He recently got the booster shot
But I bet nobody will want to question that
shareWell he didn't get covid so I guess it's a success story.
shareFake News!
shareWhat's fake about it? It happened.
shareNo, he had Covid recently. Nothing in the news about scary "booster shot"!
shareActually he previously joked about having to getg vaccinated and boosted in order to perform at a club that required vaccination.
So yeah, he was boosted.
Oh the antivax loonies will "question" it. I am sure of it.
shareShut up Fauci.. no one believes your bullshit anymore. Pushing a "vaccine" that only has a 20% efficacy is beyond stupid. No one should take it, just get the virus and develop natural immunity.
sharePlease do. Get all the viruses.
shareAlready had covid, and now I'm safer than any idiot that took the vaccine.
shareWith your mindset you are statistically living a more dangerous life.
shareGo look at the Israeli study, you know the one that was based on pure science with out an agenda behind it. Natural immunity is superior to the vaccine, and the upside is you don't have the added risks of blood clots and heart damage you get from the shot.
shareDuh..If only we knew who was immune beforehand..
Gamble with your own life, not with that of others.
Which is why the vax-asses need to shut the fuck up. No one is keeping idiots from getting a vaccination if that's what they want but they need to shut the fuck up about others. If your precious vaccines work then the vaccinated shouldn't give a shit if others don't take it.. Your protected, right? Or do you admit they don't fucking work.
shareI don't know if they work. I believe they work because it seems more plausible than the opposite. Therefore the best cause of action would be for nearly everyone to get vaccinated. That's all.
shareShut up, troll. Why trolls like you love spreading BS and misinformation around about the vaccine literally makes no damn sense. The vaccine does work, and wearing masks keeps the virus from being spread around. Idiots like you who go around claiming that they don't work, especially during a pandemic, is what's beyond fckg stupid as hell.
shareThey don't work, if you bothered to look at real scientific studies you would realize that. In the UK where more than 70% are vaccinated, yet in the past 6 months the majority of patients admitted to the hospitals for the virus were fully vaccinated... Now what is that if the vaccines are so effective? Because they aren't effective. All the do is give people a false sense of security so that they end up exposing themselve to the virus. You can also find lots of studies showing the masks are pointless and often increase the risk of exposure... but hey keep believing CNN. It is what is expected from a ignorant cunt like yourself.
shareYou're a fckg idiot. I've been vaccinated and boosted so I won't get covid. What bull**** fake stories are reading that tell you the vaccines and masks don't work? The majority of people filling the hospitals from covid here in the U.S. are unvaccinated dumbasses like you who spew these bull**** conspiracy theories from quacks who don't even know what the fck they're talking about. Wearing masks prevents people from spreading the virus, and the vaccine, which isn't that much different from the same damn vaccines you took as a child to keep you from getting the mumps and the measles, keeps dumbasses like you from dying from covid. Real scientific studies, not the fake-ass conspiracy bull**** you're spouting about, show that is true. And who the f*** do you think you're calling a "c**t", you fckg p.o.s.? You don't ever call a woman that in the U.S.---that's a big fckg insult here. BTW, p.o.s. means piece of s***. Here's an article about a bunch of conservative take show nutcases who did nothing but scream about how the virus was fake and claiming vaccines didn't work until their dumb asses got Covid. Then and only then, did they start telling people to get the shot. They all died of it, since they were unvaccinated:
Well the cunt is getting upset... calm down cunt boy. Apparently the vaccine has given you some anger control issues... or did it simply make your cock fall off.
shareits fine if u wanna drink the big pharma coolade but get off ur high horse thinking ur better then everyone else who didn't sign up to be a experimental guinea pig
shareSorry to burst your bubble, but the vaccine and boosters dont prevent covid or prevent the spread of covid. They lessen the effects.
I took the vaccine because my work required it. Nothing more. Many at my work had the vaccine and booster and they still caught Covid and they spread it too. No name calling here, just correcting a fact you may be missing.
Man, this jab is going to cause a lot of drama in the future. I wish you the best of health but will you be able to sue your employer if you get the rotten end of this concoction?
shareNope. Last time was Tuskegee as far as I know. I'm not really worried. I hear things for and against. It doesn't matter now. What's done is done.
No one lives forever and an average lifespan over 35 is relatively new considering human history.
Seems morbid, but I think Cpt. Picard had it right in Star Trek Generations. "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe than time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again."
And a factory garden pruner for seven ninety nine
shareBack in October. So nothing to do with it.
shareActually, 29 November, which makes it not even two months ago, so yes, it can have everything to do with it and he would be far from the first to die from these shots.
But move along citizen, nothing to see here. The vaccines are totally safe and effective and we need them and we also need all the boosters, over and over again because the people selling them said so.
Precisely. They already know that when the vaccines cause heart damage which is most likely to happen in males that get the shot the damage is permanent. He had the vaccines and the booster, each time he was increasing the risk of heart damage. But they will never admit it, even if the medical examiner find a smoking gun the government will cover it up so the drug companies can keep printing money off the deaths of people.
shareThe medical examiners have found smoking guns in autopsy reports (which are purposely being suppressed by the government and health authorities).
You can watch the English translation of what they found here:
2021 has seen a 278% increase in heart-related deaths for people under 50 compared to 2020:
Yet people continue to ignore the data.
I think the vaccine could have been a factor BUT he was also OLD and OVERWEIGHT. He had definitely put on weight since his younger days and the article below noted that he was over 260 pounds a few years ago. I'm not sure if he was still topping 260 pounds but he did look like he was carrying too much weight. The vaccine would be a more likely cause of death if a person drops dead in their forties.
https://radaronline.com/videos/bob-saget-weight-gain/ *** 267 pounds? ***
He was average for his age.
This is him from June, 2021:
You don't just naturally die for no reason. That's called organ failure. He apparently died in his sleep, which means either his heart of brain shut down.
He had no heart conditions, he had no prior medical run-ins with aneurysms.
What causes the heart to suddenly stop if it hasn't had any complications in the past?
That's exactly what happened to Jimmy Dore, who nearly died of a brain aneurysm due to inflammation built up in his brain from clotting... caused by what? The vaccine:
A lot more people will continue dropping dead, most of it masked by organ failure.
Dr. Hoffe explains how depending on the fervency of your immune system will determine how quickly or slowly arteries to vital organs will clot, for some people it will be a few months, for some people a few years. The video is only eight minutes long you can watch it here:
It's amazing to me how people are still justifying pouring toxins into their bloodstream and then thinking it's okay.
It's literally assisted suicide.
He's definitely not an average fweight for his age. He looks fat to me. He's 6'4" so he can hide the weight gain on his large frame. You can see that he's overweight based on his face and his belly. He was lean when he was on the Full House show as a young man. A lot of overweight people drop dead in their sixties.
I would be more inclined to blame the vax if he dropped dead in his forties. People start dying in their fifties and sixties if they are not leading a healthy lifestyle. His siblings also died young so he had already lived longer than most would have expected based on his family history.
True, he wasn't fat he was obese. For years I would see him in interviews and wonder why his face looked so bad, he often times looked and talked like he had the cold or flu. I guess he was even more overweight than I originally thought.
This is what I say for the average overweight male in America. 200 lbs? you're probably at least 20 lbs. overweight from your high school days, getting close to obese.
225 lbs? you're almost certainly obese, need to trend down instead of up that's for sure.
250 lbs? you're definitely obese and to me, morbidly obese. You've spent years getting to this point you're going to die if you don't do something about it immediately.
There is no proof that vaccines cause heart damage----stop lying and spreading that bull****. Stop spreading these fckg paranoid bull**** conspiracy theories and lying to people when there's a pandemic going the fck on, you fckg idiot.
Assuming your pea brain has enough neurons to read.
There is also no proof eating a gallon of ice cream a day causes obesity.
shareLesson for you all: Don't joke about Covid, Fauci will kill you while you sleep.
In May, on his podcast "Bob Saget is Here for You," Saget talked with Dr. Jon LaPook of CBS News about vaccine hesitancy, "common medical misinformation," "and the amazing efforts scientists and doctors are making to help people during this time," according to a description of the episode on Bob Saget’s YouTube page.
Saget has also joked about the vaccine, tweeting in July that he got "vaccinated five to six times a day and I feel great!!"
In August, he said: "Please people, I don’t wanna preach, but please get your visine today. Sorry, auto-correct— I meant vaccine… Help save eyes…Sorry, damn this auto-correct! I meant save lives."
"I went to the dumbest pharmacist yesterday and asked for my booster and he gave me a child’s seat," he tweeted in November. "I was pissed until I sat at the table and was a foot taller."
Saget, whose comedy was often bawdy despite his wholesome prime-time TV image, was scheduled to perform sets at venues that required attendees to show evidence of their full vaccination against COVID-19. A clip from a Dec. 13 recording of his podcast is being shared on social media in the wake of his death. In it he says: "I went to the pharmacy the other day I got a booster shot and I should’ve gotten it in my arm but I got it in my butt so I’m a little in pain."
What is clear: Claims that Saget died from the COVID-19 vaccine booster he joked about a month earlier are unfounded. His cause and manner of death have not been released.
He died as a alien?