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The most racist countries in the world (Insider Monkey)

Here's the top 25. One half are Arab nations. One third are Asian.
Guess who's not there? The US and western nations, except Russia.

Guess where western nations are:

Which political party makes the most claims of racism in the US?


LOOL! You might want to check your dates skippy. You're citing an article from 2015 that references polling done by World Values Survey between 2010-2014, not long after America had just elected its first black president.

FYI: America now has racist white president who is deliberately stoking racial animosity and division, praising neo-nazi klan protesters in Charlottesville as "good people", and derided Mexicans as rapists. Times have changed because of the racist provocateur YOU voted into office. Hate crimes have gone through the roof and the rise of white extremism has skyrocketed during his watch.

You might want to get up to speed and think about using current data if you want to be taken seriously. You're always trying to pass off propaganda and are likewise treated as a joke.


Hate Crime didn't exist until 2010. They've give through the roof you say?


Your brain didn't exist until 2010 bitch.

Hate crimes have been defined in federal law and prosecuted since LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act in 1968.

And yes, through the roof. But you should know that since you are part of that populist Banonite right wing with a racist tinge.


America went from the least racist country in 2014 to the most racist country in 2018? Wow. Racism is completely irrelevant if that's the case.


Of course the US is not the most racist country you silly boy.

We don't know what it will be ranked according to World Values Survey, they haven't finished their next wave of polling yet. Seemed to be only once a decade.

But we can be sure it will be nowhere near to "least racist" whenever they do release it. And that precipitous fall will be thanks to Trump.


Let me explain something. If I am the fastest man in the planet in 2014, and somehow drop to slowest man on the planet in 2018, that means there's not much difference between slow and fast, and everyone runs pretty much the same speed. You expect America to make a massive swing downward on the list. For that to be possible, it means there was never really any racism in the world.

You calling the study outdated was just a stupid bluff. You know racism is pervasive, everywhere in the world except in the white countries. That's why everyone comes here not the other way around.

Do you think blacks are treated better in the Congo than in Minnesota?


"For that to be possible, it means there was never really any racism in the world."

Kid, you seriously have some synapses blown in your brain. WTF do you even mean if it plummets on the list there's "no racism"? This makes absolutely no sense.

Like I said, of course USA won't be the most racist country you silly boy. And of course racism is pervasive most places. I even agree with you that countries in the west are going to be less racist which are predominantly white. But you do understand the USA is not the only white country right? USA could fall precipitously behind other western countries and still be ahead of other countries not in the west. So what are you even talking about "for that to be possible, it means there was never really any racism in the world"? How much crack did you smoke to come up with that?


BTW, I understand what you're trying to argue with your "fastest man" analogy, but it's still wrong when low variance is only ONE explanation for a precipitous drop in rankings. Another is there were major differences in speed but you as the fastest runner got injured and so you dropped severely down the rankings. Trump is our injury.


"Hate Crime didn't exist until 2010."

Since when are lynchings and sundown towns not considered hate crimes?


I guess rape is a love-crime?

What kind of idiot pretends that a survey from 2014 is outdated while trying to push statistics on lynchings from a hundred years ago?


Are you trolling your ignorance or is it your natural state?


Democraps, of course, and yet they claim Republicans are the racist ones. They keep forgetting that the Republican Party was the one that insisted on adding the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution while they fought tooth and nail to keep their slaves.


RINO. In 1860, the Republican Party was the liberal and progressive party while the Democrats were the conservative party which wanted to maintain the status quo. Their identities switched in the early 20th century. Nice try though.


There was nothing progressive about killing a bunch of people to stop slavery. The Republican Party was just a business party and still is. Lincoln was a literal railroad lobbyist and hated black people, wanted them deported to Africa. I love how you think that's progressive. The parties didn't switch. The Democrats just hopped on the bandwagon of progressivism too, full stop with Eugenics. The point in time where you say they switched is where Democrats were busy using licensure to shut down black medical schools and using minimum wage to price blacks out of the market. Arguably their most racist period.


"If slavery isn't wrong, then nothing is wrong."
- Abraham Lincoln

The new Republican Party created in 1856, a progressive and liberal party formed by members of the liberal Whig party, opposed the expansion of slavery, supported immigration, supported equality, supported big government spending to finance education, job growth and a federal daily mail service using a railroad (innovation), and a decent wage for all workers.

This is similar to today's Democrats support of immigration, DACA, ACA, raising the minimum wage, innovation like green energy, equality, diversity, free college education, and helping the needy.

The conservative, status quo 1860s Democratic Party supported slavery, states rights, little federal spending, no government help for the poor or anyone.

They are similar to today's Republicans who are against ACA, against immigration (build that wall), fought raising the minimum wage, hates green energy prefers oil and coal, anti-progress, no diversity, against helping the poor or anyone in need (red states trying to kick people off food stamps), against a decent wage (red state teachers striking for decent wages, anti-union).

The switch happened slowly over a century beginning with the nomination of a populist liberal to the Republican Party, William Jennings Bryan. Republicans began their shift to conservatism with Theodore Roosevelt.

Each time an ignorant Republican acts as if Lincoln was one of them, Lincoln spins in his grave.


The best is that they think you need to be a marxist in order to not be a dick to others that don't look like you.


The survey isn't hard science. It's a poorly executed poll. There were two stupid questions asked with silly results.

Question #1: Have you experienced or witnessed racism? According to the survey a no answer means low racism country. But, a homogeneous country will have less instances of racism since most people are the same race.

Question #2: Would you want someone of a different race living next to you? People lie to themselves all the time. Or they give an answer they believe is more ethical. Or again, in a homogeneous society, the chances of another race moving next door is almost nil so why not say yes since it'll never happen anyway. They may have had little or no contact with someone from another race so they may think that's how they really feel until reality hits and it happens. Look at what's going on in "tolerant" Norway and Sweden since immigrants have arrived.

A third issue is that racism is only one form of hatred. There are countries with one race but other forms of hatred and persecution. After all, Nazis and Jews were the same race in Nazi Germany! There is hatred based on religion, ethnicity, class, region, gender, nation, ideology, and sexual orientation.

The OT implies that little racism exists in the U.S. Can anyone explain why there are 953 hate groups in the U.S.? And multiple massacres in places of worship? Self-delusion is pretending a problem doesn't exist.

Hate groups map:


America is one of the least homogenous countries.

Each one of those hate groups has 1 person in it. That guy that runs the Daily Stormer website is classified as a hate "group", and has never committed any crime. Your source, the Southern Povery Law Center simply has an enemies list with 953 people on it. Nixon had an enemies list. Too bad Nixon didn't have the slick marketing skills to call it "official".

Some of those groups were even created by the SPLC themselves. Fake hate crime hoaxes seem to be more common than the real think. Everytime the media picks up on one at least, and you know they're trying.


Link your proof.


That's like so last week this week we are racist


Chinese people are very racist,trust me.
