MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > If Obama had spoken the way Trump does.....

If Obama had spoken the way Trump does...

...Conservatives would have been storming the White House with tiki torches in hand every single day, calling him vile names, on and on and on.

It was bad enough for 8 years straight from the Conservative side even with Obama being a well-spoken, empathy-filled statesman.


No. He would have been given a pass like on everything else, at least from the LSM.



A pass? A pass and a kiss on the butt too!!!

"well spoken empathy filled statesman" That's a hoot and a half! Well spoken, well he could READ a teleprompter except when it was filled with tricky words like "corpsman". LOL

Empathy? Yeah but only for people who looked "like his son if he had one".

Statesman? That must be a joke!!


Amen, PJ!



So true, frogarama. The GOP was so frightened by a liberal b-b-b-b-b-b-lack man in the White House, a graduate of Harvard Law School, who spoke so eloquently and turned the country around from the mess that Bush / Cheney left this country in. So they, in turn. give us the racist in the White House.


" Spoke so eloquently" is nothing but a euphemism for being an adept, shit-talking demagogue !


"" Spoke so eloquently" is nothing but a euphemism for being an adept, shit-talking demagogue !"

That's the definition for any uneducated person. T-rump likes you stupid!
