Some inconvenient Facts
-Trump was the first ever US president elect who was pro gay marriage going into an election
-Socialism is the only economic principal that actually REQUIRES billionaires to exist and yet billionaires only exist thanks to capitalism
-white on black crime is statistically insignificant
-Obama accumulated more US debt than all other presidents combined
-The Democrats were the pro slavery party, while the Republicans abolished slavery. Despite whatever crackpot theory you have regarding how that's different now, they still proudly call themselves the Democrats and haven't done anything meaningful to distance themselves from their racist history
-White Republicans were the first people in the history of the world to meaningfully outlaw slavery
-intersectional feminism ironically requires its believers to heavily discriminate based on race, sex and sexual orientation to even work as a theory
-if you measure gender based workplace disparity by practically any other metric, any apparant pay inequalities become blatantly obvious (eg a person doing more dangerous work, working longer hours, having less time off etc will obviously be paid more)
-despite how great you think socialised healthcare or education might be, the US physically can't afford them anymore thanks to the already out of control debt and spending addiction established by Obama and the fed
-Michael Jackson frequently invited children to play with him on his bed without any other adults around, and they had sleepovers. Some of the children graphically accuse him of raping them. Millions of Americans don't care and still idolize him