Donald Trump

It's obvious he patterned himself after the dictator. Trying to pull off a similar beerhall style coup on Jan 6th at the US Capitol building with his army of racist thugs, whipping them up into a fury beforehand. He certainly is in favor of a Trumpian autocratic dictatorship over a Biden democracy in approach, that much is certain. His continued lies over a stolen election reads like Hitler's "My struggle!".


I love ignorant democrats like the OP. Trumps kids are literally Jewish.

Fucking moron Democrat.


The only thing OP knows about Hitler is that history says Hitler bad. Ergo:

Hitler bad. Orange Man bad.

Orange Man = Hitler

The irony is that libbies don't know how vast the cross section of modern left wing progressiveness is compared to Nazism.


Ivanka is Jewish - converted. But that is neither here nor there, because no one said Trump is like Hitler on the basis of the Holocaust. There are three main points why the comparisons have been made?

1. Hitler attacked the free press, calling them "Lügenpresse" - "lying press". Trump did the exact same thing, calling them "fake news" if, and only if, they were critical of him.
2. Hitler had a failed coup attempt in 1923. The parallels to 2021 are alarming.
3. Hitler blamed society's ills on communists, socialists and ethnic minorities. Trump used the same rhetoric, only against different groups. Is there really any qualitative difference between saying Jews are murderers and rapists, and saying Mexicans are murderers and rapists? This is an efficient strategy when you don't actually have any solutions of your own: BLAME someone. And minorities have always been the go-to targets.


Not even close, if anyone is like Adolf Hitler it’s Diaper Joe and his cult of DemoKKKrats.


I stand by every word I said about Trump. He's a bleeding racist bigot.


Though I'm not a fan of him by any stretch, I've yet to hear him say, or learn of him doing, anything remotely racist or bigoted.


Not a surprise considering you didn’t really say anything other than orange man bad. Congrats lemming, we know what you’ll say before you do.


I'm not a fan of Trump but it's at best problematic to compare him with Hitler. The only time it's valid to compare a politician or party with the Nazis is when they've actually committed mass murder, genocide and war crimes. Maybe we can compare the Interhamwe with the Nazis (because they committed the Rwanda Genocide) but definitely not Trump.


"The only time it's valid to compare a politician or party with the Nazis is when they've actually committed mass murder, genocide and war crimes"

Disagree. Hitler had not done any of those himself until he had already been in power - absolute power, mind you - for six years. And been a prominent political figure for twelve years before that. If you had tried to warn people then about the dangers of Hitler being in power - and there were people who did - you would have been laughed at.

If we are to learn from history, it is not enough to see the parallels after the fact. Then it's way too late. And no, it's not like anyone thinks Trump would ever become a genocidal maniac, but person who is willing to do anything to stay in power is bad enough. We don't have to wait for mass murders to happen before we voice our concerns.


I understand that even in liberal democracies you will find individuals capable of what Hitler did. Would have Trump been one of them in different circumstances? I don't know. However, the important thing to remember about genocide is that there needs to be a unique set of circumstances that allow something like the holocaust to happen (such as erosion of legal/constitutional rights and concerted propaganda to dehumanise targetted groups).


"such as erosion of legal/constitutional rights and concerted propaganda to dehumanise targetted groups)"

In current times USA that is the Progressive playbook.


The Democrat media was calling Trump Hitler at his inauguration. 4 years before the so-called “racist coup” that had no evidence of racism, and no evidence of being a coup.

Chris Mathew’s, lead anchor at MSNBC called Trumps inauguration speech “Hitlarian”. It’s was as laughably absurd as calling the J6 bake sale a coup.

As usual Democrat lemmings spout the usual orange man bad garbage with zero evidence. Sheep are gonna sheep.

Democrats love to exploit and discount the deaths of 6 million Jews at the hands of Hitler. They’re scum. They call Trump, Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Bush, Reagan, Hitler. It’s nothing new. The Democrat party is intellectually bankrupt. No ideas, no solutions, just hate.


Biden is like Stalin


OP shows clear signs of braindamage.


Maybe Trump's no Hitler but he's still bad for America.




Not nearly as bad as who was before and after.


