MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > Alphabet People attack Rowling for sayin...

Alphabet People attack Rowling for saying "women menstruate"

As opposed to the silly "people menstruate". The PC Taliban are outraged!

Breitbart was the only unbiased source, the rest used the imaginary "transphobia" thought crime.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling made waves on Saturday after publicly defending the concept of biological sex — a scientific truth largely rejected by the left — explaining to her 14.5 million Twitter followers that it “isn’t hate to speak the truth.”

“If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives,” Rowling said. “It isn’t hate to speak the truth.”

Rowling faced fierce backlash from several high-profile progressive counterparts. Many of them accused her of hating transgender people and advancing “transphobia” after she shared an article titled “Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate,” offering her own commentary.

“‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” she asked.

This is far from the first time the popular author has come under fire from LGBT activists. Last year, they issued their collective grievance over the lack of LGBT representation in her novels.

She also stirred up controversy in December for publicly supporting Maya Forstater after a U.K. employment judge “allowed an employer to fire” her for “saying a man’s claim to have an opposite-sex ‘gender’ does not actually change his biological sex.”


I dont get it ,
Rowling spouts some of the same rhetoric the rest of you right wing facists scrawl every day on this site , and is lambasted for it by "alphabet people"
And you're all gleefully revelling in the attack.
Shouldnt you be defending her?
isnt this an attack on your own core right wing values?


No, because JKR is speaking in defence of the human condition of womanhood, which is not something right wing conservatives are at all concerned about defending.

They’re leaning more towards the supposed alphabet people in the belief that all humans are either born with penises or have them.

Edit for the sarcasm challenged: iow, “women aren’t human and therefore have no rights and so their opinions don’t matter” is the prevailing mindset of both of the aforementioned teams.


You know nothing of conservatives, only what your higher education or your leftist "news" media has indoctrinated you with. Half of us conservatives ARE women - I'm sorry, People Who Menstruate. All conservatives defend peoplewhomenstruatehood and all it entails.

The left is concerned with allowing men to use a woman's ... sorry... a Person Who Menstruate's bathroom if they "identify" as a woman or Person Who Menstruates.. How does that work anyway? Can a person with a penis menstruate?



You seem drunk. You didn’t understand anything I wrote. I don’t engage with hostile people who react hysterically to simple posts they are too limited to comprehend. Btw- misogynists come in all genders of the supposed spectrum, including women.


Ah, of course. The old fallback position of questioning or insulting the intelligence with those that you disagree. Got it.


And you're all gleefully revelling in the attack.
Shouldnt you be defending her?

I certainly defend what she says as I defend the right to whatever any liberal has to say as long as they're actually "saying" it and not rioting, but on the other hand, have to admit that I always enjoy when the left eats its own. Like how the left sacrificed Al Franken, and it's only going to get worse.

The left is so intolerant of anything they agree with that it's cancelling movies, books, TV personalities with a different opinion of their own, etc., and they're starting to winnow out their own.


The "right wing fascists" boogeymen! Look up the definition then identify who are the real fascists.


Imagine a famous extreme right winger who spent the entire last decade spouting all the extremist right wing beliefs and shitting on people who don't agree. Now imagine that guy one day tweeting that he is in fact opposed to the idea of ethnostate and getting flak for it from his buddies. And you're opposed to this idea too, but would you:

a) honorably defend the guy because at least you agree about 0,1% of things
b) laugh at those idiots infighting over a trivial issue


good analogy.
wait . is it?
thats some right wing stuff she's saying now , and "liberals" are firing at her.
So has she been famously liberal up till now?
cos the article cites 2 or 3 times when the same thing has happened the same way round


She's angered people on all sides. Personally, I'm surprised people give her so much attention. She wrote Harry Potter, a kids book series, and adults are getting uppity every time she tweets. Why does it matter if she has an opinion? She's just a writer of children's books.


Because she’s powerful.


Only so long as anyone gives her attention. Without that, she's just a lady who wrote a series.


All billionaires are going to get attention, especially celebrities in entertainment. I see your point though.


You have a point. I think everyone needs to pay more attention to friends and family rather than social media. It's not perfect, but at least we can see their eyes.


haha yeah, true.


While I agree with her for a large part on this issue, I can't feel sorry for her since she has treated other people the exact same way.


That woman even specified "biological" sex and they still fired her?


Truth and science has nothing to do with this...


She also stirred up controversy in December for publicly supporting Maya Forstater after a U.K. employment judge “allowed an employer to fire” her for “saying a man’s claim to have an opposite-sex ‘gender’ does not actually change his biological sex.”
That is one of the most complicated sentences ive ever seen


Maya Forstater said: "a man’s claim to have an opposite-sex ‘gender’ does not actually change his biological sex."
Her employer fired her for it.
A judge said that was fine.
Rowling said it wasnt fine.

I'm surprised at the ruling..


This should scare the crap out of EVERYONE. It’s about free speech. It was an opinion, never mind that it’s backed up by the most obvious science imaginable. What’s next? People getting fired, locked up, dragged out of bed in the middle of the night for saying the Earth is round or babies are cute?
