Does he actually have Alzheimers or Dementia?
We've seen a couple of moments where he seemed to have problems.
1) missing his limo at the bottom of the stairs when disembarking Air Force One. Okay, maybe he was tired. A "senior citizen" moment.
2) Slurring his words when speaking.
3) Drinking water with both hands.
4) holding onto the podium with two hands like he was holding on for dear life.
These could all be chalked up as "senior citizen".
But the latest news, which actually is scary, is that he has lost his short-term memory. He used to annoy people by telling the same story, maybe within 25 minutes, but now they say he might decide to tell the exact same story to the same person within 10 minutes.
Alzheimers affects short-term memory. You forget the little things you JUST DID. It then progresses to a lot more serious memory and cognitive loss.
Ronald Reagan seemed to suffer from this towards the end of his 2nd term. He toasted Margaret Thatcher twice with the same speech at a dinner, leaving people a little shocked.
But that was 2nd term, late in the game. This is 1st year. 1st year!
Trump doesn't do the things that push off Alzheimers, like READING and WRITING, and speaking a 2nd language. I don't think he has ever challenged his mental strengths, leaving him ripe for early onset of dementia and alzheimers.
If he is scaring staff by forgetting things he said or did 10 minutes earlier than that means he needs to resign. His mental capacities are gone.