MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Crime against humanity

Crime against humanity

Needlessly turning girls into boys is a crime against humanity. People who encourage and enable it, should be arrested and imprisoned.


What's great is, this woman is a woman and always will be. Ellen is a goddamn woman not a man. Anyone who thinks this is a man is a head case, science says there are 2 genders...Too bad you liberal Fucks!


Learn to pronounce
either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
"a condition that affects people of both genders"


"do not correspond to ESTABLISHED ideas of male and female."


That's my point. You fucks better get used to it. It's the future.


It's a fairy tale.


Nope. Crazy activists trying to hijack the word "gender" and bend it into meaning something else than "sex" is not "the future". It's a leftist fad, and it's fading fast. When you have to rewrite the dictionary to suit your cause and prove you "right", you've already lost and are living a lie.


"fading fast."



"The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female."

Those "identities" were all made up in the last 5 years.


So what. You and your pea brain buddies need to get it into your head that this is what it is now. No amount of complaining about it is going to change it. Easier just to accept it. I'd like to know how your opinion would change when your child goes through it.

Herp Derp there was no AIDS in the 30s therefore it's fake... that's your dumb mentality. Do you see ?


Those "identities" are not natural. They are a result of the desire to be special and belong to a special "oppressed" group. They are a symptom of a larger problem of lack of identity among Americans especially White people who are not allowed to have an identity and are seen as evil and oppressors. This video goes through the data and explains this phenomenon.

The best argument against all this pronoun nonsense is that it isn't a legitimate civil rights issue. Blacks and women civil rights issue were legitimate because Blacks and women couldn't help being Black or female. However if you needlessly invent your identity so that you could be seen as being "oppressed" you are not legitimately oppressed and your identity is illegitimate.


"The best argument against all this pronoun nonsense is that it isn't a legitimate civil rights issue."

That's like the worst argument. Trans people aren't oppressed???
They chose to be oppressed? Tell that to a black Trans person...


Black trans are oppressed now?


Only by YOU people...


Might want to look up the meaning of oppressed since you have your altered dictionary bible.

Mentally ill homosexual PEDOS crying because people call them names ... LOL! 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


You're an idiot. People beating gays/Trans to death, is calling them names? Get real, moron.



Or are you referring to the Muslim world?

If so, how does that apply to the west?


One example. Found many too many to post.


Terrible sequence of events, but I'm not sure how this one instance substantiates 'harsh and authoritarian treatment' ie; being oppressed?

It's murder but it's not oppression.


I just said this is one of many...


How many?

Pretty sure people get bashed to death every single day.


There are people out there that want to kill them all. Religious fanatics and the like.. it's oppression whether you say so or not.


Ok, I'll wait for you guys to 'update' your dictionary again I guess 🤣🤣🤣


Learn to pronounce
prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.
"a region shattered by oppression and killing"
ill treatment

Or you can start by actually reading it...


Not applicable in your instance, plus:

subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment.
"the liberation of an oppressed people"


You're wrong.


They always have been...especially black trans women with bigger dicks than you.
Must be fun making out with some guy and he goes downstairs and finds a dick and beats the shit out of you. I can't imagine how much fun that must be for the trans black woman.


Lol found the tranny.

Cry me a fucking river freak.


Straight white male here. But I can understand and empathize with what people have to deal with. Isn't that what life is all about?


If you're still closeted that's cool, seriously.




This person doesn't know what empathy is.


I always acknowledged the rights of people who have real gender dysphoria. People who were screwed by nature of giving them bodies of one sex and brains of another. What I'm talking about here is these non binaries and fake transsexuals. The trans trenders. Ellen Page was perfectly happy identifying as a woman for 33 years of her life. She is not a victim of nature.

And no, Black trans women are not oppressed. You can't have a society where a group is genuinely oppressed and all major institutions tell everyone how they are oppressed and how that is bad. Those two things cannot exist simultaneously. If we are religiously constantly told someone is oppressed by all institutions, they are not really oppressed.


So there are fake Trans people now? Why would someone do that? Makes no sense. You are so full of shit. I'm done with this conversation due to you being dense.


Look at the rise among transgenders in the last 5 years especially among girls. Common sense they are fake and correspond to the modern gender ideology rather than a natural phenomena.


Trans .... Pretenders?


There's no doubt some of them probably are faking. Just as I'm sure there are people who fake being gay or lesbian. But, that doesn't mean we should dismiss everyone and call all this stuff fake and stupid.


Exactly. Respect true transsexuals, but not trend hoppers.


Yes. But you deciding which ones are real or fake does not sit well with me.


It's not me who decides. It's evidence and common sense.


But you are...


I'm giving my views based on evidence and common sense. I don't have the power over anything.


"I'm giving my biased views."

There. Fixed it for you.


on evidence and common sense. If you have a different view, explain why yours is more logical and moral.


I already did. Not my fault you're dense.


Never heard a rational argument from you


Or you.


I always acknowledged the rights of people who have real gender dysphoria. People who were screwed by nature of giving them bodies of one sex and brains of another. What I'm talking about here is these non binaries and fake transsexuals. The trans trenders. Ellen Page was perfectly happy identifying as a woman for 33 years of her life. She is not a victim of nature.

And no, Black trans women are not oppressed. You can't have a society where a group is genuinely oppressed and all major institutions tell everyone how they are oppressed and how that is bad. Those two things cannot exist simultaneously. If we are religiously constantly told someone is oppressed by all institutions, they are not really oppressed.

Your reply:

So there are fake Trans people now? Why would someone do that? Makes no sense. You are so full of shit. I'm done with this conversation due to you being dense.


Thanks for proving my point. You have nothing. If you call that a rational argument you need to look up the definition


I raised several important points. You are dismissing it because you don't have a comeback.


None of those points are important. You're actually missing the point. A person can have gender dysphoria at any age...


If it's later it tends to be more of a social thing, rather than a natural one.


I disagree. Maybe they just kept it in the closet to make life easier.


Or they come across an ideology that seduces them. Trans activists online and such...cowardly psychiatrist who don't dare express dissenting opinion in fear of being labelled "transphobic". All under the cloak of "civil rights".


I need to charge my phone. I'm bowing out because arguing about this with you is like arguing with Jowilli about the definition of impeached... hopeless.


People who have ideological agendas and biases are really deciding weather or not a teenage girls will have her breast removed and you're complaining on some guy on the forum, while not giving any reasons why my reasoning is flawed or wrong.


I already gave reasons. Go back and reread my replies.


You made no rational arguments. Typical liberal moron.


What do you want me to explain Trumptard? I was perfectly clear.


No you weren't. No rational arguments from you.


I said you are a dumbfuck for assuming people are faking being Trans, like Elliot Page. Which HE is not. And you want to get in other people's business and tell them what they should or shouldn't do... it's not your damn business get over yourself.

Come back when you cut your dick off. Your opinion might have merit then...


Faking is a bit of simplistic and a straw man. I don't doubt Ellen is mentally ill. I'm saying her so called transgenderism is not a natural phenomena, but a social one. She was perfectly happy identifying as a woman for 33 years of her life and only "came out" as trans at the peak of popularity of gender ideology. She never felt physically uncomfortable in her body. She does not have genuine gender dysphoria. If she was born in a different time she would have never became trans.


So a man that has lived to 50 and then became a woman and Is happy now, only did it because it's now popular? Give me a break. You're just making shit up.


If he didn't feel disgusted by his own body for the first 50 years, yes. Sex change is dangerous and should only be done when there are no other alternatives.


Did you ever stop to think that it's popular now because more people feel it ok to come out? People are scared to come out because of people like you...


If it's that how come the growth of the trans community is exclusively among the young? Why aren't older people coming out as trans now that's it's more acceptable?


Some are. Some find it easier to stay closeted to keep life simple.


By your logic Kaitlin Jenner is a trend.


Could be. Could be some mental issue that became expressed in older age, that resulted in him deciding o be a woman.




Originally posted by OvertonPendulum:

"Those "identities" are not natural. They are a result of the desire to be special and belong to a special "oppressed" group. They are a symptom of a larger problem of lack of identity among Americans especially White people who are not allowed to have an identity and are seen as evil and oppressors. This video goes through the data and explains this phenomenon."

Are you sure that you're not trying to desire to belong to an oppressed group, the "straight white male"? Are you sure you're not becoming what you hate?

Because I'm white and I've never been told that I was personally an oppressor. If I was told that, I would laugh. But then again, I don't shit all over trans people every chance I get either. So, who knows?

But don't worry, it's OK to be white. When you hear people say, "THE WHITE MAN IS THE OPPRESSOR!!!" they are being hyperbolic and I agree the language can seem dumb and red meat for people like you. But even MLK Jr knew that it was the white people in power who had the power to do something. it isn't your fault personally even though you probably do rant against trans people for hours daily. but progress can get slowed down because of people like you and that's what MLK knew. He wanted white people and black people working together you pinhead.


I am a straight White male and proud of it. The notion that Whites and males are oppressors is a Marxist lie pushed by leftie media and universities in order to cover up for the sex and race differences in IQ. MLK was a plagiarist, rapist, wife beater and a fraud. He didn't even write his own speeches and he plagiarized half of his doctoral thesis.

Because I'm white and I've never been told that I was personally an oppressor. If I was told that, I would laugh. But then again, I don't shit all over trans people every chance I get either. So, who knows?

Personal anecdotes are worthless. Whites today are told they are oppressors by the media, Hollywood and universities.


Yeah and in some countries it's non-white people who are the oppressors but not every non-white person would be an oppressor in that country.

Don't be so personally offended...unless you have a reason to feel guilty...because you hate black people or trans people or something...


*The notion that Whites and males are oppressors is a Marxist lie pushed by leftie media and universities in order to cover up for the sex and race differences in IQ*

Are you talking about how women now have higher IQ than men after generations of being denied access to higher learning? Women now outnumber men on college campuses and hold more advanced degrees than men do. In places such as America, Britain and Australia, where women have had equal access to education in these last years, now rate higher than men. You were saying?

The world is changing, you can change with it or remain ignorant. VIVA LA EDUCACIÓN!


Women don't have higher IQs than men. Women are more common at universities because women are given preferential treatment than men and because men avoid universities due to their ideological biases. Men have a wider curve distribution than women meaning there are more idiots and geniuses while women are more in the average.


Prove me wrong then. How sad and small you are.


Originally posted by OvertonPendulum:

"Those "identities" were all made up in the last 5 years."

Even if that was true, that is a moot point. Every subject throughout history was a "recent subject" at some point.

Besides, Simone de Beauvoir's book, The Second Sex, discusses differences between sex and gender in 1949.
She is from France, too. You can't even bitch that she's just a stupid SJW brainwashed American. 978 fucking pages, too.



It is true. Before 2013 there were only gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. Everything else is invented for the sake of it.

So what if some crazy French ideologue invented differences between sex and gender in 1949? That does not prove that gender is a real thing. It's still an ideological invention.


Would you get a blowjob from her?


fucking educate yourself clown boy. you are mixing up sex and gender


Yeah, don't educate yourself in maths, physics, history - totally useless! Become an expert in gender science instead, that's the idiots' future 🤣


you dont need to take a course to know simple definitions you fucking clown... gender and sex. two different things. derp derp


Besides a few lunatics NOBODY cares. The whole topic is as usefull as the most idiotic conspiracy theory. Give some idiots something to think about. This way they will lose interest in really relevant problems.


The few lunatics are the ones that don't care.


Everything including a conclusion in just 2 minutes. But hey, recently a millennial expressed here that he has difficulties to understand LOB... During the last 4 decades the average IQ dropped down 15 points...


"During the last 4 decades the average IQ dropped down 15 points."

Makes perfect sense. It's due to people wanting to change genders for their mental health. Pfff GTFO with that horse shit. The IQ point drop is all the mental midget Trump lovers...


Oh, and I thought it's all these "geniuses" who cannot stop talking about Trump. Silly me.
Don't turn around! Maybe HE is standing right there...


It is. It's all the ones that want him back, that can't stop talking about him.


So you want him back?


No. I'm not a mental midget.


It was YOU who brought the name up in this thread. I doubt that TDS is less worse than being a mental midget.


It IS YOU that want him back.


Where did I say this? In between there are much more interesting candidates, Rand, DeSantis. You are living in the past...



Lol OK. Good luck with that.


its not about lunacy... its about two words, having two different meanings. long before any recent wokeism.

LOL try again little Petey. this time dont embarrass yourself so hard


What do you think Page is trying to look like by transitioning and getting breast removal?


Yep, you can only try to look like something you are not, not something you already are.


irrelevant. try again


It's much easier to change your mind then your body....this poor young girls brain is not even fully developed.

That along with the atrocities that one sees and endures being part of hollyweird is soul crushing. She has been most likely abused in some way.

A little therapy and some guidance she could be a mother and pass on her dna like nature intended.


"A little therapy"

A therapist would encourage it for mental health. Where have you been? Under a rock apparently.


It's a positive that she's not passing on her DNA.


I think nature is intending not to in this case.


A little therapy and some guidance she could be a mother and pass on her dna like nature intended.

Don't complain then if some people ask for a little therapy and some guidance to cure you from your transphobia.


lol this poor young girls brain is 35!
