MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > Alphabet People attack Rowling for sayin...

Alphabet People attack Rowling for saying "women menstruate"

As opposed to the silly "people menstruate". The PC Taliban are outraged!

Breitbart was the only unbiased source, the rest used the imaginary "transphobia" thought crime.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling made waves on Saturday after publicly defending the concept of biological sex — a scientific truth largely rejected by the left — explaining to her 14.5 million Twitter followers that it “isn’t hate to speak the truth.”

“If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives,” Rowling said. “It isn’t hate to speak the truth.”

Rowling faced fierce backlash from several high-profile progressive counterparts. Many of them accused her of hating transgender people and advancing “transphobia” after she shared an article titled “Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate,” offering her own commentary.

“‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” she asked.

This is far from the first time the popular author has come under fire from LGBT activists. Last year, they issued their collective grievance over the lack of LGBT representation in her novels.

She also stirred up controversy in December for publicly supporting Maya Forstater after a U.K. employment judge “allowed an employer to fire” her for “saying a man’s claim to have an opposite-sex ‘gender’ does not actually change his biological sex.”


Karma is a bitch...


Remember how I said the "woke" groups were eating each other? A fascinating in-fighting they won't report on mainstream news (but you'll find in more local stuff) is that the feminazis who supported and defended trans people for decades, are now reaping the result that people warned them would happen; the accomplishments and status of women is being subverted and made irrelevant in favor of "women" who used to have testicles, and "men" who used to have ovaries.

The fake women are the worst of the lot. There have been reports of feminist rallies being attacked by fake women who scream at them, throw things, hit people, demand recognition, and get pissed when people still see them as the men they truly are. They don't want to admit that no matter what they do, the only person they are fooling into believing they are a different gender is themselves, and being coddled by powerful people will not make their lives easier; not when the majority can see what they refuse to.




Didn't she call PewDiePie a fascist? Well, now the mob considers them both the same. It's a funny old world.


She's right. Alphabet people who don't think so are ignorant fools.


Wow, this Person Who Menstruates (PWM) is all over the map when it comes to politics. Still, watching anyone, including this PWM, getting hoisted in their own petards is gratifying.


So 'alphabet people' is the new pejorative is it? Suppose it beats 'fags'.

Hate to break it to you JK, but gay people don't give a Colin Creevey what you think about trans people. You just sound like another disgruntled person who thinks her opinion holds more weight than it does, quite ordinary and unremarkable for celebrities these days. No big deal, nothing to get outraged over at all. It's nice your name can still be in the headlines after milking one story for decades.

Looking forward to the next chapter of "This Is Why Gay People Are Unreasonable and Stupid".


Hate to break it to you JK, but gay people don't give a Colin Creevey what you think about trans people.

The funny thing is that the sole reason we're here talking about this is that they in fact do care so much that there's an entire public outrage over her comments. And holy shit, I'm a rather apolitical guy and hate to repeat the tired cliches but it's crazy how "libruls eat their own" applies to this. JK Rowling, who is lately more popular for her support of gay rights than her books is now being accused by you of homophobia. LOL.


Exactly where did I accuse her of being homophobic?

In fact I was responding to the OP who was suggesting a few militant crusaders on the internet speak for all gay people, once again suggesting that LGBTQ people are permanently outraged and unreasonable.

My point is that I don't give a shit what some writer thinks about trans people. She is entitled to her opinion and I'm entitled to take no interest in it whatsoever. I also have no interest in people who lack the mental capacity to understand that keyboard warriors don't speak for the majority.


I supposed "Looking forward to the next chapter of "This Is Why Gay People Are Unreasonable and Stupid" was referring to JKR.


Breitbart and unbiased in the same sentence, lol. GTFO.


CNN and main stream media in the same sentence, lol. GTFO.


There are going to be times where you are a party of one.
It takes a STRONG person to cut paths, and all the liberal crap that is dropped on you.
