MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Ellen Page is her name

Ellen Page is her name

She was born female and she will die a female, you don't get to decide what Gender you are, enough of this He/She/They absolute nonsense.


Agreed....This entire 'gender' mindset will either age badly (or eat itself) within the next 5-10 years


*Austin Powers voice* She’s not a man, baby!


Are you angry because you don’t have a say in it? That’s cute.


That's all you got to counter his argument? LOL. You're cute.


Who said I want to counter the argument? I’m not the one deciding how others should live their lives. He/she/it is. LOL etc.


Then you are not one to decide how we call HER. What you are doing is simply encouraging a liar.


Wrong again. Live and let live, pal. I simply choose not to concern myself with other people’s life choices which have absolutely no bearing on my life. That’s hardly encouragement OR outrage. Call Ellen whatever you want. Not gonna stop the sun from coming up tomorrow.

Again, I think it’s cute seeing this profile blowing up with concerned individuals who think their nasty words will make any difference to how an actor decides to live their life.

Bitch and moan if you think it will help. Be my guest 💁‍♂️



Than don't tell me I'm wrong. Live and let live? Let me call her a woman. Because that's what she is. Jeez. So full of contradictions. You are full of it.

People like you (who think they are better than everyone else) are the reason why the world is all fire and fury right now.


No. It's actually people like you who insist their opinion is the only one that matters. Grow up and learn to listen without losing your mind.


This should be on her IMDb profile: "Page is the name and I look like a dame!" 😋


What makes you the arbiter of reality.
Anyone who takes an attitude like your attitudes is invariably - ALWAYS WRONG.


She's still all woman everywhere. That is a fact. You can't decide your sex (any more than you can decide your race) just because you're delusional about it.

If someone says "From now on, I'm not human anymore... I'm a dog." And then I say.. nah man... that's a human. That makes me arbiter of reality ?

Wtf is wrong with you people ?? Oh that's right.. we are the ones ALWAYS WRONG. Of course... because we say things as they are... and not as someone else wants them to be.


If she wants us to call her he/them, then makes makes her the arbiter of reality too.


The fact remains she is a women, and her birth name is Ellen Page.


Why is it you think you have to make a big deal about it then?


Im not , im just stating facts, this so called he they me him is aload of attention seeking bollax, its a fashion thing queers made up to make them feel special.


Stating facts that everyone already knows in an attitudinal way is making a big deal about it.


We are not, she is making a BIG deal about it ...


Well, that is not her right? What is your problem with her deciding to run her life as she sees fit?


My problem is not with her running her life as she sees fit. My problem is to force everyone else (me included) to go along with something that it's not real.

She can call herself "he" and pretend that she's a man. No problem with that. But don't force other people to do the same.

And that's the big deal i was talking about, asking, actually no, DEMANDING that all others agree with her fantasy ...


> My problem is to force everyone else (me included) to go along with something that it's not real.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious you don't care what other people think or what might offend them, and certainly would not want to pay them any undue respect or politeness. And you can justify it call by calling it oppressive political correctness.

You're not likely to encounter Ellen Page hanging out with your nationalist neanderthals so again, what is the big change in your life that is demanded?


It's pretty clear that OTHER people don't care about what I think or how they could offend me and certainly would not want to pay me any respect or politeness. And it is oppressive political correctness.

Are you that dense to not understand that this is a trend and this could influence everyone? It's NOT just Ellen Page that demands this nonsense. Along her there are millions of deranged with reality individuals like you that demand i call her ... him, and it's not just about her, but about any deranged individual that would pretend to be a different gender/sex than his natural one.


What does it cost you?

And if you don't want to do whatever it is ... it is not a demand, it is not a law, just ignore it. You just sound like you think civilization is about to collapse around Ellen Page. There is a much more dangerous person out there pushing us towards civil war and collapse. I still do not understand the importance or urgency of this issue.

Normally I'd just say people who want to comment, argue or pontificate about this subject should be sure they see and understand both sides ... whether they agree or disagree or whatever they think about it.


You do realize that being trans is nothing new right?


"What makes you the arbiter or reality."



i will still call her ellen page and use SHe/HEr pronouns. shes 5'1 girl.


I agree no one can change gender but she can change her name.


Not true!

Ellen Philpotts-Page was his / her name.

She readily dropped the maternal contribution to her double barrelled surname presumably to help her career.

Somewhat surprising though to find that her name itself was pretty much a literal enforcement of the patriarchy...


You can call herself Elliott, I don't care. But I'm not going to say she is a man, because she's not.
