a public spectacle of his failures. He does this by holding high profile summits and professing his love (literally) for the Korean tyrant handing him freebie concessions without getting anything in return. It's actually been pretty humiliating.

And seriously, what 'great things' are you referring to that he's done on trade? Starting a trade war with China has been terrible, requiring the US government to give billions in handouts to US farmers he put out of business. The US trade deficit is the highest in history. You have to look at what he's actually done instead of what he says he's done. That's the downside of having an impulsive liar as president, his actions can never live up to his rhetoric.


I think he does too. Funny, being raised in America, people often ask me about how I feel about Trump. Because the UK is my home, I don't really think of US politics that much, but, I've heard so many people say positive things about how he is looking after America. However, others (and you've seen their replies) will say anything to discredit positive things people say about him. They would rather have a globalist or a lefty, both which have a detrimental impact on the good of the US.


Don't listen to the haters. They're just mad that they lost power and their plans for world domination died 3 years ago.

Too bad many of the haters on this site aren't aware that I blocked them ages ago, so whatever they have to say, I'm not gonna see it, and am laughing at them.


Sweetheart, you're part 30% of our country that loves Trump while the rest of it (and the world) hates the bastard. You are nothing more than a piece of a small pocket of people who love and support the guy. You are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, really. Most of the world hates Donald. The problem with you Trump followers is you guys have (somehow) grown big in the head and think you guys are some sort of "elite" and that you're all right and the rest of the world (the vast majority that dwarfs you) is somehow wrong.

Now THAT is delusional...


Delusional? I find it comical that Hillary supporters cried their eyes out and vandalised property when she lost. That says a lot about MOST of those who supported Hillary.


And that has what at all to do with what I said, exactly?

PS: And check another Trumper cliche off the list: "But what about Hillary?!".

That leaves "But what about Obama?!" and "You are a lib!" left on your list.


But you didn't answer the question.


Maybe because I didn't SEE a question?


Donald is a bully. That fact alone would already be enough to render him undeserving or respect. However, there's a bevy of other reasons he doesn't deserve respect beyond that.


Why would it offend me? Donald Trump is, without a doubt, the most ridiculous president our nation has ever had. I'm honestly still having trouble taking his supporters seriously. His presidency feels more like a long, drawn out trolling of our nation than anything else. Offended? No. I don't value the opinion of anyone who would support this absolute horror of a human being. I don't pity them. Hell--I don't even want to know them. To be offended, I'd have to first put any value whatsoever in your worth as a person and your worldview.

On that same token, I'd expect you to not be offended by anything I state either.

PS: You might want to work on your troll/bait tactics. You're quite transparent.


Sue your history teacher.
