Marguerite Should Have A Fan Based Website
Very recently (within the past week) I saw Marguerite in 2 films within 4 days (as funny as it may seem, by complete happenchance), and I think that she is an EXCELLENT actor......I saw her in Queen of the Damned on the Sci-Fi Channel, and she was GREAT in that flick (the broad range of emotions and the complexity of her character showed her enormous talent, and when her hair was up in those little braided knobs when she went to that vampire bar, OOOOOHH she looked SOOOO cute ;) ........hehehehe)....Then, a couple of days later some of my family brought Runaway Juror over for me to watch, and once again I was IMPRESSED....So I got online to see what else she has acted in and if she had any fan based websites, and this is the closest thing I could find........
I saw that there was once a website (based out of the U.K.), but since then it has been closed down or is no longer linking properly for one reason or another.
So I got to thinking, if any of you fans want to help create a fan-based website, let's pool our time and efforts to build one which is impressive and gives her the credit she so deserves.....I am not very good at writing HTML scripts, as I am a catastrophe insurance adjuster by trade (henceforth, building websites is not my specialty since I haven't had the time to learn how to do it properly)....However, if some of you (or at least just one of you) can do the actual HTML script writing, I think very creatively and I can do a lot of the legwork to gather the necessary files, pictures, soundbites (etc etc etc) in order to compose the website properly......And if we can launch this website successfully, I would be willing to pay for the server fees to get the website running via a server corporation which will supply the proper bandwidth and hard drive space necessary to make the website impressive (and worthy of the respect and admiration that marguerite deserves).
Feedback and comments about this idea (whether positive or negative) will be appreciated, and I sincerely hope this idea will materialize.....
odin ;)