MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > Surprised she has a right-wing following...

Surprised she has a right-wing following.

Since she's a generic misandrist radical feminist.


Have you ever heard of the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
That's how I would view it


"Since she's a generic misandrist radical feminist."

says who?


We've seen so many people mobbed by the crazy cancel culture mob, that we are almost reflexively sympathetic to people being attacked by them.

Also, teh whole FREE SPEECH thing.

Defending her RIGHT TO SPEECH and pointing out that she doesn't deserve the hate thrown at her, is not the same as supporting her or "following her".


People were following her long before the Woke Era, which has only been around since 2016, or did you forget how old her franchise is?


She doesn't.

But it's a Wokie tactic to call anyone who disagrees with their stupider ideas "right-wing".
