Hehe... where are the Trump defenders now?
share Just wondering which defenders you mean? The press, the evening news, FOX, private citizens? If you mean some of the spineless turncoats in the Republican Party, they are about as useful as hair on a bowling ball.
But really, what exactly can be said? The left, the handwringers in mourning over their loss, Democrats, Hillary supporters, hysterical college students aren't exactly in "listening mode" anyway! lol
I am reminded of a saying about defending the Catholic Church. "It's like a lion, you don't need to defend it, just let it out of its cage".
Well Trump is OUT of his cage! Depends on your viewpoint if that's a good or bad thing, although I sometimes think his "handlers" need a bigger whip and a chair. Ha ha
For myself, I am just keeping quiet (mostly) and enjoying the unhinged behavior of 'Chuck you' Schumer, Maxine (her wig must be too tight) Waters, Rachel Maddow's meltdowns, etc. Who knew politics could be so entertaining!!!
You must be "keeping quiet" because you are a Russian.
shareLOL... I think! Russian? No, ethnically, part Polish. But Poland was invaded by Russia many times, so who knows? Maybe I have a Russian ancestor somewhere! ha ha
But you didn't answer any of my questions. Just WHO is supposed to be speaking out now that Trump beat Mrs. Clinton? What are we supposed to say? And again, why bother? It aint like the left is listening!
Trump didn't even beat her. He lost by 3 MILLION votes. The system we use is stupid. How can the person who loses by 3 million votes be the "winner." Ridiculous. Secondly, anybody with a functioning brain has been speaking out against Trump and his "poorly educated" supporters. I think you have value, even if you aren't well educated, but why should your vote count MORE than that of an educated person? That's how the electoral college works. People from the dumb states get more weight than people from the smart states. Crazy.
shareOh brother! I am getting SO weary of trying to explain the Electoral College to ignorant people! If you want to say our system is STUPID, okey dokey! But our Founding Fathers who were highly educated men knew the danger of states with large populations dictating elections. I guess you are so much smarter and so much better educated than they were!
Hillary in all her obnoxious hubris did not even bother with a number of states since she had Calimexifornia and New York locked up. She won the former by 4 million votes. Basically, she would be the President of California! They can have her!
Trump won the popular vote in thirty states, Hildabeast in 20.
Dumb state, smart state? Wow you really are a DEEP thinker. I am done here, can't argue with someone who so "smart." LOL
You have no idea what you are talking about, as usual. The electoral college is dumb and was almost abolished numerous times. In fact, in 1969 had it not been for filibustering racists, it would have been. Learn history.
where are u?
I'm enjoying trumpf's always whining and complaining about how the media is so bad to him and their "fake news" stuff about him. It never seems to occur to him that if he stopped giving the media something to report every time he does something stupid, he wouldn't get such negative press. Also Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway's constant defense of trumpf's ignorant actions, which you can't help but laugh at, since anybody who actually tries to explain or actually make sense of the bull**** that comes out of his mouth on a constant basis always ends up looking and sounding stupid as hell, no matter how smart they actually are.
"For myself, I am just keeping quiet (mostly) and enjoying the unhinged behavior of 'Chuck you' Schumer, Maxine (her wig must be too tight) Waters, Rachel Maddow's meltdowns, etc. Who knew politics could be so entertaining!!!"
There's nothing "unhinged" about any of these people you mentioned, and so what if Waters has a wig? She looks good with it. and that's all that matters (you couldn't come up with a more original cheap shot, could you? Nope, of course not.That would require some actual thinking,lol) trumpf's the one going off all unhinged because the man simply has no concept of barriers to anything---in fact, a professor being interviewed on PBS said that trumpf's main problem is that's he's almost never been held accountable for anything in his life, which is why when's he's made to, he can't handle it and throws a damn fit, like the spoiled child he grew up as, and still acts like. I mean, seriously, is there anyone on his staff showing him how a president's supposed to act? Of does he not listen to anyone and just does what he wants? That's not a good thing, because he can't do everything in the WH on his own. What an idiot, and he's showing himself to be more and more of each day.
Well thanks for at least taking the time to reply. I was never any big fan of Donald Trump. But with the prospect of Mrs. Clinton, one of the most amoral, lying crooks ever getting into the White House and dragging horndog Bill along with her, frankly, I would have voted for Bugs Bunny for President!
If you don't think Chuckie Schumer and Maxine Waters are unhinged, well I guess you just haven't been paying attention to what they say!
A "cheap shot" against Maxine? Au contraire, I thought I was going easy on that moron! Have you ever LISTENED to the idiotic, socialist crap that comes out of her mouth? She "looks good" in her wig? The only way she'd look good is with a paper bag over her head which would also incidentally muffle her stupid comments. The tightness of her wig just restricts the blood flow to the brain. I thought I was giving her an easy out for sounding so stupid.
Whether Trump was president or not, I can't stomach her stupidity. I have found her statements ignorant and outrageous for years, nothing to do with Trump. She talked stupid when Obama was president too. She lectured oil companies in 2008. "Guess what this liberal would be all about... taking over and running your companies."
Because golly YES, big government does a bang up, successful job in RUNNING the private sector! Just what our Constitution suggested.
She played a key role in the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac crisis. But according to her "We do not have a crisis." Sure no crisis for HER! She still has a job and a house.
Trump has his faults, heaven knows. But I loved his recent behavior in the Middle East, no bowing and scraping to the Saudis like our former POTUS did. Netanyahu seems to be so relieved that Trump is President in contrast to his strained politeness towards our former 'Muslim in Chief'.
Now I know I made you mad. But I just don't care to pull any more punches when talking to liberals these days! Sorry
But with the prospect of Mrs. Clinton, one of the most amoral, lying crooks ever getting into the White House and dragging horndog Bill along with her, frankly, I would have voted for Bugs Bunny for President!
If you think that Hillary ISN'T one of the most crooked people who ever ran for office, well, what can I say? You must have been dwelling under a rock for the last twenty years not to know that she is a lying, self serving criminal. But people will believe what they want to believe!
I don't listen to AM radio. But I DO read! I have read many books which detailed Hillary's lies, crimes and really, really rotten behavior. Sorry if you think FOX is "fake news". Seems to be the only comeback for libs these days.
"They say things which disturb my liberal worldview, ergo, they MUST be fake news."
IF Bill is a "horndog", if, if, if? He IS! So Trump has "three baby mamas"? Well he married all of them, didn't he? And he supported his kids, didn't he? What's the problem here? I thought the left was all in favor of welfare policies which allow trampy women to have multiple "baby daddies" and expect the government to support them, thus giving their horny boyfriends a free pass.
I DO think for myself. That's why I'd never want a self serving witch like Hillary as President. Embarrassing? Don't patronize me please. You and other liberals enjoy attacking conservative viewpoints and acting "holier than thou". The only thing embarrassing is we have so many people in this country who would even consider voting for that lying sack of #bleep# in a pantsuit.
I regret getting into these political discussions, sorry. I used to do it on IMDB and when they closed down, I thought I'd turn over a new leaf. NO MORE political arguments. But I gave into temptation. But trying to explain things to liberals is like trying to teach Trigonometry to three year olds. Y'all simply don't have the mental acuity to understand.
Well, I think you are one of the most crooked people. You think it's OK to be a thief like Trump and to grab pussy like Trump. You like pathological liars. Good for you. We'll agree to disagree on Hillary.