MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > If I identify as an eagle, that doesn't ...

If I identify as an eagle, that doesn't make me able to fly.

And if I identify as a surgeon you're not going to let me operate on you, and if I identify as a hottie you don't actually want to have sex with me, even if you try to be polite and say you do. In fact, identifying as something you are not does not actually make you that thing, it makes you a person who WANTS to be whatever it is you identify as.

I'm sorry, trans people have a very difficult time of it and I really do want to be supportive, but their activists have hitched their wagon to an argument that is logically, philosophically, and scientifically untenable. Rowling is right, and the activists who are currently slamming her are wrong.


Shutup you transphobe


Prove any part of my argument wrong.


Ah, the ad hommen attacks when you know you're wrong.


That’s not an ad hominem if you’re literally a transphobe. It’s the entire content of your argument. Also the other comment already proved it wrong.
