Remember that "big beautiful wall" T-rump promised his sheeple Mexico was going to pay for and was going to get built his first year in office? Yeah - that's the one!
Looks like Mexico isn't paying for the wall (as they told us during the campaign), the wall is not finished his first year in office, and now he's looking for $18B from Congress to build it! $18B - because what else are we going to do with $18B in this country?
The total cost will be $33B ($5.7 billion for technology gear, $1 billion for road construction and maintenance and $8.5 billion for 5,000 new Border Patrol agents, 2,500 border inspectors and other personnel according to US officials), yet there is no detailed plans on the wall as of yet.
Meanwhile, a measly $500K will buy you a permanent residency in America under the Kushner & Co. plan.
I was also thinking they can fund CHIP to insure children's health, or they can insure Obamacare with the $33B they want funded for the wall. Imagine everyone having access to affordable health insurance in America?
How about PARENTS looking out for their children? Or people NOT becoming parents if they can't afford to care for children?
I know, a crazy notion. Big Daddy Government (i.e., the taxpayer) is supposed to support everyone. It "says so" right there in the Constitution! lol
Imagine! A country that is in charge of its own borders and expects others to follow the rule of law Imagine! A nation which expects foreigners to enter legally. Imagine! Doggie grows a brain!!! LOL
Still working on those mental health issues I see.
I'm fair game. I want the border wall as well but they already have some make-shift ones in place and only need to be improved upon not rebuilt from the ground up. Can't stop everyone and they can you know, go around aka the ocean and most that do get in fly in but don't go back once their visas expire. Just wasting more tax payers money imo but hey, this was suppose to be charged to Mexico less you forget.
Most illegal immigrants come here legally and overstay due to the difficulties and costs of securing citizenship. Therefore, the wall will not prevent most illegal immigrants. It's a huge waste of money which would be spent on something symbolic.
Apparently, Jared Kushner and his family LOVE illegal immigrants and reward them with a lifetime residency here in America - if they can cough up $500K to 'buy' the green card from them.
Wrong drug cartels are walking across the border at will, that is a proven fact. If we can waste trillions of dollars on useless stimulus and health care bills then we can spend another 18 billion to secure our border and prevent innocent people from being murdered by illegal immigrants.
Why don't you go say that to the family of Kate Steinle? I have a feeling you won't because you're a coward.
Okay, so by your thinking, we can ban assault rifles and bumstocks because we spend billions of dollars on military costs and billionaire tax cuts (see how one thing really doesn't apply to the other?) because Caucasian males tend to be mass shooters like Columbine, Newtown, Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc.? But undoubtedly feel it's your right to need an assault rifle.
Why don't YOU go on tour explaining THAT to all the families of all the victims of this senseless "gun control" that puts the needs of the NRA to own a gun over the needs of EVERYONE ELSE to not be shot by one.
they are already secured, just as we should. the new wall is throwing money out of the windows. this is a vanity project that only appeals to the truly stupid and is impossible to maintain in the long run.
ITs not secured illegals are still crossing. The wall at the very least would reduce the problems severity. 18 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to that stupid stimulus and health care bill by Obama
nope. the wall will exactly do nothing. you can weld your locks shut, but you still have windows.
"18 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to that stupid stimulus and health care bill by Obama’s "
c'mon. i was trying to have an adult conversation. do you have to come up with this brainless fight talk copypaste bs? that's sad. what's next? bengazi, email, pizza gate, lock her up?
IF you build a wall it makes it harder to cross therefore less people will make it over, that is a step in the right direction. Every other country has immigration laws why can’t we?
Secure our borders? Fine. 18 billion to do it when the idiot campaigned that Mexico would pay for it and the core idiots BELIEVED that? Nope. If he wants his wall, he should do it EXACTLY the way he promised when he campaigned. And you should want that as well instead of just being another apologist
Mexico should pay for it and Trump needs to be more aggressive about it, I completely agree. However if worse comes to worse 18 billion dollars is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Obama pissed away trillions of our hard earned dollars whats another 18 billion to make sure that our country is safe from illegal immigrants.
We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about Trump and his wall and his campaign promises and his reneging on them. Why is it whenever the President, his staff or his base are backed into a corner when it comes to the words that actually came out of his mouth that they HAVE to try and pivot to Obama and/or Hillary (did you SEE Conway saying no one talks about Hillary in the White house on the same day Trump brought her up three times in a news conference? What a HOOT!)? Obama doesn't HAVE the job anymore and Hillary never got it! Why can't you let that go and stay on point, even if it means...gasp....admitting he is not the golden god you all hoped he'd be. It's okay to say he hoodwinked you. There's no shame in this. He's a LOT of horrible things, but everyone has to admit he is a MASTER showman on the level of P.T. Barnum. I don't blame anyone for buying into his line of crap (unless it is based in his misogyny or racist leanings....then that's all on you).
Frankly, having grown up in New York and watching him in "action" since long before he was on the national radar and watching him flip flop from Democrat to Independent to Republican and seeing his reputation for shady business dealings for DECADES, there was no way I was buying his BS (I mean, seriously...a sometimes multi-millionaire who screws over his contractors regularly is not going to look out for the interests of the common man and woman....people who desperately NEED advocates in Washington).
The only surprises I've had this year is that a) he IS getting worse and b) people are so wrapped up in fear and hate that they won't put country before party.
The columbine shooters were supposed to be there as they were students. A wall wouldn’t have helped, bad example. San Fran is breaking the law and serious legal action needs to be taken
Wow! Is that what they teach you in your Catholic Church? Turn away those who are in need? Make assumptions, cast blame and tell them they're stuck with the consequences?
Thank God, that's not what my Catholic Church taught me. I've been taught just the opposite, and glad I practice that.
It's people like pjpimples which give the Catholic Church such a tarnished image.
People like Doggie-doo really need to stop referring to themselves as Catholic. We have enough of an image problem as it is!
So what have you been "taught"? I use the word loosely.
Were you taught that the fourth commandment, honor thy father and mother, also applies to honoring rules, laws and authority figures? Is there a clause in the commandment which say if you are poor or in need, the rules don't apply, so thumb your nose at them.
Every nation has a right to secure its own borders and expect those who enter it to do so legally. Why do U.S. citizens have to follow the laws, but foreigners don't?
"Cast blame", har de har, that is rich coming from you who routinely blame and judge everyone on this site who does not subscribe to your warped socialist views.
You, who are soooo Catholic, mind telling us the Church's view on fornication and making endless babies with endless baby daddies? And then expecting others to support them?
The Church is supported by its members and is one of the biggest charities in the world.
You think of yourself as superior because you expect the government to squeeze everything it can out of its citizens to pay for the mistakes of others. Oh how frickin good and "noble" you are.
The job of the U.S. government. is to protect its citizenry first and foremost. It also gives billions away to poor countries which its corrupt leaders p#ss away on themselves. It would be nice if that money actually got to the poor. That way they could stay home, go to school, support themselves, feed their families and not feel the need to cross borders and enter another country illegally.
So sit in your basement pounding away your phony platitudes and moronic judgments and feel good that you "care" so much. You are so full of it. I've known that for a long time.
That easily got a rise out of you. Try to be a good Catholic, and do the right thing. Help those in need of help - try to be kind. Open that black heart of yours.
Doggie doo- Oh you would know about "black hearts" wouldn't you? Once again sitting in judgment of people whom you do not know! If hypocrisy were the coin of the realm , you'd be richer than Oprah. No, not a rise, just common sense! interesting how your posts are focused on "getting a rise" out of people. Well, when you can't make a common sense reply, just insult people.
I do "try to be kind". Our church has its own food pantry and they ask for donations in the fall when the weather gets cold. Over the course of a month, I donated 10 bags of groceries. So how MUCH have you donated lately?
I fill my church envelopes every week. I donate my time on Sunday mornings to teach CCD classes. The kids like a snack, so I, along with the other teachers always bring milk, juice, donuts, etc. We pay for it out of our own pockets. We don't expect thanks, we just do it because we think it's the right thing to do.
Sometimes you provide a lot of laughs and amusement with your know-it-all arrogance, other times, like now, you are just an ignorant horse's a@@!
"Doggie doo- Oh you would know about "black hearts" wouldn't you?"
Yes - sad to say that guy sitting in the Oval Office and the people who follow him have shown the world what having a black heart is all about. It's the new world we're living in where he's promoting "Let's make America Hate Again". Take a bow, Pjs&Pimples; you're part of the movement.
"interesting how your posts are focused on "getting a rise" out of people."
No, not focused on getting a rise out of anyone - it happened with you. Call'em as I see'em.
"I do "try to be kind". Our church has its own food pantry and they ask for donations in the fall when the weather gets cold. Over the course of a month, I donated 10 bags of groceries. So how MUCH have you donated lately?"
"When we are proud, we inevitably think we are better than others. We pray like the Pharisee, “Lord, I thank you that I am not like other men.” This self-righteousness is incredibly harmful to our souls, and it is detestable to God. Scripture and the saints both affirm that the only safe path is considering everyone as better than ourselves. “Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves,” says St. Paul (Phil. 2:3)." - The Catholic Gentleman
Too bad Father Martin has not taught you 'humility' . You never learned the lesson that you shouldn't brag about the good deeds you do for others and compare yourself to others? Great Catholic.
"I fill my church envelopes every week. I donate my time on Sunday mornings to teach CCD classes. The kids like a snack, so I, along with the other teachers always bring milk, juice, donuts, etc. We pay for it out of our own pockets. We don't expect thanks, we just do it because we think it's the right thing to do."
See the response above. You obviously do it to brag about how much you do, and wish to be lauded for your efforts. Pretty disgusting. Again, humility is a foreign concept to you.
Brag about good deeds? As Rush Limbaugh has said, "If you can do it, it aint bragging."
I never brought up any of my "good deeds" initially. But I get so tired of your insults, that sadly, I feel the need to explain myself. I should know better than to try to reach someone like you, Doggie doo! Explaining morality to you is like trying to teach trigonometry to my dog! LOL
It is disgusting of me to donate to a food pantry and volunteer my time to church? Duh, I wonder what your definition of "real disgusting" is? Oh, I forgot, you are a champion of the Clintons, so your bar for disgusting behavior must be set pretty LOW! hahaha
Humility? Duh!! That's a word you only have a nodding acquaintance with. I forgot, holier-than-thou lefties like yourself are "better" than everyone.
So funny you should quote the Bible to me. Weren't you afraid it would burst into flames when you held it in your sinful hands to try to find a quote?? LOLOL Actually I think you just googled it.
Still haven't answered my questions about the fourth commandment and fornication. Got any clever retorts for that? Guess not. You used up your quota of "clever" by the third grade.
You're still kinda funny, sad and dumb, but funny!
Brag about good deeds? As Rush Limbaugh has said, "If you can do it, it aint bragging."
I think I'll quote the Pope on what he says about humility. The Pope - ever heard of him?
“If God prefers humility it is not to debase us: humility is the necessary precondition for being lifted up again by Him, so as to experience the mercy that comes to fill our emptiness. The prayer of the arrogant does not reach God's heart, but the humility of the wretched opens it up. God has a predilection for the humble and, encountering a humble heart, He opens His own fully.”
-- General audience, June 1, 2016
He continues:
Then, mentioning that there is "another way contrary to the way of Christ," Francis identified that way as "worldliness."
"Worldliness offers the way of vanity, pride, success," said the pope. "It is the other way."
Go ahead - follow Bimbaugh's advice - bask in your vanity, pride and success. Good luck with that!
"It is disgusting of me to donate to a food pantry and volunteer my time to church?"
Comprehension is still your biggest weakness. You may want to read the post again.
Thanks Doggie-doo for adding your thoughts. Exactly the insults I have come to expect from the recesses of your fevered, angry brain. You are nothing if not predictable and reliable in your postings!
Talk about "getting a rise out of someone." LOL I put in that Rush Limbaugh quote because I KNEW you'd say something mean and hateful about El Rushbo. Your playbook is SO predictable.
First the Bible, now Pope Francis, wow and golly gee! This must be the most time you have spent on religion since you finished your formal schooling, i.e., eighth grade graduation.
"Worldliness offers the way of vanity, pride, success." Maybe you want to have that embroidered on a few pillows and send them to Hillary, Oprah, Meryl, etc.
And STILL you have no answer to my question about the fourth commandment or what YOU do to serve mankind, aside from keeping us "informed" by your daily dose of hate filled crazed postings.
"Talk about "getting a rise out of someone." LOL I put in that Rush Limbaugh quote because I KNEW you'd say something mean and hateful about El Rushbo. Your playbook is SO predictable."
Thanks for agreeing with me! LOL But of course you know I did. Aside from Sean Hannity, no one gets your ire up like Rush Limbaugh!
As Jack Nicholson's character said in 'A Few Good Men', "You can't handle the truth!"
But it IS a treat to be lectured on vanity and pride by a leftwinger like you. There are so few sitcoms on TV which give me a laugh. But I can always count on you. You're a character!
So let the catholic church feed and house the illegal immigrants in those imigrants own state. Its such a copout to stick it on American tax payers who are already 19 trillion in debt. News flash MOST AMERICANS ARNT CATHOLIC.
And is that really what your catholic church teaches you, spend everyone elses tax dollars on letting imigrants who can't get a fair deal in their own country (Which is catholic by the way) into our state free of charge.
Proud to say The Catholic Diocese (in my area) does indeed do very much in helping those in need (including undocumented residents). From food, clothing, heating and shelter to helping them with their education and medial needs - they offer plenty. They don't believe in the Rethuglican rule of turning anyone away who isn't white and wealthy.
"And is that really what your catholic church teaches you, spend everyone elses tax dollars on letting imigrants who can't get a fair deal in their own country (Which is catholic by the way) into our state free of charge."
Whom are you referring to as 'immigrants [from] their own country which is Catholic by the way' ?
"Mexico and most of latin america dumbass. Don't pretend to not know who I was reffering too."
I had no idea you were going to make such a general, blanketed assumption - though I should have known better. Rethuglicans speak in 'general' terms, and not in factual terms.
"Some impact the Catholic church must be having if imigrants are still comming to the US in droves."
Yes, they have quite an impact and taking care of them. I'm very proud of my diocese.
I had no idea you were going to make such a general, blanketed assumption - though I should have known better. Rethuglicans speak in 'general' terms, and not in factual terms.
Omg how stupid are you. Look at the religious breakdown of mexico and the rest of latin america. how can you not know these are majority catholic nations? How old are you 12?
Why are you concentrating just on Mexico? Why not the rest of the world?
China, Viet Nam and India are the top 3 countries where illegal immigrants have 'bought' a way into permanent residency for $500,000 by 'investing' with the Kushners and other big real estate developers. I don't think they are mostly Catholic.
Oh fucking shut up. No one believes your bullshit anymore. If china vietnam and india were the principle imigrants why are you pretending that mexican drug cartel members are comming in in droves. Or is it that china india and vietname have citizens that can afford to come to the us. You don't need 500,000 to get in from those countries. The majority from india are already here on H1b visas.
And for the record the EB-1 visa has been around since 1990 long before trump kushner or any other trump family member.
And as a matter of factly when talking about undfesirable illegal imigration of course were talking about mexico and guatemala. What other imigrants other then latin america are causing such a high burden on the American tax payer with out conttibution to the US.
Don't you mean "and as a matter of alternate factly..."?
"Jina" is OK to send illegals in, since they can afford to "invest" in Kushner and Companies for $500,000. Plus, they're a-OK with T-rump. Viet Nam and India - the same.
But FOX&FRIENDS ain't tellin' ya this - so you stick to your alternate facts.
crc32- oh, but I am listening to Doggie doo. Are you familiar with the phrase "glutton for punishment"? LOL That must be me! His angry, mental rantings have a certain twisted charm.
FOX&FRIENDS? Do you wonder how he knows what they are saying if he hates them so much? Probably sitting in front of his TV, wearing his tinfoil hat, eating cheez doodles and typing his angry rants!
MovieManCin2- If I held my breath "on the whole doggie brain thing" , I would have perished long ago during our exchanges on IMDB. Right now I just want to see how long a person can operate WITHOUT a brain. LOL
Ignoring your sarcasm, I hope it gets built to keep drug dealers, human traffickers, and other illegal aliens (don't give me that "undocumented workers" shit) out of our country.
But they can still come in and buy a permanent residency from the Kushners for $500k, You think the stereotypes you mention don't have $500K to become a permanent citizen?
And if they do that then they won't be illegal aliens anymore right?
This is a debate about illegal aliens. Not those that demonstrate they can pay for themselves when they get here. And don't kid yourself that the kushner plan will allow criminals to pay their way across the border. Criminal checks are still a thing with imigration you know.
So it's perfectly OK for illegal aliens to "buy their residency" into America, and continue to sell drugs and continue in 'human trafficking' - because they paid Kushner & Family $500,000 to do so legally? You really think they're going to make prostitution or drug pedaling get in the way of their $500,000 per person 'fee'? You're really naive. They're going to keep two criminal out of the country and lose $1M? You need to get in touch with reality - and not the 'alternate' reality crap you people live in under FOX news.
WOW - it's all about money with the Rethuglicans....'line my pockets, and you can do anything you want'. Just fork over a half million dollars into 'my account' first. Truly DEPLORABLE.
Thank God the Attorney General and the SEC doesn't think like you, which is why they are investigating Jared and family.
Ass hat did you read my response? No way is the Kushner family going to risk losing out on $500,000 - you're really gullible if you think 'people of suspected criminal activity will not be allowed to stay' if they invest with the Kushners.
Sorry I don't accept your tin foil hat theory that america is for sell to drug dealers for a mere $500,000. Either way opinions are not facts so stop trying to assert them as such.
As I said before, thank God the AG and the SEC are not as gullible as you. Thank God they are wise enough to put them under investigation, and see what's really going on.
Nope, it's a fair point that every President has left numerous broken promises in their legacy. I don't know if any promise has ever been as far removed from reality as making Mexico pay for a giant border wall (especially when that was his signature promise), but you make a fair point about campaign promises and every President has indeed broken some.
T-rump should not be compared to any other President when it comes to campaign promises. He prides himself as 'the non-politician', the business man who gets things done - unlike any other President. The master negotiator who knows how to wheel and deal and get things moving. That's why his base supported him - he would cut through the gridlock in Washington by draining the swamp, and 'get things done' as he does in business. He was going to get Mexico to pay for the wall - and it would be done by now.
He also said he was going to get rid of Obamacare the first week he was in Office. He's still supposed to be creating millions of 'high paying jobs'.
T-rump made the promises and set up his own timeline, because he's the master businessman - and self proclaimed genius.
So what happened?
Everyone found out this past year he's "a loser" - that's what happened. .
He had to deal with a few folks called "Congress", doggie. It's part of how our system is set up. He's not a king, he's just the president. His powers are limited. And while he hasn't completely eliminated Obamacare, he is dismantling it, including repealing the insurance "mandate".
And you're delusional. We actually found out that he's a winner. His accomplishments include:
Confirming Neil Gorsuch, a conservative, on the Supreme Court Justice.
The US Stock Markets are at a record high. The DJIA has SOARED from 18,000 under Dumbo Ears to 25,385.72. I'll do the math for you: That's an increase of 7,385 points.
He decreased the US Debt by $100 Billion in his first 100 days.
He added 298,000 jobs in his first month alone.
He kept several large companies here, who had been thinking of leaving.
Housing Sales are red hot.
Illegal Immigration is down 67%.
NATO Spending is up $10 Billion because of Trump.
ISIS is being defeated.
He got us out of the unfair TPP.
He got us out of the unfair and ineffective Paris Accords.
He's signed 66 executive orders many of which eliminate economy killing Obama regulations on business.
He got three UCLA basketball players who had shoplifted, out of Communist China.
He's placed a hiring freeze on federal employees.
"He had to deal with a few folks called "Congress", doggie. It's part of how our system is set up. He's not a king, he's just the president. His powers are limited."
Poor chump didn't realize that until he got into Office. He made many campaign promises and set his own schedule because he's a 'successful businessman - not a politician'. He was going to surround himself 'with the best people he knows' while he 'drained the swamp' in DC. So how did that work out?
Let's see...
The 'master negotiator businessman' could not master or negotiate any deals with the Republican controlled Congress, and has taken to signing 66 'executive orders' just to try and get things passed. By mid-October, he had doubled the amount of EO that Obama signed in his first nine months in office - doubled! And he chastised Obama for not being able to work with Congress and resorting to EOs.
His best of the best people surrounding him? His administration has been crippled by 34% of employees resigning - the highest number of resignations in the past 40 years. Others who have left were indicted. Maybe it's time he went fishing in the swamp, rather than draining it - because the master negotiator / business man is a loser at keeping 'the best' employees.
Can't negotiate a deal to save his life. He was going to repeal and replace Obamacare within his first week in Office. How'd that work out for the chump? He then admitted it was 'harder than he expected'. Geez - a self-proclaimed genius like him? Can't get the easy stuff done?
Yep - master negotiator....the genius businessman....the great success. LOL
He IS a master negotiator. You forget that the Establishment, both Democrat AND Republican, were against him from the start. He's not in the establishment, and nobody owns him, unlike most in the establishment, who are owned by their benefactors. Despite all of that he has managed all the accomplishments I listed in my post AND passed the largest tax cut in American History! As to Obamacare, he's still working on that, and very importantly he repealed the insurance mandate which made you buy insurance whether you wanted to or not. THAT is the very definition of fascism.
As to the people he got rid of him, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Wait until the tax cuts take effect, and then you ain't seen nothin' yet, doggie.
Yet here's what is making the real news, minus the alternate facts:
He keeps setting records for the wrong reasons:
1. One of the lowest (if not the lowest) approval ratings for any President, in his first twelve months in office.
2. A mass exodus of 36 employees leaving in the first twelve months. At least two more on their way out the door with McGahn and McMaster scheduled for take-off sooner rather than later.
3. The highest number of exec orders signed in the first twelve months since Johnson, 53 years ago. He's a failure at getting Congress to pass any major laws he promised in his campaign (starting with the 'easy repeal of Obamacare').
4. He has 21 counts of 'sexual misconduct' brought against him, so far (one of those counts is spousal rape from one of his ex-wives).
5. Four indictments and two guilty pleas from former administrators in his first twelve months in Office.
That's just five of his record-setting 'bigly' failures in his first twelve months in Office. Just five.
None of that matters to me, because none of it affects me, and really none of it affects the country, or how President Trump is accomplishing great things. Of course you don't recognize them as great things because you're a Lefty. You just want to bang on Trump because you don't like him, just like I like to bang on Crooked Hillary because I don't like her.
I don't care about his approval rating, I care about his great accomplishments which I have already listed. And I would question the low approval ratings as fake news. Most polls are crap which one can make say anything one want. Were the polls saying Crooked Hillary was "going to win in a landslide" accurate?
Oh and BTW, we won, you lost. Please quit whining and crying, and get over already. It's been over a year.
Get a life.
"None of that matters to me, because none of it affects me, and really none of it affects the country, or how President Trump is accomplishing great things."
Wow - that's called being in denial. Can't blame you.
"I don't care about his approval rating,"
But he does - he cares bigly.
"I care about his great accomplishments which I have already listed."
Great accomplishments? OK, if that makes your life happy today you can call it what you want. Thoush his great failures certainly overshadow what you call his 'great accomplishments'.
" And I would question the low approval ratings as fake news."
Of course you would - once again, it's called "denial".
"Were the polls saying Crooked Hillary was "going to win in a landslide" accurate?"
If Russia didn't help Trump win, she would have won the electoral vote in a landslide, just like she won the popular vote in a landslide (3m more votes than Trump - widest margin ever!).
"Oh and BTW, we won, you lost. "
The country lost - bigly. What did you guys win exactly? A moron for a President (according to his closest advisers) ? I wouldn't brag about that.
"Please quit whining and crying, and get over already."
It's not whining and crying - it's fear for the future of this great country. Big difference.
"It's been over a year. Get a life."
And what a year it has been. Get a life? Defending my rights (and the right for other Americans) is part of my life. Can't stand silently by and watch this guy destroy our nation to massage his ego. No one should.
And exactly which of your rights has been threatened by President Trump?
And I thought exactly the same thing about Old Dumbo Ears. Now President Trump is repairing all the damage which that arrogant, lying, narcissistic, self centered, Socialist/Marxist, empty suit did to our country.
Addressing the Conservative Political Action Congress (CPAC), he vowed to always put American citizens first and build a "great, great border wall".
He also promised to focus on "getting bad people out of this country".
Mr Trump was greeted by chants of "USA, USA, USA!" as he addressed the annual forum in Maryland.
"We're building the wall," he said. "In fact it's going to start very soon. Way ahead of schedule. It's way, way, way ahead of schedule."
His comments come a day after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly met their Mexican counterparts in Mexico City.