MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > It’s kinda funny that she became a hero ...

It’s kinda funny that she became a hero to the right

Five years ago, the MAGA crowd hated her guts, and viewed her as one of the dreaded “feminazis.” People like noted failed screenwriter Ben Shapiro even tried to roast her by claiming that Harry Potter is just a “crappy Lord of the Rings knockoff.” Hell, if you go back even further than that, Bible thumpers were previously trying to get her books banned because they believed they promoted witchcraft.

Some of you guys sure are singing a different tune about her these days, aren’t you?


The whole cast of Harry Potter ruined the movies for me when they opened their mouthes on American Politics. They have no right to opinions on a country where they are not citizens. I can respect JK Rowlings though on the Trans issue because she speaks facts and doesn't coddle people who are clearly mentally ill.


A real woman vs. spoiled brats.


I support her and I'm NOT ''on the right''?

Many more millions do likewise for the same reason/s?


She's always been a Blairite 'centrist' 'meritocrat' elitist. Even before the whole anti-trans debate came up, I got those centre-right vibes from her. Also, many people have accused her writing of racism, particularly towards East Asians, and anti-Semitism.

As a leftist, I NEVER regarded her sort as an ally. They're almost as bad as conservatives/right-wingers, because some leftists/progressives actually give them credibility, as they stealthily and covertly undermine everything the *actual* progressive, egalitarian, anti-wealth, open-minded, non-racist, left stands for. Screw the Blairite neolibs (although even Blair and Alistair Campbell are more 'woke' and progressive-minded than some of their adherents these days).



A hero that has ZERO impact on transsexuals. Conservatives are Anti-Trabs but have no impact on helping them. Furthermore, they are for defunding the Healthcare apparatus needed to offer preventative transsexual behavior. Their ONLY solution is to Pray It Away


What about her novels? CB Strike for instance. The series.


Both the left and right are singing a different tune. I'm a centrist myself and have always liked the woman despite not really being a feminist myself. But she comes off as more reasonable and rational than most feminists so it wasn't a surprise when she started fighting the woke crowd.

Also as a gay man I appreciate anyone who sticks with us rather than throwing us under the trans-train.


Because she took a stand against mental illness?

It’s sad the left lives to exploit the mentally ill for its own benefit. It is what it is.

Imagine have a tantrum and making death threats because someone has an opinion slightly different to yours. Oh well, welcome to being a Democrat lemming.
