Nation of Islam

NoI leader Farrakhan recently called for the end of the white man in America.

For those who don't know, and most don't, Nation of Islam is a black muslim/muslim black/black/muslim group. muslim=hate and genocide. black=socialism and anarchy.

It embodies the epitome of everything traditional values and Christian civilization stand against.

Over the dead bodies of every last freeman in America, cunt.

Hoping Trump cracks down on this "terrorist" group.


EDIT - June 10

After the publication of this post 5 days ago, streams of libtard haters hanging around the President Trump page rushed to defend the Nation of Islam (although of course none would directly admit it). There ensued arguments ranging from varied topics to the often-resorted-to personal attacks and deviations, and we have now reached 100 comments.

I am proud to say none of the leftists' rants and claims have thus gone without thorough analysis, debate and rebuttal. This is one Donald Trump post with some semblance of reason. I had stated I would leave my post unattended as it was time-consuming, but have since decided to continue and will stay on for now.

I would encourage the occasional open-minded reader to peruse the discussions and read my comments to gain an overview of the traditional views on most of the topics mentioned. I would deeply recommend much further research of news, ideology and these topics on credible sources other than the socialist/pro-Islam mainstream.

If anyone would like to continue or initiate a discussion with the original poster feel free to PM me.

Of course, you could always go back to watching CNN and burning American flags.


Once again, Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, fuck you.


EDIT- June 26

It appears that the left has now resorted to the usual red herrings, personal attacks, name-calling, and CENSORSHIP when their arguments run dry.

Someone has been reporting posts and several of my replies have been deleted.

* MovieChat Sucks *




Criminals kill because they have low IQ combined with poor impulse control. It's the reason crime is so highly overrepresented among blacks. KKK killed for law and order like police. It's very frustrating to me that liberals want gun control for citizens but not for police who actively abuse them on a large scale.

You describe black people so condescendingly. If a white kills, he is violent mobster. If a black kills, whitey forced him to do it and he had no agency. You have no way of explaining basic every day observations without complicated set of exceptions to everything.
