MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Why can't we call it a mental problem?

Why can't we call it a mental problem?

"Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life."

As sense or feeling, not literally born in the wrong body. It's in their mind, so why is it mean to acknowledge that?

People who have multiple personalities: in their head. People who believe they would be better off missing a limb (body integrity identity disorder): in their head. But this is taboo. It's mean to say people with gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder have a mental health problem. It's somehow gotten tied into gay rights.


She will commit suicide at some point. There’s no doubt in my mind.


40% chance.


It obviously is a mental problem but it's being pushed as normal by TPTB because it's a nice segue to get people used to and comfortable with Transhumanism. If people are OK with the idea of changing genders, then why not Humans to machines etc and everything in between.


I identity as an Oak Tree. 🌳

I think I'll strip naked, stand in my front yard, and cover myself with leaves.

I'll let you know when the "men in the white coats" come by to pick me up. 😏


Because the left, sexual progressives, academics in the field, etc. have all gotten increasing confused in the past decade or two when it comes to conversations about sexuality and gender, AND sex, that aren't always necessarily intersecting.

For instance, historically, there has been a long-established distinction between gender and sex, and this distinction was still respected back when I was involved academically. But I don't even bother entering the conversation anymore because the people who are more conservative in this regard don't know what I'm talking about, and the people who are more liberal don't know what I'm saying either because they're regurgitating caricatures of perspectives they vaguely heard and mostly misunderstood. And this includes not just laymen, but people who are allegedly more educated or at least are involved in the relevant fields.

Also, interesting that you mention body integrity identity disorder. Honestly, for some cases, it is considered a preferred outcome to go with the surgery. And that's psychologically/medically acceptable.


Can we also call ethnocentrism a mental disorder?


Oh no you can! This thing has funcking mental problems. You're not a guy and NEVER will be one. As any biologist, mabys the judge knows one.


