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Transgender Makeup Artist Leads Thousands of Occultists in Monthly Hexes on Trump

The MSM never mentions how loony the left's religions are! Based on a NY Times report:

Nowadays, Leftists’ attempts to bring the president down veer into the ridiculous. A group of hipsters in Brooklyn are now meeting regularly to put a hex on Trump. Yes, you read that right.

The hexes sound like a cross between a cutesy chick flick about young women dabbling in witchcraft and a parody of a Bible study. According to the New York Times report, "Catland has held three packed ceremonies to hex Trump, which involve the use of 'cursing ingredients' as well as the recitation of Psalm 109: 'Let his days be few, and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg; let them seek their bread also from their desolate places.'"

"It might seem strange for people who reject monotheism to chant Bible verses," according to the report, "but Bracciale often uses the Book of Psalms as a spellbook. (Wary of cultural appropriation, some of today’s young occultists look for esoteric strains in their own cultures rather than borrowing from foreign traditions.)"


Very sloppy reporting. PJ Media stole the story from The NY Times and altered it. Briefly, the original article mentions "more than a dozen" people attending a class at Catland's occult boutique. (Highly doubtful a small Brooklyn store could hold thousands.) Lana Del Rey and the "thousands" have nothing to do with Bracciale. The article writes that witches, pagans, etc. "...virtually join together to cast a binding spell on Trump: “So that he may fail utterly. That he may do no harm.” Article is referring to them on a nationwide basis. I'm sure plenty of Christians, Muslims and Jews are doing the same.

Link to original article:

PJ media:
"...strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy....Pj Media has a right wing bias in reporting and content. PJ Media has also made some questionable claims..."
Can I hear an amen?


An "amen" to what? The fact that there are a lot of nutcases in this country?

"Strongly biased toward conservative causes"?? Gee, how "awful". It's not like the left wing media is EVER guilty of biased reporting. LOL

What a coincidence though. When I saw this this thread last night, I had just watched a news clip on youtube which showed witches in San Diego trying to put a curse on the President. It was back on April 3, 2017 in Balboa Park.

F.Y.I.- Christians, Muslims and Jews DON"T put hexes or spells on people! Where did you learn about religion? lol


There are many gun nuts in the U.S. which is known worldwide. also has a long list of media sources with balanced reporting which is useful if you decide you want to read actual information rather than right-wing propaganda.

"Bracciale notes, savoring the irony, that for eight years, some Christian prayer warriors used the same imprecatory psalm against Obama. “They just use thoughts and prayers, and we know what those are worth,”
Thoughts and prayers instead of hexes. Same difference. You're confusing actual Wiccan practices with Bracciale's practices which are clearly improvised by him. Bracciale was brought up Christian and is mixing his childhood beliefs with what he believes is Wicca.

BTW, Wiccans don't actually use hexes nor curses because they believe it returns three-fold. Nor is "That he may do no harm." really a hex or curse. Even doctors say it as part of the The Hippocratic Oath. I would hope every president would do no harm, but I know the idiot in the White House is about to have my taxes raised by thousands each year because the top 1% don't believe having 38.6% of America's wealth is enough for them.


I am vaguely aware of "prayer warriors". But that's part of Evangelical Christian practices. You are confusing and/or lumping together all Christians.

However at Mass, I DO know that we say an Offertory Prayer. it comes right after the Creed. We ask God to hear our prayers for many different people. We always include a prayer for our leaders and the President (including Barack Obama). We pray for their wisdom and God's guidance for them, not their demise.

I know a bit more about Wicca than it appears from my post. There is a very old cemetery near my house with a Wiccan monument. A woman and her son are buried there from about 1900. On one side of it the Wiccan Rede is carved.

Some of the local lore refers to her as "Bloody Mary". I have encountered a lot of kids who call her a bad witch. I have pointed out to them a number of times that she practiced Wicca and was not evil.
My sister had a co-worked who practiced white magic. At one point he wanted the help of a more experienced practitioner to create some spell using grey magic, not as bad as black magic. But the woman told him not to mess with that.

As far as "the idiot in the White House", so nice of you to show respect for the President. Funny how the left went ballistic when the last President was shown disrespect though. lol

As far as taxes, I would have to be an idiot myself to disagree with you. My property taxes and personal taxes have gone up steadily in the last ten years with no appreciable rise in local services. But that is the fault of local politicians mismanaging the town coffers, no millionaires "benefit" from higher taxers in this jerkwater town!

Forgive me, but I have a problem with the terminology as in the wealthy "have more money", "more than their fair share",etc. It often appears that many on the left hate to use the word "earn" when it comes to people with lots of money! Sure if you're a Kennedy kid or a Trump kid, a lot of it fell on you.


Wishing a president does no harm isn't asking for their demise. It appears the Christians and Wiccans are doing the same thing so I don't understand your complaint.

Unlike you, I wouldn't blindly support anyone just because they had a title. Respect is something that is earned. "The idiot in the White House" who grabs women's P***y, calls Mexicans rapists, disrespects Goldstar families, believes Nazis are fine people, discriminates against Muslims, placed an ad for the execution of innocent black men, started his political career on a racist lie re:Obama, brings his mistress to a family vacation where his former wife and young children are, and repeatedly lies and appoints corrupt people, encouraged his son to lie re: his contact with the Russians, etc doesn't deserve any respect. It's just a matter of time before more arrests including Trump and son.

Trumpettes have forgotten they wanted a change from political corruption, lies and the swamp. Now you have it in spades with what you voted in. How's that high-paying factory job he promised coming along? Or the return of coal mining? LOL.

I earned my money. Trump inherited his money est. $40+ million - not earned. Big difference. Stealing money from the struggling middle-class by altering the tax code to favor themselves is stealing.

BTW, if there is a Federal income tax overall, expect your local taxes to go up more when localities have to make up for the loss of Federal dollars.


"Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."

That is quite a bit more malignant than wishing he does no harm.


I'll take [email protected] at his/her word that only positive prayers were said in his/her church which is what I was referring to as well as Wiccan beliefs.

Bracciale's experience is different and he said he knew Christians who used Psalm 109 so he does the same. He isn't really practicing Wicca. I agree that Bracciale and his former church are a bit on the dark side.


Keelai- well thanks for taking me at my word in your post (15 days ago)! Only positive prayers are offered up during Mass. We always pray for our leaders. There's usually a prayer offered for them so they have the wisdom to guide us and lead our nation. Although sometimes I don't think our leaders exhibit very much "wisdom"! lol And that goes for both parties.

FYI- I'm a "her".


Satanists and witches are against president Trump yet we're supposed to think HE'S the bad guy of the story. LOL.


No one mentioned Satanists. BTW, they are not devil worshipers. Many get confused by the two different groups.

Wicca is a nature-based religion. If you're planning to celebrate Christmas next month, be reminded that Christmas traditions such as the Christmas tree, mistletoe, the date, gift-giving, the yule log, etc. have their roots in paganism.
The Puritans banned Christmas in the 1600s because of the connection to paganism. It was illegal in England at one time, also.

As for Trump, I'm relieved that more Americans have realized that the Emperor has no clothes.


Makes you think how bad he is that satanic cults think he’s an asshole, huh?


You're trying too hard to get it backwards.


Lol sure buddy.


Never underestimate how loony the Left is.

