MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > There's something rotten in Chicago and ...

There's something rotten in Chicago and I...

...can Smollett from here.

A combination of LIEberal privilege, black privilege and 'gay' privilege = gross INJUSTICE.

If he were a white male conservative actor, he'd be going to the big house!


21 detectives assigned to find his MAGA hat wearing “assailants”...and he walks without so much as a fine. What a complete travesty.


Yeah don’t you hate when all that time and expense is used to determine something anyone with an IQ higher than 40 can see is the truth and they come back either saying it didn’t happen or there isn’t enough compelling evidence?

Wait a second...this isn’t a thread about the Mueller Report!


LOL...what a pathetic attempt to equate the two.

The vile and corrupt left has never valued the truth ...both situations are proof of that.


Yeah, right. Mueller's MAGAphobic team was stacked with pro-Dem people and no Republicans; it was a Dem-led witch-hunt based on that fraudulent dossier. They simply couldn't find evidence against Trump for the Russian collusion delusion.

But if you want to deny the FACTS obtained by YOUR OWN pro-Dem committee that's your prerogative. (Facts to LIEberals are like holy water to vampires, lol).


Except i’m A conservative who was a registered Republican from 1983-2016.

So you know...typical Trump Brownshirt aversion to the facts, son.


They literally shut down the city for this fucking asshole. Black Privilege is now a thing.


Even the blacks here are outraged ...of course D'rats will accuse them of being Uncle Toms.


If there's one connotation I hate the most, it's "Uncle Tom"


I'm not even American and even I'M livid. Just how could the American justice system allow this to happen? If I was American I would take a good hard look at this two tiered justice system because its clear that there are two parallel laws that work for the average american, and then another for those with money. you all pay taxes to ensure that you are all treated equally, but apparently you're not. Thank Christ that shit wouldn't fly in my country.




There's a federal investigation that's ongoing.


The only one capable bringing justice to this case is special agent Sam Gerard.
