People like having something to complain about. They like having an issue to stand for/against. And they'll take any opportunity possible to commence with the fighting. The left, for instance, will look for any excuse possible to yell about racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, et cetera. It doesn't even matter if any of those problems are actually present in something. The left is so eager to fight over it, the pattern-seeking mechanisms in their brain will find evidence for it whether it's there or not. That's what their group does. That's what their tribe does. It makes them feel good to do this. So they do it at every opportunity.
Likewise, the other side likes fighting against wokeness. They'll look for any excuse to do it. They love it. Makes them feel better about themselves to do it (especially if other people can see them doing it). And this particular person is a good lightning rod for that topic. And the media (thankfully for them) brings her up every five minutes. Going by how outspoken she, herself, is about the things she likes to fight over, she no doubt probably enjoys the abuse as much as they like giving it. Because that abuse gives her an excuse to be center stage, standing up for the issues that she and her tribe like to be seen standing up for.
We're all just itching for opportunities to go to war with each other, I think. And we're reveling in whatever topic that comes up which allows us to do that. Page, personally, doesn't matter. If it wasn't her giving us the excuse, it would be someone/something else. Which it probably will be in 5... 4... 3... 2...