MovieChat Forums > Rush Limbaugh Discussion > Who do you see as his successor?

Who do you see as his successor?

Sean Hannity? Glenn Beck? Somebody else?


Donald Trump. That would be interesting.


sounds good to me.


Triumph the Insult Dog


Probably Mark Stein or Tod Herman who have been subbing for him.


Stein maybe. Not Herman, Hannity, nor Beck. No one is just right. Levine is too hard and wound up. Savage is too flippant. No one has his combo of incite, personality, chill, and practice of presenting the full story for you to decide. That last part is especially what made him my go-to source for what the Right Wing are thinking. Nearly impossible to find that practice in Left media.


I think they are the top two candidates. My money is on Mark Steyn, but those are really big shoes to fill.
RIP, Rush. I miss you terribly already.



No one can fill Limbaugh's shoes. He was a force in talk radio. The shows dead without him....


He was a mediocre white guy who gained fame by saying racist and horrible things before the GOP pretty much went and normalized being a bigot. Throw a rock at a Trump rally and chances are good you hit someone every bit as hateful as Rush and perfectly capable of spouting hate into microphone.


Your addiction to empty cliches is impressive.


Please site an example of something racist things he's said?


You know full well the kind of crap that came out of Limbaugh's mouth. So instead of me quoting some of his lowlights and then you responding with something like 'that's not racist, he's just telling it like it is', I'll just say if Rush was your guy, feel free to fuck off right along with him.


I guess it should be pretty easy for you to come up with something racist he said, since its been so much. Instead you got aggressively defensive, almost like you can't actually site an example. Some people might get the idea you're full of shit and just repeat whatever lefty bullshit you get spoonfed.


Fine. Here's a nice list someone already slapped together. Enjoy.


Hmmmm, the best you could do is a racist "black perspective" website that nobody ever heard of , sighting the weakest examples of "racism" that aren't anything near.... written the day he died, I might add (so classy). Its almost as if anyone looking at this objectively would see that link as a desperate attempt to back up a statement that can't be backed up by anything reputable. Its almost like someone might infer you're a desperate loser grasping at straws to try to avoid looking like a complete fucking moron. For the record, you failed, because thats exactly how you look. Obviously you didn't go through the article, because most of the "sources" are links that don't work, and quotes taken out of context. The fact that you used this link at all shows how he absolutely wasn't a racist, or you wouldn't have had to lean on a black bias website that can't even back up it's own sources. How does it feel to be so pathetic?


you are antiFa


No one can fill his shoes. But the show could go on with Mark Steyn or Todd Herman.



A white-haired old geezer who is repugnant to millions of Americans?

Joe Biden of course.

Except, even after he's been cremated or buried, Rush will still have a better awareness of his surroundings than Joe.






Gollum"s BM.


Not funny.


Limbaugh ceased to be Limbaugh years before he died. He traded his conservatism for Trumpism just like Hannity did.

They are all empty shells of what they used to be. There is no replacement.


What's wrong with Trumpism? No more wars. Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Putting America's interests first. That's my kind of Conservatism.


Trumpism isn't reliant enough to keep us out of wars though. Trumpism still got us the super duper weapons deal with the Saudis to commit genocide in Yemen. Trumpism still got us on the brink of war with Iran when the Saudis blamed Iran for the oil field attacks. Putin actually helped us on that one, because Trumpism alone wasn't smart enough to make the call.

The US Embassy in Jerusalem does not benefit us at all. It was meant as a middle finger to any peaceful Palestinian solution that Israel absolutely does not want.

All Trumpism is is the belief in alternative facts. If Trump says it, the Trumpist accepts it.

Sure, I'll take it over neoconservatism, but as I said above, it doesn't outright reject neoconservatism. Trump selected Pence, and put Pompeo and Bolton in his cabinet to appease the neocons.


Moving the Embassy isn't a middle finger to the Palestinians, since the location is in WEST Jerusalem.

Getting back to Limbaugh, he was always honest in who he supported. That's why McCain got no love in 2008.


"Moving the Embassy isn't a middle finger to the Palestinians, since the location is in WEST Jerusalem."

Uhh, hello? East Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.


Exactly! Why should they care about what happens in West Jerusalem, since their claim is on the Eastern part?


Because with the US Embassy in West Jerusalem, it gives Israel full permission from us to continue building on the West Bank which is Palestinian territory, against the wishes of Palestinians.

No peaceful Palestinian solution required. Israel will just keep building.


I feel most of the West Bank should be under Palestinian control, but not all of it.

Rush took a harder line. He didn't believe giving up land would accomplish anything.


With the US Embassy in West Jerusalem, there effectively is no Palestine. It's the US giving the middle finger to Palestine becoming a state.


Rush would've disagreed with you. Were you really a fan or a seminar caller?


Rush has nothing to do with it. You brought up Jerusalem as a benefit of Trumpism. And when you failed to show what the benefit was, you fell back on Rush's approval of it. You're going in circles.


This is a Rush Limbaugh thread, and you didn't answer my question.


I already said my piece about Rush. He ceased to be Limbaugh years before he died. He traded his conservatism for Trumpism. Not because of ideology, but because Trumpism was the winning strategy. Rush proved he only cared about team red scoring a win even if it meant pushing his principles to the side.

If you want real conservatism you'd have to go to people like Romney. They stuck by their principles as the alt-right took over. No more Tea Party thanks to Trumpism. Conservatism is stuck in the backseat until the alt-right conspiracy nonsense is flushed from the party.


"Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem" is very important. Standing up to anti-Semitic Arabs who think it's their holy city. Only Jews and Christians have any claim.

Palestinians have no interest in a two-state solution. The original creation of Israel include all of Mandate Palestine. Biblical Israel was even bigger.


Limbaugh was never Conservative. Conservatives are civilized, and Limbaugh, Trump, FOX News have driven out real Conservatives in favor of barbarian idiots who hate the country and the government and belong to no civilization and who work for the very people they profess to hate.
