MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > James Gunn's PG Porn - Nailing Your Wife

James Gunn's PG Porn - Nailing Your Wife

This was on youtube years ago, removed for some reason. PG means no sex or nudity.

Russian site: (click "18")


what a vile human being, how to describe him? A pervert man child? I don't know, he just sucks, good riddance.


So what were you more offended by. Him about to get a blow job or him accidentally putting a nail in her head.


Actor Isaac Kappy is blowing the lid right now on many Pedos in Hollywood right now and actress that just worked with Drew Barrymore in the 80's just tweeted some hairy stuff. Maybe the damns are breaking.


love it.


Stoners are the most reliable sources! I hope they video when he's served all those legal notices.


I almost got it right. Update in above thread: LAPD Goes After Thor Actor Accusing Big Stars of Pedophilia


This guy was in Thor and only role he could get was as the Pet Store Clerk?? Sounds like someone who bitter because he didn't become a big name in Hollywood.


Mal/Richard Castle/Adam from Buffy/Some future Marvel character is a housewives favourite.

I hope that's not in jeopardy.


Oh shit, now we gotta lynch Nathan Fillion too! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE


This one stars Jim Gunn. EatCake will be more outraged!

Roadside Ass-istance

Notice the fake tape dropouts, so it look like it was made in the analog century.
I am downloading from torrent (272MB). Not going to link, someone might report me.


I have to say, that after watching these. I totally understand were his humor was coming from at the time. I really don't think he has anything to apologize for. Especially since Family Guy and South Park have been telling the same type of jokes for last 20 years. Im not a fucking puritan who cant tell the difference between a joke and actually raping cats.


^ only a dimwit or a pedo will use such lies and deflections.

You claim that, like Gunn, Family Guy and South Park make pro child rape comments and endorsements of convicted pedos and pedo right groups ? NO, they don't, they make fun ABOUT pedos and hypocrites. Also, show me where the MAKERS of these shows make such comments personlly like Gunn.

Some tweets during/before Gunn's tenure with Disney as example(excluding fisting or racial stuff)

- "I remember my first NAMBLA (note: North American Man&Boy Love Association) meeting. It was the first time it was ok being who I am. Some of these guys are still my BFFs."

- "...story about a monkey jerking off on a boy, and his cum splash-landed directly on the kid...screaming and freaking out commenced - might be sick, but this story makes me extremely happy"

- "I like the video where he urinates on a child" (about singer R Kelly, a pedophile)

- Husten Huddelston (note: a convicted child pornographer and pedophile) just linked this video about 100 pubescent girls masturbating on my Facebook. "I just came all over my face. "

- "I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Sssh"

- “I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of "The Giving Tree" with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob.”

- “The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me!”

- "Eagle snatches Kid" is what I call it when I get lucky...

- "Tell your 3 year old about me fucking c-3PO, he will appreciate it when older"

- 3 men and a baby these men had sex with #unromanicmovie

- Shower was so weak felt like a 3 year old peeing on my face.

- In my new film jerking off is forbidden and a high school kid he jerks off before the others.

- “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!"

- "I just thought about ass-raping my in he rsleep


Im totally offended. Kidding, That actually was pretty funny.


Then you must not be a hypocritical alt-right snowflake wacko like the OP!

