MovieChat Forums > Dedee Pfeiffer Discussion > George Costanza’s Date on Seinfeld

George Costanza’s Date on Seinfeld

The guy really dated out of his league on the show whether he was doting the opposite of his every impulse or just being himself. It frankly strains credulity that Dedee’s character, Victoria would be attracted to an (older) short, balding fat, unemployed man who lived with his parents.


Her character was no doubt tired of liars.


And the "older, short, balding fat, unemployed man who lived with his parents" isn't even the worst of it.
The worst of it was that it was someone with the personality of George.
The only time he ever seemed appealing was that episode where he fell in love with Elaine's boyfriend.
I kind of fell for him on that one LOL


George did make lots of interesting observations like how the word “manure” doesn’t really sound so bad when you break it down into its constituent parts: “ma” with a “nure”.


And when he was the handicapped guy at work just for the special treatment, he had some kind of twisted appeal.


Must have been something in the air when that was filmed. Deedee looked fantastic in that episode. Even the amount of makeup applied did not detract from her appearance.
