MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Tell Page to fucking stop posting shirtl...

Tell Page to fucking stop posting shirtless photos

There’s only so much disgust we can handle. 😡

If we want to see her topless, we’ll watch her in My Days of Mercy:


She looks so happy tho




I need to watch My Days of Mercy.


I get that you are having feelings of confusion being attracted to a male, but it's not your place to tell him what he shouldn't be doing.


Him? I think the confusion is yours..

Page is a biological woman who grossly disfigured herself. It's people applauding this stuff that encourages this type of mutilation.


And what are your qualifications to say what is or isn't transgenderism?

Me? I have none. I don't understand what it's like. I defer to the medical, and psychological community. If you have a cure, please share it with the world so people don't need to suffer needlessly.


And what are your qualifications to say what is or isn't transgenderism?

I have an education, but even the uneducated know that no level of body mutilation, personal beliefs, or unicorn farts will change the gender of a human being.


You mean sex, not gender. Again. You have no expertise in the area so your opinion really isn't worth anything to me.


In the English language, gender is nothing more than a synonym for sex (check a dictionary printed before publishers went woke). The recent overcomplication pretending they mean different things is an illiterate, unscientific leftist social construct. And whether or not my opinion is worth anything to you is irrelevant, since this is a fact, not my opinion.


Yet words have been known to change their meanings over time. Just look at the word awesome. Here are some others

The recent overcomplication pretending they mean different things is an illiterate, unscientific leftist social construct.

Again, that's opinion and not fact. As much as your comment seems to imply that you think that everyone's opinion should have equal weight, I disagree. Again, I'm not a doctor. I'm not someone who has any deep knowledge on what causes gender dysphoria, or someone to be trans. I could scream that these people are mentally ill and should be locked up, but that opinion means nothing because I'm not educated in that area.

I simply don't know what causes it, what makes people feel that way, but I do know that I want to treat people with kindness. Then there are those who seem to think that they need to make rude and mean comments about other people. I no longer feel the need to be kind to those people.

Elliot Page exists in this world as he is. His existence really should have no effect on anyone here, but you all lose your shit over it. It's really, really sad. Maybe he is mentally ill. Maybe there is some sort of mutation. Maybe there is something hormonal. I don't fucking know, but I know that complaining about him showing pictures really says more about the person complaining than it does Elliot.


You mean sex, not gender.

Word salad. Page is saying she's male which is the whole point of her showing her mutilated breasts.

But even forgetting the science here, she's not a male "gender" either even using mutilated language to describe her mutilated body. your opinion really isn't worth anything to me.

I get the same response from flat-earthers and Holocaust deniers who also don't value my opinion. Fair enough - I really don't care what you or they think of my opinion, even if it's scientific fact.




Language is not science.

I am not disputing that Elliot was born with female sex organs. I'm not saying that Elliot doesn't have XX chromosomes. But gender has taken on a different meaning than biological sex whether you like it or not, whether I like it or not. Insulting him on these message boards doesn't actually affect him, so why continue to do it?


You have one thing correct at least - language is not science. But you know what is science? Science...

But gender has taken on a different meaning

What you mean is that people are intentionally misusing the term in an attempt to hijack it. I suspect a lot of confused folks think that by hijacking the term gender, it will somehow change the perception of transvestites. You can call a pile of shit a bouquet of roses, but the science will say otherwise. The term gender has never meant a self proclaimed identity.

Some day, the loons running the world will/will probably accept this definition, but it changes nothing.

Page was never a man and never will be, no matter what she or her "supporters" say she is. Calling her a "he" is just virtue signaling.


Considering the first time someone mentioned that sex and gender were different was 1945, I'm not really seeing your point. By the 1950s it was accepted that sex was biological and gender was a social construct. That hasn't changed.


By the 1950s it was accepted that sex was biological and gender was a social construct.


Now, I'm sure some brain twisted gomer might have said something to that effect back in the 50s (it was the time of reefer madness after all), but otherwise, it's still consensus today that a biologically born male and female can NOT change their "gender" simply by announcing it, despite trying to hijack the term "gender" and erect a Colossus sized straw man in doing so.

Maybe someday, but not yet, and even if the word does get hijacked, the entire strawman argument won't change the fact that Ellen Page will never be a man, even after mutilating her body and changing her name.

She's a female and always will be.


Look up John Money, Robert Stoller, Harry Benjamin, Harriet Holter, Jessie Bernard, Nancy Chodorow, and Ann Oakley for starters. John Money was a controversial figure, but he still stated that sex and gender were different in 1955.



Again, please explain what biology has to do with this? If it's a mental illness like so many of the arguments claim, great. It's a mental illness. What is the treatment?



Great. How?


So you think projectile vomiting is an indication of attraction? Have you seen a therapist?

And as soon as Page starts intruding upon my life by flashing her physically damaged body in public forums, then I have every right in the world to tell her to fucking stop.

Based on your comment, it’s apparent you also think we have no right to tell men not to sexually harass women.


Hey, you're the one making comments on his page. You're the one who claims to be offended by the way someone else looks. So yeah...methinks you doth protest too much.

Based on your comment, it’s apparent you also think we have no right to tell men not to sexually harass women.
Zero correlation, and a pathetic attempt.


to a masochistic exhibitionist, it's absolutely necessary


She pretty fvcked up that one.


It is ironic that you are complaining about her posting the photos then posting a link to the article that has the photo in it.


I know but I wanted to link to what I was referring to.

And no one said you had to click on it. 😊


Actually, I was speaking to my friend about it. I said, "I do not want to click on it". He not only said I should click on it but he "double dog" dared me to click on it. I really had no choice. :)


What do you mean "tell Page"? Do you think I know her?



No matter how many parts she gets chopped off, this is still a chick and always will be.

