"Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life."
As sense or feeling, not literally born in the wrong body. It's in their mind, so why is it mean to acknowledge that?
People who have multiple personalities: in their head. People who believe they would be better off missing a limb (body integrity identity disorder): in their head. But this is taboo. It's mean to say people with gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder have a mental health problem. It's somehow gotten tied into gay rights.
I wanna know how someone concludes they are the wrong gender. If you like things that guys like then you’re a guy, regardless of biology? Or if you “feel” like a guy. How would a woman know what being a guy is supposed to feel like? They’d have no way of knowing.
It's in the damn definition of their conditions. It's unreal. Right there, plain as day. But we're just not allowed to admit it. Every other mental condition out there you are brave for admitting you have it. Our society REWARDS it. But this? Nope, we have to walk on eggshells around these people.
"Gender dysphoria is the FEELING of discomfort or DISTRESS that might occur in people whose gender IDENTITY differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics."
"Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a SENSE OF UNEASE that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender IDENTITY. This sense of unease or DISSATISFACTION may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life."
The way it’s written makes sense. Some seem to claim that the biological sex and the brain’s sex can mismatch as some type of birth defect and that it is an actual fact that they are a mismatch. As though Elliot page somehow got a man’s brain at birth. A person being confused about their sexual identity because of society, upbringing, life experiences, abuse, trauma is reasonable, but to claim their body is in fact the wrong sex… I don’t see how anyone can make this claim.
"How would a woman know what being a guy is supposed to feel like? They’d have no way of knowing."
I know right? I can't even figure out how my wife thinks and feels after decades of marriage, but somehow a teenage or twenty-something boy/man can 'feel' like a female? By definition, that's nonsensical.
It's in their mind, so why is it mean to acknowledge that?
Short answer: Everything is in your mind.
Longer answer: It's the words "mental problem". Calling it a problem at all carries with it a negative connotation, and people (some people) will find that offensive. Why not just call it what it is? Transgender, or Gender dysphoria.
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Cancer isn't in my head. I don't know what point you're trying to make here.
"It's the words "mental problem". Calling it a problem at all carries with it a negative connotation, and people (some people) will find that offensive."
We live in a society that rewards people for saying they have "trauma", depression, anxiety, etc. Acknowledging your problems is brave. Why is it mean to admit trans is a problem?
Birth defects and mental illness are two very different things.
There is a book called ‘as nature made him’. It is the true story of a guy named David, who, in the 1960’s had his penis essentially burned off during a botched foreskin removal. The doctor convinced his parents to give him sex reassignment surgery as an infant and raise him as a girl to remedy the problem.
But he grew up his entire life knowing that he was not a girl and when he found out the truth, it ultimately drove him to suicide.
So, no matter what body you have or how people raise you, you know who you are inside.
If he knew in his mind he was a boy, even though he now physically had girl parts and was being given girl hormones, it makes sense that others would know too.
I think I saw a story about him on 2020 or one of those other Friday/Saturday night news documentary shows. Just awful what happened to him. He didn't chose to do that to himself though, trans people do.
The point, which you have seemed to have missed, is that even though he was in a female body, he knew he was male.
That is literally the exact same thing as a trans person.
"That is literally the exact same thing as a trans person."
No, it's not. Trans people say they are the wrong gender and choose to have surgeries and take pills to try and feel better. This guy was a man who was disfigured and raised a girl. He was never a girl, nor did he choose to be despite being raised as one. He knew he wasn't a girl because....he wasn't one.
And trans people, despite being raised as one sex, know that isnt correct.
Is this a reading comprehension problem? Because I am not able to help you with that. I would suggest reading the book, but that won’t help you if you can’t understand it.
You also live in your head. That is where your brain is. Or where it should be, anyway.
Every thought you have, about gender or literally anything else, is in your head 🤦🏻♀️
I feel like you are trolling now because you cannot seriously not understand that. Right? Like you understand thinking comes from your brain? 😐
I almost positive I saw his story on 2020 or another news magazine show. I didn't recognize him by name, but the second I looked him up, I recognized the face. What happened to him was downright tragic.
Gender is binary, XX, XY, (according to biology), the boy was always male. A 12yo girl can't feel like a boy because she's never been one. Somewhere along the way, she was conditioned to think she is a boy, and vice versa for boys. That's actual science, not social science. The XXY, etc., are genetic defects in the genes and they are rare, and not a gender.
Chromosomic sex is binary. But chromosomes have zero influence in how cells develop. Cells develop as male or female depending on hormones, it's irrelevant whether they're XX or XY, what matters are the hormones.
Many people think that XX cells develop as female and XY cells develop as male. That's a common mistake. Chromosomes influence the dominant hormones, and hormones influence cell development independently of them being XX or XY. There's a genetic disorder where XY cells don't have proper receptors for male hormones, and the result is that the body develops as a standard female one, even though all her cells are XY.
Transsexualism is due to hormonal problems (or hormonal receptor problems) during the development of nervous system in pregnancy during the period the brain is masculinized or feminized.
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No. Very rare genetic defects are being used to justify a social hysteria of gender dysphoria. Reportedly there has been a 4000% increase of sexual dysmorphia in Great Britain. I watched a lecture, (I'll search for and link it if I can find it again) about medical hysterias and social influencers. It boils down to a documented significant increase in self-reported mental disorders among the audiences of social media influencers who discuss disorders on a regular basis. In some cases, the symptoms reported by the influencers didn't match the disorder they claimed to have, or any disorder, but yet those same combinations of symptoms were being reported to health services. Hysteria is real.
Under the 'trans' label you have different groups. You have people with Gender Dysphoria. You have fetishist transvestites that went into hormones and transitioned. And nowadays you have the ones that are likely caused by that hysteria trend you mentioned. Those are completely different things.
I agree, they are different. Homosexuality (fetish), transvestite (fetish), gender dysphoria (mental disorder), and various genetic/chromosomal disorders, all different, but lumped together for political reasons. What we are seeing are young people getting caught up in a fad, and spreading hysteria among young people who feel they don't fit in. Well, no one feels like they fit in, that's the nature of youth, especially when crammed together in schools without familial support where their clothes, looks, and actions are scrutinized constantly in an evolving pecking order. I don't deny there are people who suffer true gender dysphoria but hysteria created for political benefit is hurting kids who are young, impressionable, vulnerable and completely normal but may choose to alter their bodies because they have been conditioned to believe that will relieve feelings of anxiety and help them fit in.
There's a concept called Reverse Dysphoria. It hasn't been proven, but it seems to be real. In theory, Gender Dysphoria happens when you have a female brain in a male body, or a male brain in a female body. It can range from very mild to strong, but that's supposed to be the cause. If a cisgender non-dysphoric person transitions to the opposite gender, chances are he/she will start to experience Gender Dysphoria, which in that case it's called Reverse Dysphoria. It's not something immediate, it's a distress that builds over time. Usually it takes over 4-5 years to build up, even more.
There's a theory in Transmedicalist circles that the current trans hysteria trend is gonna cause a wave of Reverse Dysphoria in a few years.
Thank you for your patience and the links you provided, I will look at them in the coming weeks. I try to be an open-minded person and I research subjects all the time. I have read a couple of papers on transgenderism. Not all the papers cast a positive light on gender reassignment as a treatment. I am also frustrated with progressives who beat the drum that it's science! But if someone has a contrary opinion, like Dawkins, he's dismissed as a bigot. Richard Dawkins is one of the most intelligent scientists of our day. He's thoughtful, patient, polite, and doesn't speak authoritively outside his expertise, which is rare.
It's not a mental problem. It's due to some hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, that feminized the brain in males or masculinized it in females. Once the brain is masculinized or feminized during pregnancy, that's set in stone and won't change until you die.
Gender Dysphoria is what happens when the body is male but the brain is female (or the opposite). It's not an indicator of being mentally ill: it's something that happens to everybody when body and brain gender don't match. During the 70s, some kids were operated at birth because of birth physical problems that screwed the male genitalia. They were operated to have female genitalia and given hormones. They were raised as females. Most of them developed Gender Dysphoria, which is the reason they stopped doing it.
The criteria to diagnose it is an overwhelming desire to belong to the other gender, displeasure with the own body/gender, associated to a feeling of extreme distress that can't be explained by any other cause.
I’m trying to understand how a person can determine whether their brain is male or female. Someone like Elliot Page says they’re actually a male, how is this determined if it’s not by reproductive organs?
So if you woke up tomorrow with a vagina you would no longer believe you were male? There isn’t anything in your brain that helps you identify who you are? Are you a robot?
Not sure how to answer the waking up with a vagina scenario. Maybe if I also had amnesia I could be convinced I was female, I don’t know. But if I simply woke up and someone had surgically make me appear as a female, but with my memory still intact, I would believe I was a mutilated male. This isn’t really answering how someone like Elliot determines their biological sex is incorrect. Do they base it off of what society thinks females and males are supposed to be like, or what they’re supposed to be interested in? How can someone know what being the opposite sex is supposed to feel like?
It just has to do with KNOWING who you are.
It has nothing to do with interests. Any gender can have any interest.
It has to do with your own identity. It’s innate. Kinda like how people generally flock to others like them. You don’t always know what attracts you, but you know that is who you are attracted to.
There's no scan or test that can tell. Gender Dysphoria is considered the main symptom of it. Be aware that Gender Dysphoria is not considered the condition, but a symptom of that condition, which is called Transsexualism.
That doesn't mean that all trans have Gender Dysphoria. People can transition because of others reasons such having a fetish or to affirm their gender expression. Or they can mistake other problems as Gender Dysphoria.
I won't read the book but I will review the author and her papers, thank you. I am curious if you have read the book? Is this the only source you have for brain gender?
If you want to be butch, be butch.
If you want to be fem, be fem.
That's YOU acting out how you "feel."
But, don't tell me you ARE the opposite sex.
It's too difficult to understand. And, you'll never be the opposite sex.
We should just split the difference and allow the gender-confused be honorary members of the other sex if they so choose. It'd be like how honorary military ranks are sometimes given to people who've never served, or honorary college degrees to celebrities who never attended the university. But allowing honorary transgenders to compete in sports against their opposite born sex, forget about it!